Solvers for the tomographic reconstruction problem.
@author: Nicola VIGANÒ, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands, and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France
Module Contents
Reconstruction info. |
Initialize the base solver class. |
Implementation of the Filtered Back-Projection (FBP) algorithm. |
Solver class implementing the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (SART) algorithm. |
Initialize the MLEM solver class. |
Initialize the SIRT solver class. |
Initialize the PDHG solver class. |
- corrct.solvers.eps
- corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat
- class corrct.solvers.SolutionInfo(method: str, max_iterations: int, tolerance: Union[float, numpy.floating, None], residual0: float = np.inf, residual0_cv: float = np.inf)[source]
Reconstruction info.
- method: str
- iterations: int
- max_iterations: int
- residual0: Union[float, numpy.floating]
- residual0_cv: Union[float, numpy.floating]
- residuals: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat
- residuals_cv: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat
- tolerance: Union[float, numpy.floating, None]
- property residuals_rel: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat
- property residuals_cv_rel: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat
- class corrct.solvers.Solver(verbose: bool = False, leave_progress: bool = True, relaxation: float = 1.0, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, data_term: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase] = 'l2', data_term_test: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase, None] = None)[source]
Initialize the base solver class.
verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. tolerance : Optional[float], optional Tolerance on the data residual for computing when to stop iterations. The default is None. relaxation : float, optional The relaxation length. The default is 1.0. data_term : Union[str, data_terms.DataFidelityBase], optional Data fidelity term for computing the data residual. The default is “l2”. data_term_test : Optional[data_terms.DataFidelityBase], optional The data fidelity to be used for the test set. If None, it will use the same as for the rest of the data. The default is None.
- upper() str [source]
Return the upper case name of the solver.
str Upper case string name of the solver.
- lower() str [source]
Return the lower case name of the solver.
str Lower case string name of the solver.
- abstract __call__(A: corrct.operators.BaseTransform, b: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) tuple[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, corrct.solvers.SolutionInfo] [source]
Execute the reconstruction of the data.
A : operators.BaseTransform The projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat The data to be reconstructed.
Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction and related information.
- static _initialize_data_fidelity_function(data_term: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase]) corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase [source]
- static _initialize_regularizer(regularizer: Union[corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer, None,[corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer]])[corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer] [source]
- class corrct.solvers.FBP(verbose: bool = False, leave_progress: bool = False, regularizer: Union[[corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer], corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer, None] = None, data_term: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase] = 'l2', fbp_filter: Union[str, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, corrct.filters.Filter] = 'ramp', pad_mode: str = 'constant')[source]
Implementation of the Filtered Back-Projection (FBP) algorithm.
Initialize the Filtered Back-Projection (FBP) algorithm.
verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. leave_progress: bool, optional Leave the progress bar after the computation is finished. The default is True. regularizer : Sequence[regularizers.BaseRegularizer] | regularizers.BaseRegularizer | None, optional NOT USED, only exposed for compatibility reasons. data_term : Union[str, data_terms.DataFidelityBase], optional NOT USED, only exposed for compatibility reasons. fbp_filter : Union[str, NDArrayFloat], optional FBP filter to use. Either a string from scikit-image’s list of
filters, or an array. The default is “ramp”. pad_mode: str, optional The padding mode to use for the linear convolution. The default is “constant”.- __call__(A: corrct.operators.BaseTransform, b: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, iterations: int = 0, x0: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None) tuple[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, corrct.solvers.SolutionInfo] [source]
Reconstruct the data, using the FBP algorithm.
A : BaseTransform Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None.
ValueError In case the data is 1D.
Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and None.
- class corrct.solvers.SART(verbose: bool = False, leave_progress: bool = True, relaxation: float = 1.0, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, data_term: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase] = 'l2', data_term_test: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase, None] = None)[source]
Solver class implementing the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (SART) algorithm.
- compute_residual(A: Callable, b: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, x: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, A_num_rows: int, b_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat]) corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat [source]
Compute the solution residual.
A : Callable The forward projector. b : NDArrayFloat The detector data. x : NDArrayFloat The current solution A_num_rows : int The number of projections. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat] The mask to apply
NDArrayFloat The residual.
- __call__(A: Union[Callable[[numpy.typing.NDArray, int], numpy.typing.NDArray], corrct.projectors.ProjectorUncorrected], b: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, iterations: int, A_num_rows: Optional[int] = None, At: Optional[Callable] = None, x0: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None) tuple[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, corrct.solvers.SolutionInfo] [source]
Reconstruct the data, using the SART algorithm.
A : Union[Callable, BaseTransform] Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. A_num_rows : int Number of projections. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. At : Callable, optional The back-projection operator. This is only needed if the projection operator does not have an adjoint. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None.
Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and the residuals.
- class corrct.solvers.MLEM(verbose: bool = False, leave_progress: bool = True, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, regularizer: Union[[corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer], corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer, None] = None, data_term: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase] = 'kl', data_term_test: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase, None] = None)[source]
Initialize the MLEM solver class.
This class implements the Maximul Likelihood Expectation Maximization (MLEM) algorithm.
verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. leave_progress: bool, optional Leave the progress bar after the computation is finished. The default is True. tolerance : Optional[float], optional Tolerance on the data residual for computing when to stop iterations. The default is None. regularizer : Sequence[regularizers.BaseRegularizer] | regularizers.BaseRegularizer | None, optional Regularizer to be used. The default is None. data_term : Union[str, data_terms.DataFidelityBase], optional Data fidelity term for computing the data residual. The default is “l2”. data_term_test : Optional[data_terms.DataFidelityBase], optional The data fidelity to be used for the test set. If None, it will use the same as for the rest of the data. The default is None.
- __call__(A: corrct.operators.BaseTransform, b: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, iterations: int, x0: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, b_test_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None) tuple[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, corrct.solvers.SolutionInfo] [source]
Reconstruct the data, using the MLEM algorithm.
A : BaseTransform Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None. b_test_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Test data mask. The default is None.
Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and the residuals.
- class corrct.solvers.SIRT(verbose: bool = False, leave_progress: bool = True, relaxation: float = 1.95, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, regularizer: Union[[corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer], corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer, None] = None, data_term: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase] = 'l2', data_term_test: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase, None] = None)[source]
Initialize the SIRT solver class.
This class implements the Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) algorithm.
verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. leave_progress: bool, optional Leave the progress bar after the computation is finished. The default is True. tolerance : Optional[float], optional Tolerance on the data residual for computing when to stop iterations. The default is None. relaxation : float, optional The relaxation length. The default is 1.95. regularizer : Sequence[regularizers.BaseRegularizer] | regularizers.BaseRegularizer | None, optional Regularizer to be used. The default is None. data_term : Union[str, data_terms.DataFidelityBase], optional Data fidelity term for computing the data residual. The default is “l2”. data_term_test : Optional[data_terms.DataFidelityBase], optional The data fidelity to be used for the test set. If None, it will use the same as for the rest of the data. The default is None.
- __call__(A: corrct.operators.BaseTransform, b: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, iterations: int, x0: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, b_test_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None) tuple[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, corrct.solvers.SolutionInfo] [source]
Reconstruct the data, using the SIRT algorithm.
A : BaseTransform Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None. b_test_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Test data mask. The default is None.
Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and the residuals.
- class corrct.solvers.PDHG(verbose: bool = False, leave_progress: bool = True, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, relaxation: float = 0.95, regularizer: Union[[corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer], corrct.regularizers.BaseRegularizer, None] = None, data_term: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase] = 'l2', data_term_test: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase, None] = None)[source]
Initialize the PDHG solver class.
PDHG stands for primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm from Chambolle and Pock.
verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. leave_progress: bool, optional Leave the progress bar after the computation is finished. The default is True. tolerance : Optional[float], optional Tolerance on the data residual for computing when to stop iterations. The default is None. relaxation : float, optional The relaxation length. The default is 0.95. regularizer : Sequence[regularizers.BaseRegularizer] | regularizers.BaseRegularizer | None, optional Regularizer to be used. The default is None. data_term : Union[str, data_terms.DataFidelityBase], optional Data fidelity term for computing the data residual. The default is “l2”. data_term_test : Optional[data_terms.DataFidelityBase], optional The data fidelity to be used for the test set. If None, it will use the same as for the rest of the data. The default is None.
- static _initialize_data_fidelity_function(data_term: Union[str, corrct.data_terms.DataFidelityBase])[source]
- power_method(A: corrct.operators.BaseTransform, b: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, iterations: int = 5) tuple[numpy.floating,[int], numpy.typing.DTypeLike] [source]
Compute the l2-norm of the operator A, with the power method.
A : BaseTransform Operator whose l2-norm needs to be computed. b : NDArrayFloat The data vector. iterations : int, optional Number of power method iterations. The default is 5.
Tuple[float, Tuple[int], DTypeLike] The l2-norm of A, and the shape and type of the solution.
- _get_data_sigma_tau_unpreconditioned(A: corrct.operators.BaseTransform, b: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat)[source]
- __call__(A: corrct.operators.BaseTransform, b: corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, iterations: int, x0: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, b_test_mask: Optional[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat] = None, precondition: bool = True) tuple[corrct.solvers.NDArrayFloat, corrct.solvers.SolutionInfo] [source]
Reconstruct the data, using the PDHG algorithm.
A : BaseTransform Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None. b_test_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Test data mask. The default is None. precondition : bool, optional Whether to use the preconditioned version of the algorithm. The default is True.
Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and the residuals.