
Tomographic projector backends.

@author: Nicola VIGANÒ, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands, and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France

Module Contents



Base abstract projector backend class. All backends should inherit from this class.


Projector backend based on scikit-image.


Projector backend based on astra-toolbox.


Experimental astra-toolbox functions projector.



Compute the attenuation volume for the given local attenuation, and angle.


corrct._projector_backends.compute_attenuation(vol: numpy.typing.NDArray, angle_rad: float, invert: bool = False) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Compute the attenuation volume for the given local attenuation, and angle.


vol : NDArray The local attenuation volume. angle_rad : float The angle along which to compute the attenuation. invert : bool, optional Whether to invert propagation direction. The default is False.


NDArray The attenuation volume.

class corrct._projector_backends.ProjectorBackend[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base abstract projector backend class. All backends should inherit from this class.


Initialize base abstract projector backend class.

vol_geom: corrct.models.VolumeGeometry


vol_shape_zxy: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.integer]


angles_w_rad: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.floating]


prj_shape_vwu: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.integer]


prj_shape_vu: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.integer]


is_initialized: bool


is_ready: bool


initialize_geometry(vol_geom: corrct.models.VolumeGeometry, angles_rot_rad: Union[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.typing.NDArray], rot_axis_shift_pix: Union[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.typing.NDArray, None] = None, prj_geom: Optional[corrct.models.ProjectionGeometry] = None, create_single_projs: bool = False)[source]

Initialize the projector geometry.


vol_geom : VolumeGeometry The volume geometry. angles_rot_rad : ArrayLike | NDArray The projection angles. rot_axis_shift_pix : float | NDArray | None, optional Relative position of the rotation center with respect to the volume center. The default is None. prj_geom : ProjectionGeometry, optional The fully specified projection geometry. When active, the rotation axis shift is ignored. The default is None. create_single_projs : bool, optional Whether to create projectors for single projections. Used for corrections and SART. The default is False.

get_vol_shape() numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Return the expected and produced volume shape (in ZXY coordinates).


NDArray The volume shape.

get_prj_shape() numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Return the expected and produced projection shape (in VWU coordinates).


NDArray The projection shape.

make_ready() None[source]

Initialize the projector.

It should make sure that all the resources have been allocated.

dispose() None[source]

De-initialize the projector.

It should make sure that all the resources have been de-allocated.


De-initialize projector on deletion.

__repr__() str[source]

Build a string representation of the projector backend.


str The representation of the projector.

abstract fp(vol: numpy.typing.NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Forward-project volume.

Forward-projection interface. Derived backends need to implement this method.


vol : NDArray The volume to forward-project. angle_ind : int, optional The angle index to foward project. The default is None.

abstract bp(prj: numpy.typing.NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Back-project data.

Back-projection interface. Derived backends need to implement this method.


prj : NDArray The sinogram to back-project or a single line. angle_ind : int, optional The angle index to foward project. The default is None.

class corrct._projector_backends.ProjectorBackendSKimage[source]

Bases: corrct._projector_backends.ProjectorBackend

Projector backend based on scikit-image.


Initialize scikit-image projector backend class.

initialize_geometry(vol_geom: corrct.models.VolumeGeometry, angles_rot_rad: Union[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.typing.NDArray], rot_axis_shift_pix: Union[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.typing.NDArray, None] = None, prj_geom: Optional[corrct.models.ProjectionGeometry] = None, create_single_projs: bool = False)[source]

Initialize projector backend based on scikit-image.


vol_geom : VolumeGeometry The volume shape. angles_rot_rad : ArrayLike The projection angles. rot_axis_shift_pix : float | NDArray | None, optional Relative position of the rotation center with respect to the volume center. The default is None. NOT SUPPORTED: if anything else than None is passed, it will throw an error! prj_geom : ProjectionGeometry, optional The fully specified projection geometry. When active, the rotation axis shift is ignored. The default is None. NOT SUPPORTED: if anything else than None is passed, it will throw an error! create_single_projs : bool, optional Whether to create projectors for single projections. Used for corrections and SART. The default is False.


ValueError In case the volume dimensionality is larger than 2D, and if a rotation axis shift is passed.

static _set_filter_name(filt)[source]
static _set_bpj_size(output_size)[source]
fp(vol: numpy.typing.NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Forward-projection of the volume to the sinogram or a single sinogram line.


vol : NDArray The volume to forward-project. angle_ind : int, optional The angle index to foward project. The default is None.


NDArray The forward-projected sinogram or sinogram line.

bp(prj: numpy.typing.NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Back-projection of a single sinogram line to the volume.


prj : NDArray The sinogram to back-project or a single line. angle_ind : int, optional The angle index to foward project. The default is None.


NDArray The back-projected volume.

class corrct._projector_backends.ProjectorBackendASTRA(super_sampling: int = 1)[source]

Bases: corrct._projector_backends.ProjectorBackend

Projector backend based on astra-toolbox.


Initialize the ASTRA projector backend.


super_sampling : int, optional Super sampling factor for the pixels and voxels, by default 1.

proj_id: List


astra_vol_geom: Mapping


proj_geom_ind: Sequence[Mapping]


proj_geom_all: Mapping


initialize_geometry(vol_geom: corrct.models.VolumeGeometry, angles_rot_rad: Union[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.typing.NDArray], rot_axis_shift_pix: Union[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.typing.NDArray, None] = None, prj_geom: Optional[corrct.models.ProjectionGeometry] = None, create_single_projs: bool = False)[source]

Initialize geometry of projector backend based on astra-toolbox.


vol_geom : VolumeGeometry The volume shape. angles_rot_rad : ArrayLike The projection angles. rot_axis_shift_pix : float | NDArray | None, optional Relative position of the rotation center with respect to the volume center. The default is None. prj_geom : ProjectionGeometry, optional The fully specified projection geometry. When active, the rotation axis shift is ignored. The default is None. create_single_projs : bool, optional Whether to create projectors for single projections. Used for corrections and SART. The default is False.


ValueError In case the volume dimensionality is larger than 2D and CUDA is not available.

make_ready() None[source]

Initialize the ASTRA projectors.

_check_data(x: numpy.typing.NDArray, expected_shape: Union[Sequence[int], numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.integer]]) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]
_check_prj_shape(prj: numpy.typing.NDArray) None[source]
dispose() None[source]

De-initialize the ASTRA projectors.

fp(vol: numpy.typing.NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Apply forward-projection of the volume to the sinogram or a single sinogram line.


vol : NDArray The volume to forward-project. angle_ind : int | None, optional The angle index to forward project. The default is None.


NDArray The forward-projected sinogram or sinogram line.

bp(prj: numpy.typing.NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Apply back-projection of a single sinogram line to the volume.


prj : NDArray The sinogram to back-project or a single line. angle_ind : int | None, optional The angle index to forward project. The default is None.


NDArray The back-projected volume.

class corrct._projector_backends.ProjectorBackendDirectASTRA(super_sampling: int = 1)[source]

Bases: corrct._projector_backends.ProjectorBackendASTRA

Experimental astra-toolbox functions projector.


Initialize the ASTRA projector backend.


super_sampling : int, optional Super sampling factor for the pixels and voxels, by default 1.

astra_vol_shape: Sequence


astra_prj_shape: Sequence


astra_angle_prj_shape: Sequence


angle_prj_shape: Sequence


initialize_geometry(vol_geom: corrct.models.VolumeGeometry, angles_rot_rad: Union[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.typing.NDArray], rot_axis_shift_pix: Union[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.typing.NDArray, None] = None, prj_geom: Optional[corrct.models.ProjectionGeometry] = None, create_single_projs: bool = False)[source]

Initialize projector backend based on experimental astra-toolbox functions.


vol_geom : VolumeGeometry The volume shape. angles_rot_rad : ArrayLike The projection angles. rot_axis_shift_pix : float, optional Relative position of the rotation center with respect to the volume center. The default is 0.0. geom : ProjectionGeometry, optional The fully specified projection geometry. When active, the rotation axis shift is ignored. The default is None. create_single_projs : bool, optional Whether to create projectors for single projections. Used for corrections and SART. The default is False.


ValueError In case CUDA is not available.


Initialize the ASTRA projectors.

fp(vol: numpy.typing.NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Apply forward-projection of the volume to the sinogram or a single sinogram line.


vol : NDArray The volume to forward-project. angle_ind : int | None, optional The angle index to forward project. The default is None.


NDArray The forward-projected sinogram or sinogram line.

bp(prj: numpy.typing.NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Apply back-projection of a single sinogram line to the volume.


prj : NDArray The sinogram to back-project or a single line. angle_ind : int | None, optional The angle index to forward project. The default is None.


NDArray The back-projected volume.