Source code for corrct._projector_backends

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tomographic projector backends.

@author: Nicola VIGANĂ’, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands,
and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France

import numpy as np
import skimage
import skimage.transform as skt

from . import filters
from .models import ProjectionGeometry, VolumeGeometry

from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union, Mapping, List
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

    import astra

    has_astra = True
    has_cuda = astra.astra.use_cuda()
    if not has_cuda:
            "WARNING: CUDA is not available. Only 2D operations on CPU are available (scikit-image will be used as default)."
except ImportError:
    has_astra = False
    has_cuda = False
    print("WARNING: ASTRA is not available. Only 2D operations on CPU are available (scikit-image will be used).")

if has_cuda:
        import astra.experimental

        has_astra_direct = True
    except ImportError:
        has_astra_direct = False
        print("WARNING: the experimental ASTRA direct interface is not available. The traditional interface will be used.")

[docs] def compute_attenuation(vol: NDArray, angle_rad: float, invert: bool = False) -> NDArray: """ Compute the attenuation volume for the given local attenuation, and angle. Parameters ---------- vol : NDArray The local attenuation volume. angle_rad : float The angle along which to compute the attenuation. invert : bool, optional Whether to invert propagation direction. The default is False. Returns ------- NDArray The attenuation volume. """ def pad_vol(vol: NDArray, edges: Sequence[int]): paddings = np.zeros((len(vol.shape), 1), dtype=int) paddings[-2], paddings[-1] = edges[0], edges[1] return np.pad(vol, paddings, mode="constant") def compute_cumsum(vol: NDArray, rot_angle_deg: float): vol = skt.rotate(vol, -rot_angle_deg, order=1, clip=False) vol += np.roll(vol, 1, axis=-2) vol = np.cumsum(vol / 2, axis=-2) return skt.rotate(vol, rot_angle_deg, order=1, clip=False) size_lims = np.array(vol.shape[-2:]) min_size = np.ceil(np.sqrt(np.sum(size_lims**2))) edges = np.ceil((min_size - size_lims) / 2).astype(int) if invert: angle_rad += np.pi rot_angle_deg = np.rad2deg(angle_rad) cum_arr = pad_vol(vol, edges) if cum_arr.ndim > 2: prev_shape = np.array(cum_arr.shape, ndmin=1) num_slices =[:-2]) cum_arr = cum_arr.reshape([num_slices, *prev_shape[-2:]]) for ii in range(num_slices): cum_arr[ii] = compute_cumsum(cum_arr[ii], rot_angle_deg) cum_arr = cum_arr.reshape(prev_shape) else: cum_arr = compute_cumsum(cum_arr, rot_angle_deg) cum_arr = cum_arr[..., edges[0] : -edges[0], edges[1] : -edges[1]] cum_arr = np.exp(-cum_arr) return cum_arr
[docs] class ProjectorBackend(ABC): """Base abstract projector backend class. All backends should inherit from this class.""" vol_geom: VolumeGeometry vol_shape_zxy: NDArray[np.integer] angles_w_rad: NDArray[np.floating] prj_shape_vwu: NDArray[np.integer] prj_shape_vu: NDArray[np.integer] is_initialized: bool is_ready: bool def __init__(self): """Initialize base abstract projector backend class.""" self.is_initialized = False self.is_ready = False
[docs] def initialize_geometry( self, vol_geom: VolumeGeometry, angles_rot_rad: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray], rot_axis_shift_pix: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray, None] = None, prj_geom: Optional[ProjectionGeometry] = None, create_single_projs: bool = False, ): """Initialize the projector geometry. Parameters ---------- vol_geom : VolumeGeometry The volume geometry. angles_rot_rad : ArrayLike | NDArray The projection angles. rot_axis_shift_pix : float | NDArray | None, optional Relative position of the rotation center with respect to the volume center. The default is None. prj_geom : ProjectionGeometry, optional The fully specified projection geometry. When active, the rotation axis shift is ignored. The default is None. create_single_projs : bool, optional Whether to create projectors for single projections. Used for corrections and SART. The default is False. """ self.vol_geom = vol_geom self.vol_shape_zxy = self.vol_geom.shape_zxy self.angles_w_rad = np.array(angles_rot_rad, ndmin=1, dtype=np.float32) self.vol_eff_shape_zxy = np.floor(self.vol_shape_zxy * self.vol_geom.vox_size).astype(int) # Basic sizes, unless overridden self.prj_shape_vwu = np.array( [*self.vol_eff_shape_zxy[:-2], len(self.angles_w_rad), self.vol_eff_shape_zxy[-1]], dtype=int ) self.prj_shape_vu = np.array([*self.vol_eff_shape_zxy[:-2], 1, self.vol_eff_shape_zxy[-1]], dtype=int) self.has_individual_projs = create_single_projs self.is_initialized = True
[docs] def get_vol_shape(self) -> NDArray: """Return the expected and produced volume shape (in ZXY coordinates). Returns ------- NDArray The volume shape. """ return self.vol_shape_zxy
[docs] def get_prj_shape(self) -> NDArray: """Return the expected and produced projection shape (in VWU coordinates). Returns ------- NDArray The projection shape. """ return self.prj_shape_vwu
[docs] def make_ready(self) -> None: """Initialize the projector. It should make sure that all the resources have been allocated. """ self.is_ready = True
[docs] def dispose(self) -> None: """De-initialize the projector. It should make sure that all the resources have been de-allocated. """ self.is_ready = False
[docs] def __del__(self): """De-initialize projector on deletion.""" if self.is_ready: self.dispose()
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Build a string representation of the projector backend. Returns ------- str The representation of the projector. """ class_name = f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " if self.is_initialized: return ( class_name + "{\n" + f" Shape vol ZXY: {self.get_vol_shape()}\n" + f" Shape prj VWU: {self.get_prj_shape()}\n" + f" Angles (deg): {np.rad2deg(self.angles_w_rad)}\n" + "}" ) else: return class_name + "{ Not initialized! }"
[docs] @abstractmethod def fp(self, vol: NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) -> NDArray: """Forward-project volume. Forward-projection interface. Derived backends need to implement this method. Parameters ---------- vol : NDArray The volume to forward-project. angle_ind : int, optional The angle index to foward project. The default is None. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def bp(self, prj: NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) -> NDArray: """Back-project data. Back-projection interface. Derived backends need to implement this method. Parameters ---------- prj : NDArray The sinogram to back-project or a single line. angle_ind : int, optional The angle index to foward project. The default is None. """
[docs] class ProjectorBackendSKimage(ProjectorBackend): """Projector backend based on scikit-image.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize scikit-image projector backend class.""" super().__init__() self.is_ready = True
[docs] def initialize_geometry( self, vol_geom: VolumeGeometry, angles_rot_rad: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray], rot_axis_shift_pix: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray, None] = None, prj_geom: Optional[ProjectionGeometry] = None, create_single_projs: bool = False, ): """Initialize projector backend based on scikit-image. Parameters ---------- vol_geom : VolumeGeometry The volume shape. angles_rot_rad : ArrayLike The projection angles. rot_axis_shift_pix : float | NDArray | None, optional Relative position of the rotation center with respect to the volume center. The default is None. NOT SUPPORTED: if anything else than None is passed, it will throw an error! prj_geom : ProjectionGeometry, optional The fully specified projection geometry. When active, the rotation axis shift is ignored. The default is None. NOT SUPPORTED: if anything else than None is passed, it will throw an error! create_single_projs : bool, optional Whether to create projectors for single projections. Used for corrections and SART. The default is False. Raises ------ ValueError In case the volume dimensionality is larger than 2D, and if a rotation axis shift is passed. """ if vol_geom.is_3D(): raise ValueError("With the scikit-image backend, only 2D volumes are allowed!") if rot_axis_shift_pix is not None: raise ValueError("With the scikit-image backend, rotation axis shifts are not supported!") if prj_geom is not None: raise ValueError("With the scikit-image backend, `ProjectionGeometry` is not supported!") super().initialize_geometry(vol_geom, angles_rot_rad, create_single_projs=create_single_projs) self.angles_w_deg = np.rad2deg(self.angles_w_rad)
[docs] @staticmethod def _set_filter_name(filt): if skimage.__version__ >= "0.18": return dict(filter_name=filt) else: return dict(filter=filt)
[docs] @staticmethod def _set_bpj_size(output_size): return dict(circle=False, output_size=output_size)
[docs] def fp(self, vol: NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) -> NDArray: """Forward-projection of the volume to the sinogram or a single sinogram line. Parameters ---------- vol : NDArray The volume to forward-project. angle_ind : int, optional The angle index to foward project. The default is None. Returns ------- NDArray The forward-projected sinogram or sinogram line. """ if angle_ind is None: prj = np.empty(self.prj_shape_vwu, dtype=vol.dtype) for ii_a, a in enumerate(self.angles_w_deg): prj[ii_a, :] = np.squeeze(skt.radon(vol, [a])) return prj else: return np.squeeze(skt.radon(vol, self.angles_w_deg[angle_ind : angle_ind + 1 :]))
[docs] def bp(self, prj: NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) -> NDArray: """Back-projection of a single sinogram line to the volume. Parameters ---------- prj : NDArray The sinogram to back-project or a single line. angle_ind : int, optional The angle index to foward project. The default is None. Returns ------- NDArray The back-projected volume. """ filter_name = self._set_filter_name(None) bpj_size = self._set_bpj_size(self.vol_shape_zxy[-1]) if angle_ind is None: vol = np.empty([self.prj_shape_vwu[-2], *self.vol_shape_zxy], dtype=prj.dtype) for ii_a, a in enumerate(self.angles_w_deg): vol[ii_a, ...] = skt.iradon(prj[ii_a, :, np.newaxis], [a], **bpj_size, **filter_name) vol = vol.sum(axis=0) else: vol = skt.iradon(prj[:, np.newaxis], self.angles_w_deg[angle_ind : angle_ind + 1 :], **bpj_size, **filter_name) return vol * 2 / np.pi
[docs] class ProjectorBackendASTRA(ProjectorBackend): """Projector backend based on astra-toolbox.""" proj_id: List astra_vol_geom: Mapping proj_geom_ind: Sequence[Mapping] proj_geom_all: Mapping def __init__(self, super_sampling: int = 1): """Initialize the ASTRA projector backend. Parameters ---------- super_sampling : int, optional Super sampling factor for the pixels and voxels, by default 1. """ super().__init__() self.super_sampling = super_sampling
[docs] def initialize_geometry( self, vol_geom: VolumeGeometry, angles_rot_rad: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray], rot_axis_shift_pix: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray, None] = None, prj_geom: Optional[ProjectionGeometry] = None, create_single_projs: bool = False, ): """Initialize geometry of projector backend based on astra-toolbox. Parameters ---------- vol_geom : VolumeGeometry The volume shape. angles_rot_rad : ArrayLike The projection angles. rot_axis_shift_pix : float | NDArray | None, optional Relative position of the rotation center with respect to the volume center. The default is None. prj_geom : ProjectionGeometry, optional The fully specified projection geometry. When active, the rotation axis shift is ignored. The default is None. create_single_projs : bool, optional Whether to create projectors for single projections. Used for corrections and SART. The default is False. Raises ------ ValueError In case the volume dimensionality is larger than 2D and CUDA is not available. """ if vol_geom.is_3D() and not has_cuda: raise ValueError("CUDA is not available: only 2D volumes are allowed!") if not (rot_axis_shift_pix is None or isinstance(rot_axis_shift_pix, (int, float, Sequence, np.ndarray))): raise ValueError( "Rotation axis shift should either be None or one of the following: int, a float or a sequence of floats" + f" ({type(rot_axis_shift_pix)} given instead)." ) super().initialize_geometry(vol_geom, angles_rot_rad, create_single_projs=create_single_projs) self.proj_id = [] self.dispose() num_angles = self.angles_w_rad.size if self.vol_geom.is_3D(): self.astra_vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(*vol_geom.shape_xyz[list([1, 0, 2])], *self.vol_geom.extent) if prj_geom is None: prj_geom = ProjectionGeometry.get_default_parallel(geom_type="3d", rot_axis_shift_pix=rot_axis_shift_pix) if prj_geom.det_shape_vu is None: prj_geom.det_shape_vu = np.array(self.prj_shape_vwu[list([-3, -1])], dtype=int) else: # Here the projections are supposed to be larger or smaller than the sample size self.prj_shape_vwu = np.array([*prj_geom.det_shape_vu[:-1], num_angles, prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-1]]) self.prj_shape_vu = np.array([*prj_geom.det_shape_vu[:-1], 1, prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-1]]) rot_geom = prj_geom.rotate(self.angles_w_rad) vectors = np.empty([num_angles, 12]) # source / beam direction vectors[:, 0:3] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("src_pos_xyz") # center of detector vectors[:, 3:6] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("det_pos_xyz") # vector from detector pixel (0, 0) to (0, 1) vectors[:, 6:9] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("det_u_xyz") # vector from detector pixel (0, 0) to (1, 0) vectors[:, 9:12] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("det_v_xyz") geom_type_str = prj_geom.geom_type else: self.astra_vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(*vol_geom.shape_xyz[list([1, 0])], *self.vol_geom.extent) if prj_geom is None: prj_geom = ProjectionGeometry.get_default_parallel(geom_type="2d", rot_axis_shift_pix=rot_axis_shift_pix) if prj_geom.det_shape_vu is None: prj_geom.det_shape_vu = np.array(self.prj_shape_vwu[list([-1])], dtype=int) else: # Here the projections are supposed to be larger or smaller than the sample size self.prj_shape_vwu = np.array([num_angles, prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-1]]) self.prj_shape_vu = np.array([1, prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-1]]) rot_geom = prj_geom.rotate(self.angles_w_rad, patch_astra_2d=True) vectors = np.empty([num_angles, 6]) # source / beam direction vectors[:, 0:2] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("src_pos_xyz") # center of detector vectors[:, 2:4] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("det_pos_xyz") # vector from detector pixel 0 to 1 vectors[:, 4:6] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("det_u_xyz") geom_type_str = prj_geom.geom_type[:-2] vectors /= vol_geom.vox_size if self.has_individual_projs: self.proj_geom_ind = [ astra.create_proj_geom(geom_type_str + "_vec", *prj_geom.det_shape_vu, vectors[ii : ii + 1 :, :]) for ii in range(num_angles) ] self.proj_geom_all = astra.create_proj_geom(geom_type_str + "_vec", *prj_geom.det_shape_vu, vectors)
# def get_vol_shape(self) -> NDArray: # """Return the expected and produced volume shape (in ZYX coordinates). # Returns # ------- # NDArray # The volume shape. # """ # return astra.functions.geom_size(self.astra_vol_geom) # def get_prj_shape(self) -> NDArray: # """Return the expected and produced projection shape (in VWU coordinates). # Returns # ------- # NDArray # The projection shape. # """ # return astra.functions.geom_size(self.proj_geom_all)
[docs] def make_ready(self) -> None: """Initialize the ASTRA projectors.""" if not self.is_ready: if self.vol_geom.is_3D(): projector_type = "cuda3d" self.algo_type = "3D_CUDA" self.data_mod = astra.data3d else: if has_cuda: projector_type = "cuda" self.algo_type = "_CUDA" else: projector_type = "linear" self.algo_type = "" self.data_mod = astra.data2d voxel_sampling = int(self.super_sampling * np.fmax(1, self.vol_geom.vox_size)) pixel_sampling = int(self.super_sampling / np.fmin(1, self.vol_geom.vox_size)) opts = {"VoxelSuperSampling": voxel_sampling, "DetectorSuperSampling": pixel_sampling} if self.has_individual_projs: self.proj_id = [ astra.create_projector(projector_type, pg, self.astra_vol_geom, opts) for pg in self.proj_geom_ind ] self.proj_id.append(astra.create_projector(projector_type, self.proj_geom_all, self.astra_vol_geom, opts)) super().make_ready()
[docs] def _check_data(self, x: NDArray, expected_shape: Union[Sequence[int], NDArray[np.integer]]) -> NDArray: if x.dtype != np.float32: x = x.astype(np.float32) if not x.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]: x = np.ascontiguousarray(x) try: return x.reshape(np.array(expected_shape, ndmin=1)) except ValueError: print(f"Could not reshape input data of shape={x.shape} into expected shape={expected_shape}") raise
[docs] def _check_prj_shape(self, prj: NDArray) -> None: inds_vu = [ind for ind in range(-len(self.prj_shape_vu), 0) if self.prj_shape_vu[ind] > 1] expected_prj_shape_vu = self.prj_shape_vu[inds_vu] given_prj_shape_vu = np.array(prj.shape)[inds_vu] if np.any(given_prj_shape_vu != expected_prj_shape_vu): raise ValueError( f"Expected prj shape (VU: {expected_prj_shape_vu} - likely inferred from `vol_geom`)," f" and passed prj shape (VU: {given_prj_shape_vu}) from the projection data, do not match.\n" "If you intend to use projection shapes different from the volume shape, please adjust" " the `prj_geom` object's `det_shape_vu` accordingly." )
[docs] def dispose(self) -> None: """De-initialize the ASTRA projectors.""" for p in self.proj_id: astra.projector.delete(p) self.proj_id = [] super().dispose()
[docs] def fp(self, vol: NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) -> NDArray: """Apply forward-projection of the volume to the sinogram or a single sinogram line. Parameters ---------- vol : NDArray The volume to forward-project. angle_ind : int | None, optional The angle index to forward project. The default is None. Returns ------- NDArray The forward-projected sinogram or sinogram line. """ self.make_ready() vol = self._check_data(vol, self.vol_shape_zxy) if angle_ind is None: prj = np.empty(self.prj_shape_vwu, dtype=np.float32) prj_geom = self.proj_geom_all proj_id = self.proj_id[-1] else: if not self.has_individual_projs: raise ValueError("Individual projectors not available!") prj = np.empty(self.prj_shape_vu, dtype=np.float32) prj_geom = self.proj_geom_ind[angle_ind] proj_id = self.proj_id[angle_ind] vid ="-vol", self.astra_vol_geom, vol) try: sid ="-sino", prj_geom, prj) try: cfg = astra.creators.astra_dict("FP" + self.algo_type) cfg["ProjectionDataId"] = sid cfg["VolumeDataId"] = vid cfg["ProjectorId"] = proj_id fp_id = astra.algorithm.create(cfg) try: finally: astra.algorithm.delete(fp_id) finally: self.data_mod.delete([sid]) finally: self.data_mod.delete([vid]) return np.squeeze(prj)
[docs] def bp(self, prj: NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None) -> NDArray: """Apply back-projection of a single sinogram line to the volume. Parameters ---------- prj : NDArray The sinogram to back-project or a single line. angle_ind : int | None, optional The angle index to forward project. The default is None. Returns ------- NDArray The back-projected volume. """ self.make_ready() self._check_prj_shape(prj) vol = np.empty(self.vol_shape_zxy, dtype=np.float32) if angle_ind is None: prj = self._check_data(prj, self.prj_shape_vwu) prj_geom = self.proj_geom_all proj_id = self.proj_id[-1] else: if not self.has_individual_projs: raise ValueError("Individual projectors not available!") prj = self._check_data(prj, self.prj_shape_vu) prj_geom = self.proj_geom_ind[angle_ind] proj_id = self.proj_id[angle_ind] vid ="-vol", self.astra_vol_geom, vol) try: sid ="-sino", prj_geom, prj) try: cfg = astra.creators.astra_dict("BP" + self.algo_type) cfg["ProjectionDataId"] = sid cfg["ReconstructionDataId"] = vid cfg["ProjectorId"] = proj_id bp_id = astra.algorithm.create(cfg) try: finally: astra.algorithm.delete(bp_id) finally: self.data_mod.delete([sid]) finally: self.data_mod.delete([vid]) return vol
[docs] class ProjectorBackendDirectASTRA(ProjectorBackendASTRA): """Experimental astra-toolbox functions projector.""" astra_vol_shape: Sequence astra_prj_shape: Sequence astra_angle_prj_shape: Sequence angle_prj_shape: Sequence
[docs] def initialize_geometry( self, vol_geom: VolumeGeometry, angles_rot_rad: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray], rot_axis_shift_pix: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray, None] = None, prj_geom: Optional[ProjectionGeometry] = None, create_single_projs: bool = False, ): """Initialize projector backend based on experimental astra-toolbox functions. Parameters ---------- vol_geom : VolumeGeometry The volume shape. angles_rot_rad : ArrayLike The projection angles. rot_axis_shift_pix : float, optional Relative position of the rotation center with respect to the volume center. The default is 0.0. geom : ProjectionGeometry, optional The fully specified projection geometry. When active, the rotation axis shift is ignored. The default is None. create_single_projs : bool, optional Whether to create projectors for single projections. Used for corrections and SART. The default is False. Raises ------ ValueError In case CUDA is not available. """ if not has_cuda: raise ValueError("CUDA is not available, but it is required for the direct functions!") if not has_astra_direct: raise ValueError("ASTRA direct is not available, but it is required!") if not (rot_axis_shift_pix is None or isinstance(rot_axis_shift_pix, (int, float, Sequence, np.ndarray))): raise ValueError( "Rotation axis shift should either be None or one of the following: int, a float or a sequence of floats" + f" ({type(rot_axis_shift_pix)} given instead)." ) ProjectorBackend.initialize_geometry(self, vol_geom, angles_rot_rad, create_single_projs=create_single_projs) self.proj_id = [] self.dispose() num_angles = self.angles_w_rad.size vol_geom_tmp3d = self.vol_geom.get_3d() self.astra_vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(*vol_geom_tmp3d.shape_xyz[list([1, 0, 2])], *vol_geom_tmp3d.extent) if prj_geom is None: prj_geom = ProjectionGeometry.get_default_parallel(geom_type="3d", rot_axis_shift_pix=rot_axis_shift_pix) else: if prj_geom.det_shape_vu is not None: # Here the projections are supposed to be larger or smaller than the sample size # We use the original version because it makes sure that 2D is respected. self.prj_shape_vwu = np.array([*prj_geom.det_shape_vu[:-1], num_angles, prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-1]]) self.prj_shape_vu = np.array([*prj_geom.det_shape_vu[:-1], 1, prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-1]]) prj_geom = prj_geom.get_3d() if prj_geom.det_shape_vu is None: prj_shape_vu = np.delete(self.prj_shape_vwu, obj=-2) prj_geom.det_shape_vu = np.ones(2, dtype=int) prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-len(prj_shape_vu) :] = prj_shape_vu rot_geom = prj_geom.rotate(self.angles_w_rad) vectors = np.empty([num_angles, 12]) # source / beam direction vectors[:, 0:3] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("src_pos_xyz") # center of detector vectors[:, 3:6] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("det_pos_xyz") # vector from detector pixel (0, 0) to (0, 1) vectors[:, 6:9] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("det_u_xyz") # vector from detector pixel (0, 0) to (1, 0) vectors[:, 9:12] = rot_geom.get_field_scaled("det_v_xyz") geom_type_str = prj_geom.geom_type if self.has_individual_projs: self.proj_geom_ind = [ astra.create_proj_geom(geom_type_str + "_vec", *prj_geom.det_shape_vu, vectors[ii : ii + 1 :, :]) for ii in range(num_angles) ] self.proj_geom_all = astra.create_proj_geom(geom_type_str + "_vec", *prj_geom.det_shape_vu, vectors) self.astra_vol_shape = tuple(vol_geom_tmp3d.shape_zxy) self.astra_prj_shape = (prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-2], num_angles, prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-1]) self.astra_angle_prj_shape = (prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-2], 1, prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-1]) self.angle_prj_shape = (prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-2], prj_geom.det_shape_vu[-1])
[docs] def make_ready(self): """Initialize the ASTRA projectors.""" if not self.is_ready: voxel_sampling = int(self.super_sampling * np.fmax(1, self.vol_geom.vox_size)) pixel_sampling = int(self.super_sampling / np.fmin(1, self.vol_geom.vox_size)) opts = {"VoxelSuperSampling": voxel_sampling, "DetectorSuperSampling": pixel_sampling} if self.has_individual_projs: self.proj_id = [astra.create_projector("cuda3d", pg, self.astra_vol_geom, opts) for pg in self.proj_geom_ind] self.proj_id.append(astra.create_projector("cuda3d", self.proj_geom_all, self.astra_vol_geom, opts)) ProjectorBackend.make_ready(self)
[docs] def fp(self, vol: NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None): """Apply forward-projection of the volume to the sinogram or a single sinogram line. Parameters ---------- vol : NDArray The volume to forward-project. angle_ind : int | None, optional The angle index to forward project. The default is None. Returns ------- NDArray The forward-projected sinogram or sinogram line. """ self.make_ready() if angle_ind is None: prj = np.zeros(self.astra_prj_shape, dtype=np.float32) proj_id = self.proj_id[-1] out_shape = self.prj_shape_vwu else: if not self.has_individual_projs: raise ValueError("Individual projectors not available!") prj = np.zeros(self.astra_angle_prj_shape, dtype=np.float32) proj_id = self.proj_id[angle_ind] out_shape = self.angle_prj_shape vol = self._check_data(vol, self.astra_vol_shape) astra.experimental.direct_FP3D(proj_id, vol, prj) return prj.reshape(out_shape)
[docs] def bp(self, prj: NDArray, angle_ind: Optional[int] = None): """Apply back-projection of a single sinogram line to the volume. Parameters ---------- prj : NDArray The sinogram to back-project or a single line. angle_ind : int | None, optional The angle index to forward project. The default is None. Returns ------- NDArray The back-projected volume. """ self.make_ready() self._check_prj_shape(prj) if angle_ind is None: prj = self._check_data(prj, self.astra_prj_shape) proj_id = self.proj_id[-1] else: if not self.has_individual_projs: raise ValueError("Individual projectors not available!") prj = self._check_data(prj, self.astra_angle_prj_shape) proj_id = self.proj_id[angle_ind] vol = np.zeros(self.astra_vol_shape, dtype=np.float32) astra.experimental.direct_BP3D(proj_id, vol, prj) return vol.reshape(self.vol_shape_zxy)