Source code for corrct.solvers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Solvers for the tomographic reconstruction problem.

@author: Nicola VIGANĂ’, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands,
and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France

from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union, Tuple, Any

import numpy as np
import numpy.random
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike, NDArray

import copy as cp

from . import operators
from . import data_terms
from . import regularizers
from . import filters
from . import projectors

from import tqdm

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps

# ---- Data Fidelity terms ----

DataFidelityBase = data_terms.DataFidelityBase
DataFidelity_l2 = data_terms.DataFidelity_l2
DataFidelity_wl2 = data_terms.DataFidelity_wl2
DataFidelity_l2b = data_terms.DataFidelity_l2b
DataFidelity_l12 = data_terms.DataFidelity_l12
DataFidelity_l1 = data_terms.DataFidelity_l1
DataFidelity_l1b = data_terms.DataFidelity_l1b
DataFidelity_Huber = data_terms.DataFidelity_Huber
DataFidelity_KL = data_terms.DataFidelity_KL

# Multi-channel
DataFidelity_ln = data_terms.DataFidelity_ln

# ---- Regularizers ----

BaseRegularizer = regularizers.BaseRegularizer
Regularizer_Grad = regularizers.Regularizer_Grad
Regularizer_TV2D = regularizers.Regularizer_TV2D
Regularizer_TV3D = regularizers.Regularizer_TV3D
Regularizer_HubTV2D = regularizers.Regularizer_HubTV2D
Regularizer_HubTV3D = regularizers.Regularizer_HubTV3D
Regularizer_smooth2D = regularizers.Regularizer_smooth2D
Regularizer_smooth3D = regularizers.Regularizer_smooth3D
Regularizer_lap = regularizers.Regularizer_lap
Regularizer_lap2D = regularizers.Regularizer_lap2D
Regularizer_lap3D = regularizers.Regularizer_lap3D
Regularizer_l1 = regularizers.Regularizer_l1
Regularizer_l1swl = regularizers.Regularizer_l1swl
Regularizer_Hub_swl = regularizers.Regularizer_Hub_swl
Regularizer_l1dwl = regularizers.Regularizer_l1dwl
Regularizer_Hub_dwl = regularizers.Regularizer_Hub_dwl
Regularizer_l1med = regularizers.Regularizer_l1med
Regularizer_l2med = regularizers.Regularizer_l2med
Regularizer_fft = regularizers.Regularizer_fft

# Multi-channel
Regularizer_TNV = regularizers.Regularizer_TNV
Regularizer_VTV = regularizers.Regularizer_VTV
Regularizer_lnswl = regularizers.Regularizer_lnswl
Regularizer_vl1wl = regularizers.Regularizer_vl1wl
Regularizer_vSVD = regularizers.Regularizer_vSVD

# ---- Constraints ----

Constraint_LowerLimit = regularizers.Constraint_LowerLimit
Constraint_UpperLimit = regularizers.Constraint_UpperLimit

# ---- Solvers ----

NDArrayFloat = NDArray[np.floating]

[docs]class SolutionInfo: """Reconstruction info.""" method: str iterations: int max_iterations: int residual0: Union[float, np.floating] residual0_cv: Union[float, np.floating] residuals: NDArrayFloat residuals_cv: NDArrayFloat tolerance: Union[float, np.floating, None] def __init__( self, method: str, max_iterations: int, tolerance: Union[float, np.floating, None], residual0: float = np.inf, residual0_cv: float = np.inf, ) -> None: self.method = method self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.tolerance = tolerance self.residual0 = residual0 self.residual0_cv = residual0_cv self.residuals = np.zeros(max_iterations) self.residuals_cv = np.zeros(max_iterations) self.iterations = 0 @property def residuals_rel(self) -> NDArrayFloat: return self.residuals / self.residual0 @property def residuals_cv_rel(self) -> NDArrayFloat: return self.residuals_cv / self.residual0_cv
[docs]class Solver(ABC): """ Initialize the base solver class. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. tolerance : Optional[float], optional Tolerance on the data residual for computing when to stop iterations. The default is None. relaxation : float, optional The relaxation length. The default is 1.0. data_term : Union[str, DataFidelityBase], optional Data fidelity term for computing the data residual. The default is "l2". data_term_test : Optional[DataFidelityBase], optional The data fidelity to be used for the test set. If None, it will use the same as for the rest of the data. The default is None. """ def __init__( self, verbose: bool = False, relaxation: float = 1.0, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, data_term: Union[str, DataFidelityBase] = "l2", data_term_test: Union[str, DataFidelityBase, None] = None, ): self.verbose = verbose self.relaxation = relaxation self.tolerance = tolerance self.data_term = self._initialize_data_fidelity_function(data_term) if data_term_test is None: data_term_test = self.data_term else: data_term_test = self._initialize_data_fidelity_function(data_term_test) self.data_term_test = cp.deepcopy(data_term_test)
[docs] def info(self) -> str: """ Return the solver info. Returns ------- str Solver info string. """ return type(self).__name__
[docs] def upper(self) -> str: """ Return the upper case name of the solver. Returns ------- str Upper case string name of the solver. """ return type(self).__name__.upper()
[docs] def lower(self) -> str: """ Return the lower case name of the solver. Returns ------- str Lower case string name of the solver. """ return type(self).__name__.lower()
@abstractmethod def __call__( self, A: operators.BaseTransform, b: NDArrayFloat, *args: Any, **kwds: Any ) -> Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo]: """Execute the reconstruction of the data. Parameters ---------- A : operators.BaseTransform The projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat The data to be reconstructed. Returns ------- Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction and related information. """ @staticmethod def _initialize_data_fidelity_function(data_term: Union[str, DataFidelityBase]) -> DataFidelityBase: if isinstance(data_term, str): if data_term.lower() == "l2": return data_terms.DataFidelity_l2() elif data_term.lower() == "kl": return data_terms.DataFidelity_KL() else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown data term: '{data_term}', only accepted terms are: 'l2' | 'kl'.") elif isinstance(data_term, (data_terms.DataFidelity_l2, data_terms.DataFidelity_KL)): return cp.deepcopy(data_term) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data term: '{}', only accepted terms are 'kl' and 'l2'-based.") @staticmethod def _initialize_regularizer( regularizer: Union[BaseRegularizer, None, Sequence[BaseRegularizer]] ) -> Sequence[BaseRegularizer]: if regularizer is None: return [] elif isinstance(regularizer, regularizers.BaseRegularizer): return [regularizer] elif isinstance(regularizer, (list, tuple)): check_regs_ok = [isinstance(r, BaseRegularizer) for r in regularizer] if not np.all(check_regs_ok): raise ValueError( "The following regularizers are not derived from the BaseRegularizer class: " f"{np.array(np.arange(len(check_regs_ok))[np.array(check_regs_ok, dtype=bool)])}" ) else: return list(regularizer) else: raise ValueError("Unknown regularizer type.") @staticmethod def _initialize_b_masks( b: NDArrayFloat, b_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat], b_test_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] ) -> Tuple[Optional[NDArrayFloat], Optional[NDArrayFloat]]: if b_test_mask is not None: if b_mask is None: b_mask = np.ones_like(b) # As we are being passed a test residual pixel mask, we need # to make sure to mask those pixels out from the reconstruction. # At the same time, we need to remove any masked pixel from the test count. b_mask, b_test_mask = b_mask * (1 - b_test_mask), b_test_mask * b_mask return (b_mask, b_test_mask)
[docs]class FBP(Solver): """Implementation of the Filtered Back-Projection (FBP) algorithm.""" def __init__( self, verbose: bool = False, regularizer: Union[Sequence[BaseRegularizer], BaseRegularizer, None] = None, data_term: Union[str, DataFidelityBase] = "l2", fbp_filter: Union[str, NDArrayFloat, filters.Filter] = "ramp", pad_mode: str = "constant", ): """Initialize the Filtered Back-Projection (FBP) algorithm. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. regularizer : Sequence[BaseRegularizer] | BaseRegularizer | None, optional NOT USED, only exposed for compatibility reasons. data_term : Union[str, DataFidelityBase], optional NOT USED, only exposed for compatibility reasons. fbp_filter : Union[str, NDArrayFloat], optional FBP filter to use. Either a string from scikit-image's list of `iradon` filters, or an array. The default is "ramp". pad_mode: str, optional The padding mode to use for the linear convolution. The default is "constant". """ super().__init__(verbose=verbose) if isinstance(fbp_filter, str): fbp_filter = fbp_filter.lower() self.fbp_filter = fbp_filter self.pad_mode = pad_mode
[docs] def info(self) -> str: """ Return the solver info. Returns ------- str Solver info string. """ if isinstance(self.fbp_filter, str): return super().info() + "(F:" + self.fbp_filter.upper() + ")" elif isinstance(self.fbp_filter, np.ndarray): return super().info() + "(F:" + filters.FilterCustom.__name__.upper() + ")" else: return super().info() + "(F:" + type(self.fbp_filter).__name__.upper() + ")"
def __call__( # noqa: C901 self, A: operators.BaseTransform, b: NDArrayFloat, iterations: int = 0, x0: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, ) -> Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo]: """ Reconstruct the data, using the FBP algorithm. Parameters ---------- A : BaseTransform Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError In case the data is 1D. Returns ------- Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and None. """ if len(b.shape) < 2: raise ValueError(f"Data should be at least 2-dimensional (b.shape = {b.shape})") info = SolutionInfo(, max_iterations=0, tolerance=0.0) if isinstance(self.fbp_filter, str): if self.fbp_filter in ("mr", "data"): local_filter = filters.FilterMR(projector=A) else: local_filter = filters.FilterFBP(filter_name=self.fbp_filter) elif isinstance(self.fbp_filter, np.ndarray): local_filter = filters.FilterCustom(self.fbp_filter) else: local_filter = self.fbp_filter local_filter.pad_mode = self.pad_mode if isinstance(A, operators.ProjectorOperator): pre_weights = A.get_pre_weights() if pre_weights is not None: b = b * pre_weights b_f = local_filter(b) x = A.T(b_f) if lower_limit is not None or upper_limit is not None: x = x.clip(lower_limit, upper_limit) if x_mask is not None: x *= x_mask return x, info
[docs]class SART(Solver): """Solver class implementing the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (SART) algorithm."""
[docs] def compute_residual( self, A: Callable, b: NDArrayFloat, x: NDArrayFloat, A_num_rows: int, b_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat], ) -> NDArrayFloat: """Compute the solution residual. Parameters ---------- A : Callable The forward projector. b : NDArrayFloat The detector data. x : NDArrayFloat The current solution A_num_rows : int The number of projections. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat] The mask to apply Returns ------- NDArrayFloat The residual. """ fp = np.stack([A(x, ii) for ii in range(A_num_rows)], axis=-1) fp = np.ascontiguousarray(fp, dtype=b.dtype) res = fp - b if b_mask is not None: res *= b_mask return res
def __call__( # noqa: C901 self, A: Union[Callable[[NDArray, int], NDArray], projectors.ProjectorUncorrected], b: NDArrayFloat, iterations: int, A_num_rows: Optional[int] = None, At: Optional[Callable] = None, x0: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, ) -> Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo]: """ Reconstruct the data, using the SART algorithm. Parameters ---------- A : Union[Callable, BaseTransform] Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. A_num_rows : int Number of projections. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. At : Callable, optional The back-projection operator. This is only needed if the projection operator does not have an adjoint. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None. Returns ------- Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and the residuals. """ if isinstance(A, projectors.ProjectorUncorrected): p = A if not p.projector_backend.has_individual_projs: raise ValueError("The projector needs to have enabled single projections.") A = lambda x, ii: p.fp_angle(x, ii) # noqa: E731 if isinstance(p, projectors.ProjectorAttenuationXRF): At = lambda y, ii: p.bp_angle(y, ii, single_line=True) # noqa: E731 else: At = lambda y, ii: p.bp_angle(y, ii) # noqa: E731 A_num_rows = len(p.angles_rot_rad) elif At is None: raise ValueError("Parameter `At` is required, if `A` is not a projector.") elif A_num_rows is None: raise ValueError("Parameter `A_num_rows` is required, if `A` is not a projector.") # Back-projection diagonal re-scaling b_ones = np.ones_like(b) if b_mask is not None: b_ones *= b_mask tau = [At(b_ones[..., ii, :], ii) for ii in range(A_num_rows)] tau = np.abs(np.stack(tau, axis=-2)) tau[(tau / np.max(tau)) < 1e-5] = 1 tau = self.relaxation / tau # Forward-projection diagonal re-scaling x_ones = np.ones([*tau.shape[:-2], tau.shape[-1]], dtype=tau.dtype) if x_mask is not None: x_ones *= x_mask sigma = [A(x_ones, ii) for ii in range(A_num_rows)] sigma = np.abs(np.stack(sigma, axis=-2)) sigma[(sigma / np.max(sigma)) < 1e-5] = 1 sigma = 1 / sigma if x0 is None: x0 = np.zeros_like(x_ones) else: x0 = np.array(x0).copy() x = x0 info = SolutionInfo(, max_iterations=iterations, tolerance=self.tolerance) if self.tolerance is not None: res = self.compute_residual(A, b, x, A_num_rows=A_num_rows, b_mask=b_mask) info.residual0 = np.linalg.norm(res.flatten()) rows_sequence = np.random.permutation(A_num_rows) algo_info = "- Performing %s iterations: " % self.upper() for ii in tqdm(range(iterations), desc=algo_info, disable=(not self.verbose)): info.iterations += 1 for ii_a in rows_sequence: res = A(x, ii_a) - b[..., ii_a, :] if b_mask is not None: res *= b_mask[..., ii_a, :] x -= At(res * sigma[..., ii_a, :], ii_a) * tau[..., ii_a, :] if lower_limit is not None: x = np.fmax(x, lower_limit) if upper_limit is not None: x = np.fmin(x, upper_limit) if x_mask is not None: x *= x_mask if self.tolerance is not None: res = self.compute_residual(A, b, x, A_num_rows=A_num_rows, b_mask=b_mask) info.residuals[ii] = np.linalg.norm(res) if self.tolerance > info.residuals[ii]: break return x, info
[docs]class MLEM(Solver): """ Initialize the MLEM solver class. This class implements the Maximul Likelihood Expectation Maximization (MLEM) algorithm. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. tolerance : Optional[float], optional Tolerance on the data residual for computing when to stop iterations. The default is None. regularizer : Sequence[BaseRegularizer] | BaseRegularizer | None, optional Regularizer to be used. The default is None. data_term : Union[str, DataFidelityBase], optional Data fidelity term for computing the data residual. The default is "l2". data_term_test : Optional[DataFidelityBase], optional The data fidelity to be used for the test set. If None, it will use the same as for the rest of the data. The default is None. """ def __init__( self, verbose: bool = False, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, regularizer: Union[Sequence[BaseRegularizer], BaseRegularizer, None] = None, data_term: Union[str, DataFidelityBase] = "kl", data_term_test: Union[str, DataFidelityBase, None] = None, ): super().__init__(verbose=verbose, tolerance=tolerance, data_term=data_term, data_term_test=data_term_test) self.regularizer = self._initialize_regularizer(regularizer)
[docs] def info(self) -> str: """ Return the MLEM info. Returns ------- str info string. """ return + f"(B:{self.data_term.background:g})" if self.data_term.background is not None else ""
def __call__( # noqa: C901 self, A: operators.BaseTransform, b: NDArrayFloat, iterations: int, x0: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, b_test_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, ) -> Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo]: """ Reconstruct the data, using the MLEM algorithm. Parameters ---------- A : BaseTransform Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None. b_test_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Test data mask. The default is None. Returns ------- Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and the residuals. """ b = np.array(b) (b_mask, b_test_mask) = self._initialize_b_masks(b, b_mask, b_test_mask) # Back-projection diagonal re-scaling b_ones = np.ones_like(b) if b_mask is not None: b_ones *= b_mask tau = A.T(b_ones) # Forward-projection diagonal re-scaling x_ones = np.ones_like(tau) if x_mask is not None: x_ones *= x_mask sigma = np.abs(A(x_ones)) sigma[(sigma / np.max(sigma)) < 1e-5] = 1 sigma = 1 / sigma if x0 is None: x = np.ones_like(tau) else: x = np.array(x0).copy() if x_mask is not None: x *= x_mask self.data_term.assign_data(b) info = SolutionInfo(, max_iterations=iterations, tolerance=self.tolerance) if b_test_mask is not None or self.tolerance is not None: Ax = A(x) if b_test_mask is not None: if self.data_term_test.background != self.data_term.background: print("WARNING - the data_term and and data_term_test should have the same background. Making them equal.") self.data_term_test.background = self.data_term.background self.data_term_test.assign_data(b) res_test_0 = self.data_term_test.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_test_mask) info.residual0_cv = self.data_term_test.compute_residual_norm(res_test_0) if self.tolerance is not None: res_0 = self.data_term.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_mask) info.residual0 = self.data_term.compute_residual_norm(res_0) reg_info = "".join(["-" + for r in self.regularizer]) algo_info = "- Performing %s-%s%s iterations: " % (self.upper(), self.data_term.upper(), reg_info) for ii in tqdm(range(iterations), desc=algo_info, disable=(not self.verbose)): info.iterations += 1 # The MLEM update Ax = A(x) if b_test_mask is not None: res_test = self.data_term_test.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_test_mask) info.residuals_cv[ii] = self.data_term_test.compute_residual_norm(res_test) if self.tolerance is not None: res = self.data_term.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_mask) info.residuals[ii] = self.data_term.compute_residual_norm(res) if self.tolerance > info.residuals[ii]: break if self.data_term.background is not None: Ax = Ax + self.data_term.background Ax = Ax.clip(eps, None) upd = A.T(b / Ax) x *= upd / tau if lower_limit is not None or upper_limit is not None: x = x.clip(lower_limit, upper_limit) if x_mask is not None: x *= x_mask return x, info
[docs]class SIRT(Solver): """ Initialize the SIRT solver class. This class implements the Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) algorithm. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. tolerance : Optional[float], optional Tolerance on the data residual for computing when to stop iterations. The default is None. relaxation : float, optional The relaxation length. The default is 1.95. regularizer : Sequence[BaseRegularizer] | BaseRegularizer | None, optional Regularizer to be used. The default is None. data_term : Union[str, DataFidelityBase], optional Data fidelity term for computing the data residual. The default is "l2". data_term_test : Optional[DataFidelityBase], optional The data fidelity to be used for the test set. If None, it will use the same as for the rest of the data. The default is None. """ def __init__( self, verbose: bool = False, relaxation: float = 1.95, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, regularizer: Union[Sequence[BaseRegularizer], BaseRegularizer, None] = None, data_term: Union[str, DataFidelityBase] = "l2", data_term_test: Union[str, DataFidelityBase, None] = None, ): super().__init__( verbose=verbose, relaxation=relaxation, tolerance=tolerance, data_term=data_term, data_term_test=data_term_test ) self.regularizer = self._initialize_regularizer(regularizer)
[docs] def info(self) -> str: """ Return the SIRT info. Returns ------- str SIRT info string. """ reg_info = "".join(["-" + for r in self.regularizer]) return + "-" + + reg_info
def __call__( # noqa: C901 self, A: operators.BaseTransform, b: NDArrayFloat, iterations: int, x0: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, b_test_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, ) -> Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo]: """ Reconstruct the data, using the SIRT algorithm. Parameters ---------- A : BaseTransform Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None. b_test_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Test data mask. The default is None. Returns ------- Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and the residuals. """ b = np.array(b) (b_mask, b_test_mask) = self._initialize_b_masks(b, b_mask, b_test_mask) # Back-projection diagonal re-scaling b_ones = np.ones_like(b) if b_mask is not None: b_ones *= b_mask tau = np.abs(A.T(b_ones)) for reg in self.regularizer: tau += reg.initialize_sigma_tau(tau) tau[(tau / np.max(tau)) < 1e-5] = 1 tau = self.relaxation / tau # Forward-projection diagonal re-scaling x_ones = np.ones_like(tau) if x_mask is not None: x_ones *= x_mask sigma = np.abs(A(x_ones)) sigma[(sigma / np.max(sigma)) < 1e-5] = 1 sigma = 1 / sigma if x0 is None: x = np.zeros_like(x_ones) else: x = np.array(x0).copy() self.data_term.assign_data(b, sigma) info = SolutionInfo(, max_iterations=iterations, tolerance=self.tolerance) if b_test_mask is not None or self.tolerance is not None: Ax = A(x) if b_test_mask is not None: if self.data_term_test.background != self.data_term.background: print("WARNING - the data_term and and data_term_test should have the same background. Making them equal.") self.data_term_test.background = self.data_term.background self.data_term_test.assign_data(b, sigma) res_test_0 = self.data_term_test.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_test_mask) info.residual0_cv = self.data_term_test.compute_residual_norm(res_test_0) if self.tolerance is not None: res_0 = self.data_term.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_mask) info.residual0 = self.data_term.compute_residual_norm(res_0) reg_info = "".join(["-" + for r in self.regularizer]) algo_info = "- Performing %s-%s%s iterations: " % (self.upper(), self.data_term.upper(), reg_info) for ii in tqdm(range(iterations), desc=algo_info, disable=(not self.verbose)): info.iterations += 1 Ax = A(x) res = self.data_term.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_mask) if b_test_mask is not None: res_test = self.data_term_test.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_test_mask) info.residuals_cv[ii] = self.data_term_test.compute_residual_norm(res_test) if self.tolerance is not None: info.residuals[ii] = self.data_term.compute_residual_norm(res) if self.tolerance > info.residuals[ii]: break q = [reg.initialize_dual() for reg in self.regularizer] for q_r, reg in zip(q, self.regularizer): reg.update_dual(q_r, x) reg.apply_proximal(q_r) upd = A.T(res * sigma) for q_r, reg in zip(q, self.regularizer): upd -= reg.compute_update_primal(q_r) x += upd * tau if lower_limit is not None or upper_limit is not None: x = x.clip(lower_limit, upper_limit) if x_mask is not None: x *= x_mask return x, info
[docs]class PDHG(Solver): """ Initialize the PDHG solver class. PDHG stands for primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm from Chambolle and Pock. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Turn on verbose output. The default is False. tolerance : Optional[float], optional Tolerance on the data residual for computing when to stop iterations. The default is None. relaxation : float, optional The relaxation length. The default is 0.95. regularizer : Sequence[BaseRegularizer] | BaseRegularizer | None, optional Regularizer to be used. The default is None. data_term : Union[str, DataFidelityBase], optional Data fidelity term for computing the data residual. The default is "l2". data_term_test : Optional[DataFidelityBase], optional The data fidelity to be used for the test set. If None, it will use the same as for the rest of the data. The default is None. """ def __init__( self, verbose: bool = False, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, relaxation: float = 0.95, regularizer: Union[Sequence[BaseRegularizer], BaseRegularizer, None] = None, data_term: Union[str, DataFidelityBase] = "l2", data_term_test: Union[str, DataFidelityBase, None] = None, ): super().__init__( verbose=verbose, relaxation=relaxation, tolerance=tolerance, data_term=data_term, data_term_test=data_term_test ) self.regularizer = self._initialize_regularizer(regularizer)
[docs] def info(self) -> str: """ Return the PDHG info. Returns ------- str PDHG info string. """ reg_info = "".join(["-" + for r in self.regularizer]) return + "-" + + reg_info
@staticmethod def _initialize_data_fidelity_function(data_term: Union[str, DataFidelityBase]): if isinstance(data_term, str): if data_term.lower() == "l2": return DataFidelity_l2() if data_term.lower() == "l1": return DataFidelity_l1() if data_term.lower() == "kl": return DataFidelity_KL() else: raise ValueError('Unknown data term: "%s", accepted terms are: "l2" | "l1" | "kl".' % data_term) else: return cp.deepcopy(data_term)
[docs] def power_method( self, A: operators.BaseTransform, b: NDArrayFloat, iterations: int = 5 ) -> Tuple[np.floating, Sequence[int], DTypeLike]: """ Compute the l2-norm of the operator A, with the power method. Parameters ---------- A : BaseTransform Operator whose l2-norm needs to be computed. b : NDArrayFloat The data vector. iterations : int, optional Number of power method iterations. The default is 5. Returns ------- Tuple[float, Tuple[int], DTypeLike] The l2-norm of A, and the shape and type of the solution. """ x: NDArrayFloat = np.array(np.random.rand(*b.shape)) x = x.astype(b.dtype) x /= np.linalg.norm(x) x = A.T(x) x_norm = np.linalg.norm(x) L = x_norm for ii in range(iterations): x /= x_norm x = A.T(A(x)) x_norm = np.linalg.norm(x) L = np.sqrt(x_norm) return (L, x.shape, x.dtype)
def _get_data_sigma_tau_unpreconditioned(self, A: operators.BaseTransform, b: NDArrayFloat): (L, x_shape, x_dtype) = self.power_method(A, b) tau = L dummy_x = np.empty(x_shape, dtype=x_dtype) for reg in self.regularizer: tau += reg.initialize_sigma_tau(dummy_x) tau = self.relaxation / tau sigma = self.relaxation / L return (x_shape, x_dtype, sigma, tau) def __call__( # noqa: C901 self, A: operators.BaseTransform, b: NDArrayFloat, iterations: int, x0: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, lower_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, upper_limit: Union[float, NDArrayFloat, None] = None, x_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, b_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, b_test_mask: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, precondition: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo]: """ Reconstruct the data, using the PDHG algorithm. Parameters ---------- A : BaseTransform Projection operator. b : NDArrayFloat Data to reconstruct. iterations : int Number of iterations. x0 : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Initial solution. The default is None. lower_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Lower clipping value. The default is None. upper_limit : Union[float, NDArrayFloat], optional Upper clipping value. The default is None. x_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Solution mask. The default is None. b_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Data mask. The default is None. b_test_mask : Optional[NDArrayFloat], optional Test data mask. The default is None. precondition : bool, optional Whether to use the preconditioned version of the algorithm. The default is True. Returns ------- Tuple[NDArrayFloat, SolutionInfo] The reconstruction, and the residuals. """ b = np.array(b) if precondition: try: At_abs = A.T.absolute() A_abs = A.absolute() except AttributeError: print(A) print("WARNING: Turning off preconditioning because system matrix does not support absolute") precondition = False (b_mask, b_test_mask) = self._initialize_b_masks(b, b_mask, b_test_mask) if precondition: tau = np.ones_like(b) if b_mask is not None: tau *= b_mask tau = np.abs(At_abs(tau)) for reg in self.regularizer: tau += reg.initialize_sigma_tau(tau) tau[(tau / np.max(tau)) < 1e-5] = 1 tau = self.relaxation / tau x_shape = tau.shape x_dtype = tau.dtype sigma = np.ones_like(tau) if x_mask is not None: sigma *= x_mask sigma = np.abs(A_abs(sigma)) sigma[(sigma / np.max(sigma)) < 1e-5] = 1 sigma = self.relaxation / sigma else: (x_shape, x_dtype, sigma, tau) = self._get_data_sigma_tau_unpreconditioned(A, b) if x0 is None: x0 = np.zeros(x_shape, dtype=x_dtype) else: x0 = np.array(x0).copy() x = x0 x_relax = x.copy() self.data_term.assign_data(b, sigma) p = self.data_term.initialize_dual() q = [reg.initialize_dual() for reg in self.regularizer] info = SolutionInfo(, max_iterations=iterations, tolerance=self.tolerance) if b_test_mask is not None or self.tolerance is not None: Ax = A(x) if b_test_mask is not None: if self.data_term_test.background != self.data_term.background: print("WARNING - the data_term and and data_term_test should have the same background. Making them equal.") self.data_term_test.background = self.data_term.background self.data_term_test.assign_data(b, sigma) res_test_0 = self.data_term_test.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_test_mask) info.residual0_cv = self.data_term_test.compute_residual_norm(res_test_0) if self.tolerance is not None: res_0 = self.data_term.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_mask) info.residual0 = self.data_term.compute_residual_norm(res_0) reg_info = "".join(["-" + for r in self.regularizer]) algo_info = "- Performing %s-%s%s iterations: " % (self.upper(), self.data_term.upper(), reg_info) for ii in tqdm(range(iterations), desc=algo_info, disable=(not self.verbose)): info.iterations += 1 Ax_rlx = A(x_relax) self.data_term.update_dual(p, Ax_rlx) self.data_term.apply_proximal(p) if b_mask is not None: p *= b_mask for q_r, reg in zip(q, self.regularizer): reg.update_dual(q_r, x_relax) reg.apply_proximal(q_r) upd = A.T(p) for q_r, reg in zip(q, self.regularizer): upd += reg.compute_update_primal(q_r) x_new = x - upd * tau if lower_limit is not None or upper_limit is not None: x_new = x_new.clip(lower_limit, upper_limit) if x_mask is not None: x_new *= x_mask x_relax = x_new + (x_new - x) x = x_new if b_test_mask is not None or self.tolerance is not None: Ax = A(x) if b_test_mask is not None: res_test = self.data_term_test.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_test_mask) info.residuals_cv[ii] = self.data_term_test.compute_residual_norm(res_test) if self.tolerance is not None: res = self.data_term.compute_residual(Ax, mask=b_mask) info.residuals[ii] = self.data_term.compute_residual_norm(res) if self.tolerance > info.residuals[ii]: break return x, info