
The CI CWI group develops a set of libraries and software for real-time tomographic reconstruction. The main software packages are:

  • RECAST3D. The visualization software. This typically runs at a workstation, and is controlled by a user looking at live reconstructions of arbitrarily oriented slices.
  • SliceRecon. The reconstruction software library. This runs on a computer with a GPU (it can be the same as the workstation running RECAST3D). It receives the projection data, and performs slice reconstructions.
  • TomoPackets. The glue between the different components. This library defines a protocol for sending messages between scanners, reconstruction nodes, and visualization workstations.

Depending on the data source, an adapter is needed that converts the acquisition metadata and projection data into a common format defined by TomoPackets. This common format that is used as input to SliceRecon.

The RECAST3D reconstruction stack can be installed using:

conda install -c cicwi -c astra-toolbox/label/dev recast3d tomopackets slicerecon

Example scripts such as adapters and plugins, can be found in the GitHub repository. To test the installation, follow running the stack.


The software is developed for Linux. SliceRecon requires a CUDA capable GPU.

(Advanced) Manual installation

Here, we will describe in detail how to manually build all the different components of the live reconstruction software stack.


If you run into unexpected problems while following this guide, please let us know!.

0. (optional) Setting up a fresh Conda (or VirtualEnv) environment

Although it is not strictly necessary to use any Python component, it is by far the easiest way to extend and customize the software. We would suggest making a new environment in which the Python bindings to our libraries are installed. For example:

conda create -n live python=3.7
conda activate live

if you choose to do this, make and activate the environment before following the rest of these instructions.

1. Building and installing ASTRA


Currently (March 2020), the required files are only part of the development package of ASTRA. This can be installed using:

conda install -c astra-toolbox/label/dev astra-toolbox

Install the ASTRA toolbox into your conda environment using:

conda install -c astra-toolbox astra-toolbox

ASTRA also includes headers and configuration files as part of its conda package.

Alternative: From source


The software requires at least version v1.9 of the ASTRA toolbox, available from the ASTRA repository on github.

We have to install the ASTRA toolbox. We need ASTRA with CUDA support, and install it in such a way so that pkg-config is able to find the library. See the ASTRA documentation for details on installing ASTRA as a C++ library.

Setup pkgconfig

The rest of this guide assumes that pkgconfig can find the ASTRA configuration, for this you might have to run something along the lines of:

# when installed using conda

# when installed from source

2. Installing prerequisites

Next, make sure you have the necessary OpenGL development headers and libraries and other dependencies installed. This highly depends on your operating system and/or distribution. A non-exhaustive lists of packages that might be required on Fedora 31:

dnf install python-devel boost-devel libXinerama-devel fftw-devel
dnf groupinstall "X Software Development"
dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"

Optionally, preinstall the submodule dependencies to speed up the build. For example:

dnf install python-devel eigen3-devel boost-devel libXinerama-devel glm-devel

If our build script cannot find these dependencies, it will build them from source.

3. Cloning the repository

git clone recast3d-stack
cd recast3d-stack
git submodule update --init --recursive

4. Building the software


cd tomopackets
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make

When developing your own data adapter (or using an existing one), it is easiest to use the Python bindings to the TomoPackets communication library. To install it into your Python environment, run the following:

cd ..
pip install --user cmake_setuptools
pip install -e .

You can now develop and run TomoPackets extensions such as data adapters.


Next, we install SliceRecon.

cd ../slicerecon
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make

This will create a binary slicerecon_server.

Next, we install the Python bindings.

cd ../python/
pip install -e .


To build RECAST3D, run:

cd ../../recast3d
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make

This will create a binary recast3d. Test if you can run RECAST3D:


This should open an empty white window with a menubar. If you run into any issues, please let us know!

5. Testing the installation

To test if the SliceRecon software is installed correctly, try the following steps.

  1. Start up a RECAST3D instance. Change directories to the recast3d/build directory we made before, and run:

  2. Start up a SliceRecon server, that connects to RECAST3D and listens for incoming (projection) data. Change directories to slicerecon/build, and run:

    ./slicerecon_server --slice-size 512 --preview-size 256

    Switching windows to the RECAST3D software, you should see a new scene with empty slices.

  3. Pushing data into SliceRecon. The server is unable to reconstruct anything interesting, because it has received no data yet. To push some example data into SliceRecon, we run one of the adapter examples. For example, relative to the recast3d_stack directory:

    cd examples/adapters

This will send data containing zeros to the SliceRecon server.