Pre-processing routines.
@author: Nicola VIGANÒ, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands, and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France
Module Contents
Pad the sinogram. |
Apply flat field. |
Apply -log. |
Rotate the projection stack. |
Shift each projection in a stack of projections, by projection dependent shifts. |
Bin a stack of images. |
Compute background of the projection data, from the margins of the projections. |
Remove stripes from sinogram, using the Wavelet-Fourier method. |
Compute the eigen flats of a stack of transmission images. |
- corrct.processing.pre.eps
- corrct.processing.pre.pad_sinogram(sinogram: numpy.typing.NDArray, width: Union[int,[int], numpy.typing.NDArray], pad_axis: int = -1, mode: str = 'edge', **kwds) numpy.typing.NDArray [source]
Pad the sinogram.
sinogram : NDArray The sinogram to pad. width : Union[int, Sequence[int]] The width of the padding. Normally, it should either be an int or a tuple(int, int). pad_axis : int, optional The axis to pad. The default is -1. mode : str, optional The padding type (from numpy.pad). The default is “edge”. **kwds : The numpy.pad arguments.
NDArray The padded sinogram.
- corrct.processing.pre.apply_flat_field(projs_wvu: numpy.typing.NDArray, flats_wvu: numpy.typing.NDArray, darks_wvu: Optional[numpy.typing.NDArray] = None, crop: Union[numpy.typing.NDArray,[int], None] = None, cap_intensity: Optional[float] = None, dtype: numpy.typing.DTypeLike = np.float32) numpy.typing.NDArray [source]
Apply flat field.
projs : NDArray Projections. flats : NDArray Flat fields. darks : Optional[NDArray], optional Dark noise. The default is None. crop : Optional[Sequence[int]], optional Crop region. The default is None. cap_intensity: float | None, optional Cap the intensity to a given value. The default is None. dtype : DTypeLike, optional Data type of the processed data. The default is np.float32.
NDArray Flat-field corrected and linearized projections.
- corrct.processing.pre.apply_minus_log(projs: numpy.typing.NDArray, lower_limit: float = -np.inf) numpy.typing.NDArray [source]
Apply -log.
projs : NDArray Projections.
NDArray Linearized projections.
- corrct.processing.pre.rotate_proj_stack(data_vwu: numpy.typing.NDArray, rot_angle_deg: float) numpy.typing.NDArray [source]
Rotate the projection stack.
data_vwu : NDArray The projection stack, with dimensions [v, w, u] (vertical, omega / sample rotation, horizontal). rot_angle_deg : float The rotation angle in degrees.
NDArray The rotated projection stack.
- corrct.processing.pre.shift_proj_stack(data_vwu: numpy.typing.NDArray, shifts: numpy.typing.NDArray, use_fft: bool = False) numpy.typing.NDArray [source]
Shift each projection in a stack of projections, by projection dependent shifts.
data_vwu : NDArray The projection stack shifts : NDArray The shifts use_fft : bool, optional Whether to use fft shift or not, by default False
NDArray The shifted stack
- corrct.processing.pre.bin_imgs(imgs: numpy.typing.NDArray, binning: Union[int, float], axes:[int] = (-2, -1), auto_crop: bool = False, verbose: bool = True) numpy.typing.NDArray [source]
Bin a stack of images.
imgs : NDArray The stack of images. binning : int | float The binning factor. auto_crop : bool, optional Whether to automatically crop the images to match, by default False verbose : bool, optional Whether to print the image shapes, by default True
NDArray The binned images
- corrct.processing.pre.background_from_margin(data_vwu: numpy.typing.NDArray, margin: Union[int,[int], numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.integer]] = 4, poly_order: int = 0, plot: bool = False) numpy.typing.NDArray [source]
Compute background of the projection data, from the margins of the projections.
data_vwu : NDArray The projection data in the format [V]WU. margin : int | Sequence[int] | NDArray[np.integer], optional The size of the margin, by default 4 poly_order : int, optional The order of the interpolation polynomial, by default 0
NDArray The computed background.
NotImplementedError Different margins per line are not supported, at the moment. ValueError In case the margins ar larger than the image size in U.
- corrct.processing.pre.destripe_wlf_vwu(data: numpy.typing.NDArray, sigma: float = 0.005, level: int = 1, wavelet: str = 'bior2.2', angle_axis: int = -2, other_axes: Union[[int], numpy.typing.NDArray, None] = None) numpy.typing.NDArray [source]
Remove stripes from sinogram, using the Wavelet-Fourier method.
data : NDArray The data to de-stripe sigma : float, optional Fourier space filter coefficient, by default 0.005 level : int, optional The wavelet level to use, by default 1 wavelet : str, optional The type of wavelet to use, by default “bior2.2” angle_axis : int, optional The axis of the Fourier transform, by default -2 other_axes : Union[Sequence[int], NDArray, None], optional The axes of the wavelet decomposition, by default None
NDArray The de-striped data.
- corrct.processing.pre.compute_eigen_flats(trans_wvu: numpy.typing.NDArray, flats_wvu: Optional[numpy.typing.NDArray] = None, darks_wvu: Optional[numpy.typing.NDArray] = None, ndim: int = 2, plot: bool = False) tuple[numpy.typing.NDArray, numpy.typing.NDArray] [source]
Compute the eigen flats of a stack of transmission images.
trans : NDArray The stack of transmission images. flats : NDArray The flats without sample. darks : NDArray The darks. ndim : int, optional The number of dimensions of the images, by default 2 plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the results, by default False
Tuple[NDArray, NDArray] The decomposition of the transmissions of the sample and the flats.