
Noise handling routines.

@author: Nicola VIGANÒ, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands, and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France

Module Contents



Compute the variance of a signal subject to Poisson noise, against a reference intensity.


Compute the variance of a linearized attenuation (transmission) signal, against a reference intensity.


Compute the weight associated to the given variance, in a weighted least-squares context.






corrct.processing.noise.compute_variance_poisson(Is: numpy.typing.NDArray, I0: Optional[numpy.typing.NDArray] = None, var_I0: Optional[numpy.typing.NDArray] = None, normalized: bool = True) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Compute the variance of a signal subject to Poisson noise, against a reference intensity.

The reference intensity can also be subject to Poisson and Gaussian noise. If the variance of the reference intensity is not passed, it will be assumed to be Poisson.


Is : NDArray The signal intensity. I0 : Optional[NDArray], optional The reference intensity. The default is None. var_I0 : Optional[NDArray], optional The variance of the reference intensity. The default is None. If not given, it will be assumed to be equal to I0. normalized : bool, optional Whether to renormalize by the mean of the reference intensity.


NDArray The computed variance.

corrct.processing.noise.compute_variance_transmission(Is: numpy.typing.NDArray, I0: numpy.typing.NDArray, var_I0: Optional[numpy.typing.NDArray] = None, normalized: bool = True) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Compute the variance of a linearized attenuation (transmission) signal, against a reference intensity.


Is : NDArray The transmitted signal. I0 : NDArray The reference intensity. var_I0 : Optional[NDArray], optional The variance of the reference intensity. The default is None. If not given, it will be assumed to be equal to I0. normalized : bool, optional Whether to renormalize by the mean of the reference intensity.


NDArray The computed variance.

corrct.processing.noise.compute_variance_weight(variance: numpy.typing.NDArray, *, percentile: float = 0.001, mask: Optional[numpy.typing.NDArray] = None, normalized: bool = False, use_std: bool = False, semilog: bool = False) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Compute the weight associated to the given variance, in a weighted least-squares context.


variance : NDArray The variance of the signal. percentile : float Minimum percentile to discard. The default is 0.001 (0.1%) mask : NDArray | None, optional Mask of valid values. The default is None. normalized : bool, optional Scale the largest weight to 1. The default is False. use_std : bool, optional Use the standard deviation instead of the variance. semilog : bool, optional Scale the variance over a logarithmic curve. It can be beneficial with high dynamic range data. The default is False.


NDArray The computed weights.