Source code for corrct.processing.misc

Miscellaneous processing routines.

@author: Nicola VIGANÒ, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands,
and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from typing import Optional, Union, Callable
from import Sequence
from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike, DTypeLike

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps

NDArrayInt = NDArray[np.signedinteger]

[docs] def circular_mask( vol_shape_zxy: Union[Sequence[int], NDArrayInt], radius_offset: float = 0, coords_ball: Union[Sequence[int], NDArrayInt, None] = None, ball_norm: float = 2, vol_origin_zxy: Union[Sequence[float], NDArray, None] = None, taper_func: Optional[str] = None, taper_target: Union[str, float] = "edge", super_sampling: int = 1, squeeze: bool = True, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, ) -> NDArray: """ Compute a circular mask for the reconstruction volume. Parameters ---------- vol_shape_zxy : Sequence[int] | NDArrayInt The size of the volume. radius_offset : float, optional The offset with respect to the volume edge. The default is 0. coords_ball : Sequence[int] | NDArrayInt | None, optional The coordinates to consider for the non-masked region. The default is None. ball_norm : float, optional The norm of the ball. The default is 2. vol_origin_zxy : Optional[Sequence[float]], optional The origin of the coordinates in voxels. The default is None. taper_func : str, optional The mask data type. Allowed types: "const" | "cos". The default is "const". taper_target : str | float, optional The size target. Allowed values: "edge" | "diagonal". The default is "edge". super_sampling : int, optional The pixel super sampling to be used for the mask. The default is 1. squeeze : bool, optional Whether to squeeze the mask. The default is True. dtype : DTypeLike, optional The type of mask. The default is np.float32. Raises ------ ValueError In case of unknown taper_func value, or mismatching volume origin and shape. Returns ------- NDArray The circular mask. """ vol_shape_zxy_s = np.array(vol_shape_zxy, dtype=int) * super_sampling coords = [ np.linspace(-(s - 1) / (2 * super_sampling), (s - 1) / (2 * super_sampling), s, dtype=dtype) for s in vol_shape_zxy_s ] if vol_origin_zxy is not None: if len(coords) != len(vol_origin_zxy): raise ValueError(f"The volume shape ({len(coords)}), and the origin shape ({len(vol_origin_zxy)}) should match") coords = [c + vol_origin_zxy[ii] for ii, c in enumerate(coords)] coords = np.meshgrid(*coords, indexing="ij") if coords_ball is None: coords_ball = np.arange(-np.fmin(2, len(vol_shape_zxy_s)), 0, dtype=int) else: coords_ball = np.array(coords_ball, dtype=int) max_radius = np.min(vol_shape_zxy_s[coords_ball]) / (2 * super_sampling) + radius_offset coords = np.stack(coords, axis=0) if coords_ball.size == 1: dists = np.abs(coords[coords_ball, ...]) else: dists = np.linalg.norm(coords[coords_ball, ...], axis=0, ord=ball_norm) if taper_func is None: mask = (dists <= max_radius).astype(dtype) elif isinstance(taper_func, str): if isinstance(taper_target, str): if taper_target.lower() == "edge": cut_off_denom = 2 cut_off_offset = 0 elif taper_target.lower() == "diagonal": cut_off_denom = np.sqrt(2) cut_off_offset = 0 else: raise ValueError( f"When `taper_target` is str, it should be one of: 'edge' | 'diagonal', but {taper_target} passed instead." ) else: cut_off_denom = 2 if taper_target < radius_offset: print(f"WARNING: parameter `taper_target`={taper_target} is smaller than `radius_offset`={radius_offset}.") cut_off_offset = np.fmax(taper_target, radius_offset) if taper_func.lower() == "cos": cut_off_radius = np.min(vol_shape_zxy_s[coords_ball]) / (cut_off_denom * super_sampling) + cut_off_offset cut_off_size = cut_off_radius - max_radius outter_vals = np.cos(np.fmax(dists - max_radius, 0) / cut_off_size * np.pi) / 2 + 0.5 mask = (outter_vals * (dists < cut_off_radius)).astype(dtype) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown taper function: {taper_func}") else: raise ValueError(f"Parameter `taper_func` should either be a string or None.") if super_sampling > 1: new_shape = np.stack([np.array(vol_shape_zxy), np.ones_like(vol_shape_zxy) * super_sampling], axis=1).flatten() mask = mask.reshape(new_shape) mask = np.mean(mask, axis=tuple(np.arange(1, len(vol_shape_zxy) * 2, 2, dtype=int))) if squeeze: mask = np.squeeze(mask) return mask
[docs] def ball( data_shape_vu: ArrayLike, radius: Union[int, float], super_sampling: int = 5, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, func: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> ArrayLike: """ Compute a ball with specified radius. Parameters ---------- data_shape_vu : ArrayLike Shape of the output array. radius : int | float Radius of the ball. super_sampling : int, optional Super-sampling for having smoother ball edges. The default is 5. dtype : DTypeLike, optional Type of the output. The default is np.float32. func : Optional[Callable], optional Point-wise function for the local values. The default is None. Returns ------- ArrayLike The ball. """ data_shape_vu = np.array(data_shape_vu, dtype=int) * super_sampling # coords = [np.linspace(-(s - 1) / 2, (s - 1) / 2, s, dtype=np.float32) for s in data_shape_vu] coords = [np.fft.fftfreq(d, 1 / d) for d in data_shape_vu] coords = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*coords, indexing="ij"), axis=0) r = np.sqrt(np.sum(coords**2, axis=0)) / super_sampling probe = (r < radius).astype(dtype) if func is not None: probe *= func(r) probe = np.roll(probe, super_sampling // 2, axis=tuple(np.arange(len(data_shape_vu)))) new_shape = np.stack([data_shape_vu // super_sampling, np.ones_like(data_shape_vu) * super_sampling], axis=1).flatten() probe = probe.reshape(new_shape) probe = np.mean(probe, axis=tuple(np.arange(1, len(data_shape_vu) * 2, 2, dtype=int))) return np.fft.fftshift(probe)
[docs] def azimuthal_integration(img: NDArray, axes: Sequence[int] = (-2, -1), domain: str = "direct") -> NDArray: """ Compute the azimuthal integration of a n-dimensional image or a stack of them. Parameters ---------- img : NDArray The image or stack of images. axes : tuple(int, int), optional Axes of that need to be azimuthally integrated. The default is (-2, -1). domain : string, optional Domain of the integration. Options are: "direct" | "fourier". Default is "direct". Raises ------ ValueError Error returned when not passing images or wrong axes. Returns ------- NDArray The azimuthally integrated profile. """ num_dims_int = len(axes) num_dims_img = len(img.shape) if num_dims_img < num_dims_int: raise ValueError( "Input image ({num_dims_img}D) should be at least the same dimensionality" " of the axes for the integration (#{num_dims_int})." ) if len(axes) == 0: raise ValueError("Input axes should be at least 1.") # Compute the coordinates of the pixels along the chosen axes img_axes_dims = np.array(np.array(img.shape)[list(axes)], ndmin=1) if domain.lower() == "direct": half_dims = (img_axes_dims - 1) / 2 coords = [np.linspace(-h, h, d) for h, d in zip(half_dims, img_axes_dims)] else: coords = [np.fft.fftfreq(d, 1 / d) for d in img_axes_dims] coords = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*coords, indexing="ij")) r = np.sqrt(np.sum(coords**2, axis=0)) # Reshape the volume to have the axes to be integrates as right-most axes img_tr_op = np.array([*range(len(img.shape))]) img_tr_op = np.concatenate((np.delete(img_tr_op, obj=axes), img_tr_op[list(axes)])) img = np.transpose(img, img_tr_op) if num_dims_img > num_dims_int: img_old_shape = img.shape[:-num_dims_int] img = np.reshape(img, [-1, *img_axes_dims]) # Compute the linear interpolation coefficients r_l = np.floor(r) r_u = r_l + 1 w_l = (r_u - r) * img w_u = (r - r_l) * img # Do the azimuthal integration as a histogram operation r_all = np.concatenate((r_l.flatten(), r_u.flatten())).astype(int) if num_dims_img > num_dims_int: num_imgs = img.shape[0] az_img = [] for ii in range(num_imgs): w_all = np.concatenate((w_l[ii, ...].flatten(), w_u[ii, ...].flatten())) az_img.append(np.bincount(r_all, weights=w_all)) az_img = np.array(az_img) return np.reshape(az_img, (*img_old_shape, az_img.shape[-1])) # type: ignore else: w_all = np.concatenate((w_l.flatten(), w_u.flatten())) return np.bincount(r_all, weights=w_all)
[docs] def lines_intersection( line_1: NDArray, line_2: Union[float, NDArray], position: str = "first", x_lims: Optional[tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]] = None, ) -> Optional[tuple[float, float]]: """ Compute the intersection point between two lines. Parameters ---------- line_1 : NDArray The first line. line_2 : float | NDArray The second line. It can be a scalar representing a horizontal line. position : str, optional The position of the point to select. Either "first" or "last". The default is "first". Raises ------ ValueError If position is neither "first" nor "last". Returns ------- Tuple[float, float] | None It returns either the requested crossing point, or None in case the point was not found. """ line_1 = np.array(np.squeeze(line_1), ndmin=1) line_2 = np.array(np.squeeze(line_2), ndmin=1) # Find the transition points, by first finding where line_2 is above line_1 crossing_points = np.where(line_2 > line_1, 0, 1) crossing_points = np.abs(np.diff(crossing_points)) if x_lims is not None: if x_lims[0] is None: if x_lims[1] is None: raise ValueError("When passing `x_lims`, at least one of the values should not be None.") else: bias = 0 crossing_points = crossing_points[: x_lims[1]] else: bias = x_lims[0] if x_lims[1] is None: crossing_points = crossing_points[x_lims[0] :] else: crossing_points = crossing_points[x_lims[0] : x_lims[1]] else: bias = 0 crossing_points = np.where(crossing_points)[0] if crossing_points.size == 0: print("No crossing found!") return None if position.lower() == "first": point_l = crossing_points[0] + bias elif position.lower() == "last": point_l = crossing_points[-1] + bias else: raise ValueError(f"Crossing position: {position} unknown. Please choose either 'first' or 'last'.") x1 = 0.0 x2 = 1.0 y1 = line_1[point_l] y2 = line_1[point_l + 1] x3 = 0.0 x4 = 1.0 if line_2.size == 1: y3 = line_2 y4 = line_2 else: y3 = line_2[point_l] y4 = line_2[point_l + 1] # From wikipedia: p_den = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4) p_x_num = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4) p_y_num = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4) p_x = p_x_num / p_den + point_l p_y = p_y_num / p_den return float(p_x), float(p_y)
[docs] def norm_cross_corr( img1: NDArray, img2: Optional[NDArray] = None, axes: Sequence[int] = (-2, -1), t_match: bool = False, mode_full: bool = True, compute_profile: bool = True, plot: bool = True, ) -> Union[NDArray, tuple[NDArray, NDArray]]: """ Compute the normalized cross-correlation between two images. Parameters ---------- img1 : NDArray The first image. img2 : NDArray, optional The second images. If None, it computes the auto-correlation. The default is None. axes : Sequence[int], optional Axes along which to compute the cross-correlation. The default is (-2, -1). t_match : bool, optional Whether to perform the cross-correlation for template matching. The default is False. mode_full : bool, optional Whether to return the "full" or "same" convolution size. The default is True. compute_profile : bool, optional Whether to compute the azimuthal integration of the cross-correlation or not. The default is True. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the profile of the cross-correlation curve. The default is True. Returns ------- NDArray The one-dimensional cross-correlation curve. """ def local_sum(x: NDArray, axes: Sequence[int]) -> NDArray: padding = np.zeros(len(x.shape), dtype=int) for a in axes: padding[a] = x.shape[a] y: NDArray[np.floating] = np.pad(x, padding) for a in axes: y = np.cumsum(y, axis=a) slicing1 = [slice(None)] * len(x.shape) slicing1[a] = slice(x.shape[a], -1) slicing2 = [slice(None)] * len(x.shape) slicing2[a] = slice(0, -x.shape[a] - 1) y = y[tuple(slicing1)] - y[tuple(slicing2)] return y if img2 is None: is_autocorrelation = True img2 = img1 else: is_autocorrelation = False img1 = img1.astype(np.float32) img2 = img2.astype(np.float32) for a in axes: img2 = np.flip(img2, axis=a) cc = sp.signal.fftconvolve(img1, img2, mode="full", axes=axes) if not mode_full: slices = [slice(None)] * len(cc.shape) for a in axes: start_ind = (cc.shape[a] - img1.shape[a]) // 2 end_ind = start_ind + img1.shape[a] slices[a] = slice(start_ind, end_ind) slices = tuple(slices) cc = cc[slices] if t_match: local_sums_img2 = local_sum(img2, axes=axes) local_sums_img2_2 = local_sum(img2**2, axes=axes) if not mode_full: local_sums_img2 = local_sums_img2[slices] local_sums_img2_2 = local_sums_img2_2[slices] cc_n = cc - local_sums_img2 * np.mean(img1) cc_n /= np.std(img1) * np.sqrt([list(axes)])) diff_local_sums = local_sums_img2_2 - (local_sums_img2**2) /[list(axes)]) cc_n /= np.sqrt(diff_local_sums.clip(0, None)) else: cc_n = cc / (np.linalg.norm(img1) * np.linalg.norm(img2)) cc_n = np.fft.ifftshift(cc_n) if compute_profile: cc_l = azimuthal_integration(cc_n, axes=axes, domain="fourier") cc_o = azimuthal_integration(np.ones_like(cc_n), axes=axes, domain="fourier") cc_l /= cc_o cc_l = cc_l[: np.min(np.array(img1.shape)[list(axes)])] if plot: p_xy = lines_intersection(cc_l, 0.5, position="first") fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 3.5)) axs.plot(cc_l, label="Auto-correlation" if is_autocorrelation else "Cross-correlation") axs.plot(np.ones_like(cc_l) * 0.5, label="Half-maximum") if p_xy is not None: axs.scatter(p_xy[0], p_xy[1]) axs.plot([p_xy[0], p_xy[0]], [0, 1], label=f"Resolution: {p_xy[0]:.3} pix") axs.grid() axs.legend(fontsize=13) axs.tick_params(labelsize=16) axs.set_title("Cross-correlation") fig.tight_layout() return cc_n, cc_l else: return cc_n
[docs] def inspect_fourier_img(img: NDArray, remove_zero: bool = False) -> None: """Display Fourier representation of the input image. Parameters ---------- img : NDArray Input image. remove_zero : bool, optional Remove the zero frequency value. The default is False. """ img_f = np.squeeze(np.fft.fft2(img)) if remove_zero is True: img_f[0, 0] = 0 img_f_sh = np.fft.fftshift(img_f) f, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3) f.suptitle("Fourier representation") axs[0, 0].imshow(np.real(img_f_sh)) axs[0, 0].set_title("Real") axs[0, 1].imshow(np.imag(img_f_sh)) axs[0, 1].set_title("Imag") axs[0, 2].imshow(np.abs(img_f_sh)) axs[0, 2].set_title("Abs") vert_img_f = np.fft.fftshift(img_f[:, 0]) axs[1, 0].plot(np.stack((np.real(vert_img_f), np.imag(vert_img_f), np.abs(vert_img_f)), axis=1)) axs[1, 0].set_title("Vertical profiles") horz_img_f = np.fft.fftshift(img_f[0, :]) axs[1, 1].plot(np.stack((np.real(horz_img_f), np.imag(horz_img_f), np.abs(horz_img_f)), axis=1)) axs[1, 1].set_title("Horizontal profiles") diag_img_f = np.fft.fftshift(np.diag(img_f)) axs[1, 2].plot(np.stack((np.real(diag_img_f), np.imag(diag_img_f), np.abs(diag_img_f)), axis=1)) axs[1, 2].set_title("Diagonal profiles")