Source code for corrct.physics.phase

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Phase contrast support functions.

@author: Nicola VIGANĂ’, CEA-IRIG, Grenoble, France

    from . import xraylib_helper  # noqa: F401, F402

    xraylib = xraylib_helper.xraylib

except ImportError:
    print("WARNING: Physics support is only available when xraylib is installed!")

from import Sequence
from typing import Union
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as spimg
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike, NDArray

[docs] def get_delta_beta(cmp_name: str, energy_keV: float, density: Union[float, None] = None) -> float: """Compute the delta-over-beta parameter for a specific compound. Parameters ---------- cmp_name : str Molar composition of a compound energy_keV : float Energy at which the d/b value should be computed density : Optional[float], optional Density of the compound, by default None Returns ------- float The computed delta-over-beta. """ cmp = xraylib_helper.get_compound(cmp_name, density=density) ref_ind = xraylib.Refractive_Index(cmp_name, energy_keV, cmp["density"]) return (1 - ref_ind.real) / ref_ind.imag
[docs] def get_delta_beta_curves( compounds: Sequence[str], energy_keV_range: tuple[float, float, int] = (1.0, 800.0, 500), plot: bool = True ) -> Sequence[NDArray]: """Compute the delta-over-beta curves for the listed compounds, in the requested energy range. Parameters ---------- compounds : Sequence[str] Sequence of compounds. energy_keV_range : tuple[float, float, int], optional The energy range in keV, by default (1.0, 800.0, 500) plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the result, by default True Returns ------- Sequence[NDArray] The computed delta-over-beta valueas. """ energies = np.linspace(*energy_keV_range) delta_betas_cmps = [] for cmp in compounds: delta_betas_cmp = np.array([get_delta_beta(cmp, e) for e in energies]) delta_betas_cmps.append(delta_betas_cmp) if plot: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1) for ii, cmp in enumerate(compounds): axs.plot(energies, delta_betas_cmps[ii], label=cmp) axs.grid() axs.legend(fontsize=13) axs.set_xlabel("Energy (keV)", fontsize=14) axs.set_ylabel("$\\delta/\\beta$", fontsize=14) axs.tick_params(labelsize=13) fig.tight_layout() return delta_betas_cmps
[docs] def _tie_freq_response(k2: NDArray, dist_um: float, wlength_um: float, delta_beta: float) -> NDArray: return 1 + delta_beta * dist_um * wlength_um * np.pi * k2
[docs] def _ctf_freq_response(k2: NDArray, dist_um: float, wlength_um: float, delta_beta: float) -> NDArray: steps = dist_um * wlength_um * np.pi * k2 return np.cos(steps) + delta_beta * np.sin(steps)
[docs] def plot_filter_responses( filter_length: int, pix_size_um: float, dist_um: float, wlength_um: float, delta_beta: float, domain: str = "fourier" ) -> tuple: """Plot frequency response of the wave propagation. Parameters ---------- filter_length : int Length of the filter in pixels pix_size_um : float Pixel-wise of the detector in microns dist_um : float Distance of the detector from sample in microns wlength_um : float Wavelength of the wave in microns delta_beta : float Radio between the refraction index decrement and the absorption coefficient. domain : str Whether to plot Fourier or direct-space responses. By default, "Fourier". Returns ------- tuple Figure and axes of the plot """ k = np.fft.rfftfreq(filter_length, d=pix_size_um) k2 = k**2 tie_resp = _tie_freq_response(k2, dist_um=dist_um, wlength_um=wlength_um, delta_beta=delta_beta) ctf_resp = _ctf_freq_response(k2, dist_um=dist_um, wlength_um=wlength_um, delta_beta=delta_beta) if domain.lower() == "fourier": step = k elif domain.lower() == "direct": tie_resp = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.irfft(tie_resp)) ctf_resp = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.irfft(ctf_resp)) p = np.fft.fftfreq(filter_length, d=1.0 / (pix_size_um * filter_length)) p = np.fft.fftshift(p) step = p else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown domain {domain}, please choose one of 'Fourier' | 'direct'.") fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[8, 4]) axs.set_title(f"Domain: {domain}") axs.plot(step, tie_resp, label="TIE") axs.plot(step, ctf_resp, label="CTF") axs.grid() axs.legend() fig.tight_layout() return fig, axs
[docs] def get_propagation_filter( img_shape: Union[Sequence[int], NDArray], pix_size_um: float, dist_um: float, wlength_um: float, delta_beta: float, filter_type: str = "ctf", use_rfft: bool = False, plot_result: bool = False, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, ) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: """Compute the phase contrast propagation filter for the given parameters. Parameters ---------- img_shape : Union[Sequence[int], NDArray] Shape of the target image pix_size_um : float Pixel size of the detector (in microns) dist_um : float Propagation distance (in microns) wlength_um : float Wavelength of the radiation (in microns) delta_beta : float Delta-over-beta value for the given material filter_type : str, optional Type of the filter, by default "ctf". Options: "ctf" (Contrast Transfer Function) | "tie" (Transport of Intensity Equation) use_rfft : bool, optional Whether to use the rfft, by default False plot_result : bool, optional Whether to plot the result, by default False dtype : DTypeLike, optional Data type to use, by default np.float32 Returns ------- tuple[NDArray, NDArray] The Fourier-space and real-space filters, respectively Raises ------ ValueError When choosing an incorrect filter type """ if use_rfft: coords = [np.fft.fftfreq(s, d=pix_size_um) for s in img_shape[:-1]] + [np.fft.rfftfreq(img_shape[-1], d=pix_size_um)] else: coords = [np.fft.fftfreq(s, d=pix_size_um) for s in img_shape] coords = np.meshgrid(*coords, indexing="ij") k2 = np.sum(np.stack(coords, axis=0) ** 2, axis=0) if filter_type.lower() == "ctf": filt_fourier = _ctf_freq_response(k2=k2, dist_um=dist_um, wlength_um=wlength_um, delta_beta=delta_beta) elif filter_type.lower() == "tie": filt_fourier = _tie_freq_response(k2=k2, dist_um=dist_um, wlength_um=wlength_um, delta_beta=delta_beta) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid filter type: {filter_type}. Possible choices: 'ctf' | 'tie'") fft_axes = tuple(np.arange(-len(img_shape), 0)) if use_rfft: filt_direct = np.fft.irfftn(filt_fourier, s=tuple(img_shape), axes=fft_axes) else: filt_direct = np.fft.ifftn(filt_fourier, s=tuple(img_shape), axes=fft_axes).real if plot_result: fig, axs = plt.subplots( 2, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=tuple(np.flip(img_shape) * 12 / np.max(img_shape) * np.array([1, 2])) ) axs[0].imshow(filt_fourier) axs[1].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(filt_direct)) fig.tight_layout() return filt_fourier.astype(dtype), np.fft.fftshift(filt_direct.astype(dtype))
[docs] def apply_propagation_filter( data_wvu: NDArray, pix_size_um: float, dist_um: float, wlength_um: float, delta_beta: float, filter_type: str = "tie" ) -> NDArray: """Apply a requested propagation filter to an image or a stack of images. Parameters ---------- data_wvu : NDArray The Image or stack of images pix_size_um : float Pixel size of the detector (in microns) dist_um : float Propagation distance (in microns) wlength_um : float Wavelength of the radiation (in microns) delta_beta : float Delta-over-beta value for the given material filter_type : str, optional Type of the filter, by default "tie". Options: "ctf" (Contrast Transfer Function) | "tie" (Transport of Intensity Equation) Returns ------- NDArray The filtered image """ pad_width = [(0, 0) for _ in range(data_wvu.ndim)] pad_size = np.array(data_wvu.shape[-2:]) pad_width[-2] = pad_size[-2] - pad_size[-2] // 2, pad_size[-2] // 2 pad_width[-1] = pad_size[-1] - pad_size[-1] // 2, pad_size[-1] // 2 data_p = np.pad(data_wvu, pad_width=pad_width, mode="edge") data_f = np.fft.rfftn(data_p, axes=(-2, -1)) filt_f, _ = get_propagation_filter( data_p.shape[-2:], pix_size_um=pix_size_um, dist_um=dist_um, wlength_um=wlength_um, delta_beta=delta_beta, filter_type=filter_type, use_rfft=True, ) data_f = spimg.fourier_shift( data_f, shift=(*([0] * (data_wvu.ndim - 2)), pad_size[-2] // 2 - pad_size[-2], pad_size[-1] // 2 - pad_size[-1]), n=data_p.shape[-1], ) data_f /= filt_f return np.fft.irfftn(data_f, axes=(-2, -1))[..., : data_wvu.shape[-2], : data_wvu.shape[-1]]