#!/usr/bin/env python3
Materials support functions and classes.
@author: Nicola VIGANĂ’, ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France,
and CEA-IRIG, Grenoble, France
import copy as cp
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike, NDArray
from corrct.physics import xrf # noqa: F401, F402
from corrct.physics.xraylib_helper import get_compound_cross_section
from corrct.physics.xraylib_helper import get_element_number
from corrct.physics.xraylib_helper import xraylib
class VolumeMaterial:
VolumeMaterial class, that can be used for predicting fluorescence and Compton productions, attenuation, etc.
material_fractions : Sequence
Concentration fractions of each material for each voxel.
material_compounds : Sequence
Compound description of each material.
voxel_size_cm : float
Voxel size in cm.
dtype : DTypeLike, optional
Data type of the produced data. The default is None.
Raised in case of incorrect parameters.
def __init__(
materials_fractions: Sequence[NDArray],
materials_composition: Sequence,
voxel_size_cm: float,
dtype: DTypeLike = None,
verbose: bool = False,
if len(materials_fractions) != len(materials_composition):
raise ValueError(
f"Materials fractions (# {len(materials_fractions)}) and "
f"materials composition (# {len(materials_composition)}) arrays should have the same length"
if len(materials_fractions) == 0:
raise ValueError("Phase list is empty")
self.materials_fractions = list(materials_fractions)
self.shape = np.array(self.materials_fractions[0].shape)
for ii, ph in enumerate(self.materials_fractions):
if len(self.shape) != len(ph.shape):
raise ValueError("All material fraction volumes should have the same number of dimensions")
if not np.all(self.shape == ph.shape):
raise ValueError("Materials fraction volumes should all have the same shape")
if ph.dtype == bool:
self.materials_fractions[ii] = ph.astype(np.float32)
if dtype is None:
dtype = self.materials_fractions[0].dtype
self.dtype = dtype
for ii, ph in enumerate(self.materials_fractions):
self.materials_fractions[ii] = ph.astype(self.dtype)
self.materials_compositions = [
xraylib.GetCompoundDataNISTByName(cmp) if isinstance(cmp, str) else cmp for cmp in materials_composition
self.voxel_size_cm = voxel_size_cm
self.verbose = verbose
def get_attenuation(self, energy_keV: float) -> NDArray:
Compute the local attenuation for each voxel.
energy_keV : float
The X-ray energy.
The computed local attenuation volume.
ph_lin_att = np.zeros(self.shape, self.dtype)
for ph, cmp in zip(self.materials_fractions, self.materials_compositions):
cmp_cs = get_compound_cross_section(cmp, energy_keV)
if self.verbose:
print(f"Attenuation ({cmp['name']} at {energy_keV}):")
f" - cross-section * mass fraction = {cmp_cs}, density = {cmp['density']}, pixel-size {self.voxel_size_cm}"
print(f" - total {cmp['density'] * cmp_cs * self.voxel_size_cm} (assuming material mass fraction = 1)")
ph_lin_att += ph * cmp["density"] * cmp_cs
return ph_lin_att * self.voxel_size_cm
def get_element_mass_fraction(self, element: Union[str, int]) -> NDArray:
"""Compute the local element mass fraction through out all the materials.
element : str | int
The element to look for.
mass_fraction : NDArray
The local mass fraction in each voxel.
el_num = get_element_number(element)
mass_fraction = np.zeros(self.shape, self.dtype)
for ph, cmp in zip(self.materials_fractions, self.materials_compositions):
if el_num in cmp["Elements"]:
el_ind = np.where(np.array(cmp["Elements"]) == el_num)[0][0]
mass_fraction += ph * cmp["density"] * cmp["massFractions"][el_ind]
return mass_fraction
def _check_parallax_detector(self, detector: xrf.DetectorXRF, tolerance: float = 1e-2) -> bool:
half_sample_size = np.max(self.voxel_size_cm * self.shape) / 2
if isinstance(detector.distance_mm, float) or (
isinstance(detector.distance_mm, np.ndarray) and detector.distance_mm.size == 1
dets = cp.deepcopy(detector)
dets.distance_mm = dets.distance_mm + np.array([-half_sample_size, half_sample_size])
dets = detector
solid_angles = dets.solid_angle_sr
max_parallax = np.max(solid_angles) - np.min(solid_angles)
return max_parallax < tolerance
def get_compton_scattering(
self, energy_in_keV: float, angle_rad: Union[float, None] = None, detector: Union[xrf.DetectorXRF, None] = None
) -> tuple[float, NDArray]:
"""Compute the local Compton scattering.
energy_in_keV : float
Incoming beam energy.
angle_rad : float, optional
The detector angle, with respect to incoming beam direction. The default is None.
detector : DetectorXRF, optional
The detector object. The default is None.
In case neither of `angle_rad` nor `detector` have been passed.
energy_out_keV : float
The energy of the Compton radiation received by the detector.
cmptn_prod : NDArray
Local production of Compton radiation.
Either `angle_rad` or `detector` need to be supplied.
if detector is None:
if angle_rad is None:
raise ValueError("Either 'angle_rad' or 'detector' should be passed.")
if not self._check_parallax_detector(detector):
print("WARNING - detector parallax is above 1e-2")
if angle_rad is None:
angle_rad = detector.angle_rad
cmptn_prod = np.zeros(self.shape, self.dtype)
for ph, cmp in zip(self.materials_fractions, self.materials_compositions):
cmp_cs = xraylib.DCS_Compt_CP(cmp["name"], energy_in_keV, angle_rad)
except ValueError:
cmp_cs = np.sum(
xraylib.DCS_Compt(el, energy_in_keV, angle_rad) * cmp["massFractions"][ii]
for ii, el in enumerate(cmp["Elements"])
if self.verbose:
f"Compton - {cmp['name']} at incoming energy {energy_in_keV} (keV),"
+ f" outgoing angle {np.rad2deg(angle_rad)} (deg):\n"
+ f" - cross-section * mass fraction = {cmp_cs}, density = {cmp['density']}"
+ ", pixel-size {self.voxel_size_cm}"
+ f" - total {cmp['density'] * cmp_cs * self.voxel_size_cm} (assuming material mass fraction = 1)"
cmptn_prod += ph * cmp["density"] * cmp_cs
cmptn_prod *= self.voxel_size_cm
if detector:
cmptn_prod *= detector.solid_angle_sr
energy_out_keV = xraylib.ComptonEnergy(energy_in_keV, angle_rad)
return (energy_out_keV, cmptn_prod)
def get_fluo_production(
element: Union[str, int],
energy_in_keV: float,
fluo_lines: Union[str, xrf.FluoLine, Sequence[xrf.FluoLine]],
detector: Union[xrf.DetectorXRF, None] = None,
) -> tuple[float, NDArray]:
"""Compute the local fluorescence production, for the given line of the given element.
Using Eq. (1) from:
- T. Schoonjans et al., "The xraylib library for X-ray-matter interactions. Recent developments," Spectrochim. Acta
Part B At. Spectrosc., vol. 66, no. 11-12, pp. 776-784, Nov. 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.sab.2011.09.011.
element : str | int
The element to consider.
energy_in_keV : float
The incoming X-ray beam energy.
fluo_lines : str | FluoLine | Sequence[FluoLine]
The fluorescence line to consider.
detector : DetectorXRF, optional
The detector geometry. The default is None.
energy_out_keV : float
The emitted fluorescence energy.
el_prod : NDArray
The local fluorescence production in each voxel.
if detector:
if not self._check_parallax_detector(detector):
print("WARNING - detector parallax is above 1e-2")
if isinstance(fluo_lines, xrf.FluoLine):
fluo_lines = [fluo_lines]
elif isinstance(fluo_lines, str):
fluo_lines = xrf.LinesSiegbahn.get_lines(fluo_lines)
el_num = get_element_number(element)
el_yield = np.empty((len(fluo_lines),), self.dtype)
for ii, line in enumerate(fluo_lines):
el_yield[ii] = xraylib.CS_FluorLine_Kissel(el_num, line.indx, energy_in_keV) # fluo production for cm2/g
except ValueError as exc:
el_sym = xraylib.AtomicNumberToSymbol(el_num)
if self.verbose:
print(f"Energy {exc}: el_num={el_num} ({el_sym}) line={line}")
el_yield[ii] = 0
el_prod = self.get_element_mass_fraction(el_num) * np.sum(el_yield) * self.voxel_size_cm
if detector:
el_prod *= detector.solid_angle_sr
energy_out_keV = xrf.get_energy(el_num, fluo_lines, compute_average=True)
return float(energy_out_keV), el_prod