Incident beam and emidded radiation attenuation support.
@author: Nicola VIGANĂ’, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands,
and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France
import concurrent.futures as cf
import multiprocessing as mp
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes._axes import Axes
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, DTypeLike, NDArray
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from corrct import _projector_backends as prj_backends
from corrct import models
from corrct.physics.xraylib_helper import get_compound, get_compound_cross_section
num_threads = round(np.log2(mp.cpu_count() + 1))
NDArrayFloat = NDArray[np.floating]
NDArrayInt = NDArray[np.integer]
class AttenuationVolume:
"""Attenuation volume computation class."""
incident_local: Union[NDArrayFloat, None]
emitted_local: Union[NDArrayFloat, None]
angles_rot_rad: NDArrayFloat
angles_det_rad: NDArrayFloat
dtype: DTypeLike
vol_shape_zyx: NDArray
maps: NDArray
def __init__(
incident_local: Union[NDArrayFloat, None],
emitted_local: Union[NDArrayFloat, None],
angles_rot_rad: ArrayLike,
angles_det_rad: Union[NDArrayFloat, ArrayLike, float] = np.pi / 2,
dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32,
Initialize the AttenuationVolume class.
In case no volumes were passed, or if they differed in shape.
self.incident_local = incident_local
self.emitted_local = emitted_local
self.angles_rot_rad = np.array(angles_rot_rad, ndmin=1)
self.angles_det_rad = np.array(angles_det_rad, ndmin=1)
self.dtype = dtype
if self.incident_local is not None:
self.vol_shape_zyx = np.array(self.incident_local.shape)
if self.emitted_local is not None and np.any(self.vol_shape_zyx != self.emitted_local.shape):
raise ValueError(
f"Incident volume shape ({self.incident_local.shape}) does not"
+ f" match the emitted volume shape ({self.emitted_local.shape})"
elif self.emitted_local is not None:
self.vol_shape_zyx = np.array(self.emitted_local.shape)
raise ValueError("No attenuation volumes were given.")
self.vol_shape_zyx = np.array(self.vol_shape_zyx, ndmin=1)
num_dims = len(self.vol_shape_zyx)
if num_dims not in [2, 3]:
raise ValueError(f"Maps can only be 2D or 3D Arrays. A {num_dims}-dimensional was passed ({self.vol_shape_zyx}).")
def _compute_attenuation_angle_in(self, local_att: NDArrayFloat, angle_rad: float) -> NDArray:
return prj_backends.compute_attenuation(local_att, angle_rad, invert=False)[None, ...]
def _compute_attenuation_angle_out(self, local_att: NDArrayFloat, angle_rad: float) -> NDArray:
angle_det = angle_rad + self.angles_det_rad
atts = np.empty(self.maps.shape[1:], dtype=self.dtype)
for ii, a in enumerate(angle_det):
atts[ii, ...] = prj_backends.compute_attenuation(local_att, a, invert=True)
return atts
def compute_maps(self, use_multithreading: bool = True, verbose: bool = True) -> None:
Compute the correction maps for each angle.
use_multithreading : bool, optional
Use multi-threading for computing the attenuation maps. The default is True.
verbose : bool, optional
Show verbose output. The default is True.
num_rot_angles = len(self.angles_rot_rad)
self.maps = np.ones([num_rot_angles, len(self.angles_det_rad), *self.vol_shape_zyx], dtype=self.dtype)
def process_angles(
func: Callable[[NDArray, float], NDArray], att_vol: NDArrayFloat, angles: NDArrayFloat, description: str
) -> None:
if use_multithreading:
with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor:
futures_to_angle = {executor.submit(func, att_vol, a): (ii, a) for ii, a in enumerate(angles)}
for f in tqdm(
disable=(not verbose),
ii, a = futures_to_angle[f]
self.maps[ii, ...] *= f.result()
except ValueError as exc:
raise RuntimeError(f"Angle {a} (#{ii}) generated an exception") from exc
print("Shutting down..", end="", flush=True)
print("\b\b: Done.")
for ii, a in enumerate(tqdm(angles, desc=description, disable=(not verbose))):
self.maps[ii, ...] *= func(att_vol, a)
if self.incident_local is not None:
description = "Computing attenuation maps for incident beam"
self._compute_attenuation_angle_in, self.incident_local, angles=self.angles_rot_rad, description=description
if self.emitted_local is not None:
description = "Computing attenuation maps for emitted photons"
self._compute_attenuation_angle_out, self.emitted_local, angles=self.angles_rot_rad, description=description
def plot_map(
ax: Axes,
rot_ind: int,
det_ind: int = 0,
slice_ind: Optional[int] = None,
axes: Union[Sequence[int], NDArrayInt] = (-2, -1),
) -> Sequence[float]:
Plot the requested attenuation map.
ax : matplotlib axes
The axes where to plot.
rot_ind : int
Rotation angle index.
det_ind : int, optional
Detector angle index. The default is 0.
slice_ind : Optional[int], optional
Volume slice index (for 3D volumes). The default is None.
axes : Sequence[int] | NDArray, optional
Axes of the slice. The default is (-2, -1).
The extent of the axes plot (min-max coords).
In case a slice index is not passed for a 3D volume.
att_map = np.squeeze(self.get_maps(rot_ind=rot_ind, det_ind=det_ind))
other_dim = np.squeeze(np.delete(np.arange(-3, 0), axes))
if len(att_map.shape) == 3:
if slice_ind is None:
raise ValueError("Slice index is needed for 3D volumes. None was passed.")
att_map = np.take(att_map, slice_ind, axis=int(other_dim))
slice_shape = self.vol_shape_zyx[list(axes)]
coords = [(-(s - 1) / 2, (s - 1) / 2) for s in slice_shape]
extent = tuple(np.concatenate(coords))
ax.imshow(att_map, extent=extent)
if other_dim == -3:
arrow_length = np.linalg.norm(slice_shape) / np.pi
arrow_args = dict(
width=arrow_length / 25,
head_width=arrow_length / 8,
head_length=arrow_length / 6,
prj_geom = models.ProjectionGeometry.get_default_parallel()
beam_i_geom = prj_geom.rotate(-self.angles_rot_rad[rot_ind])
beam_e_geom = prj_geom.rotate(-(self.angles_rot_rad[rot_ind] + self.angles_det_rad[det_ind]))
beam_i_dir = beam_i_geom.src_pos_xyz[0, :2] * arrow_length
beam_i_orig = -beam_i_dir
beam_e_dir = beam_e_geom.src_pos_xyz[0, :2] * arrow_length
beam_e_orig = np.array([0, 0])
ax.arrow(*beam_i_orig, *beam_i_dir, **arrow_args, fc="r", ec="r")
ax.arrow(*beam_e_orig, *beam_e_dir, **arrow_args, fc="k", ec="k")
return extent
def get_maps(
roi: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
rot_ind: Union[int, slice, Sequence[int], NDArrayInt, None] = None,
det_ind: Union[int, slice, Sequence[int], NDArrayInt, None] = None,
) -> NDArray:
Return the attenuation maps.
roi : ArrayLike, optional
The region-of-interest to select. The default is None.
rot_ind : int, optional
A specific rotation index, if only one is to be desired. The default is None.
det_ind : int, optional
A specific detector index, if only one is to be desired. The default is None.
The attenuation maps.
maps = self.maps
if rot_ind is not None:
if isinstance(rot_ind, int):
rot_ind = slice(rot_ind, rot_ind + 1, 1)
maps = maps[rot_ind, ...]
if det_ind is not None:
if isinstance(det_ind, int):
det_ind = slice(det_ind, det_ind + 1, 1)
maps = maps[:, det_ind, ...]
if roi is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Extracting a region of interest is not supported, yet.")
return maps
def get_projector_args(
roi: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
rot_ind: Union[int, slice, Sequence[int], NDArrayInt, None] = None,
det_ind: Union[int, slice, Sequence[int], NDArrayInt, None] = None,
) -> dict[str, NDArray]:
Return the projector arguments.
roi : ArrayLike, optional
The region-of-interest to select. The default is None.
rot_ind : int, optional
A specific rotation index, if only one is to be desired. The default is None.
det_ind : int, optional
A specific detector index, if only one is to be desired. The default is None.
dict[str, NDArray]
A dictionary containing the attenuation maps and the detector angle.
if det_ind is None:
det_angles = self.angles_det_rad
det_angles = self.angles_det_rad[det_ind]
return dict(att_maps=self.get_maps(roi=roi, rot_ind=rot_ind, det_ind=det_ind), angles_detectors_rad=det_angles)
def get_linear_attenuation_coefficient(
compound: Union[str, dict], energy_keV: float, pixel_size_um: float, density: Union[float, None] = None
) -> float:
"""Compute the linear attenuation coefficient for given compound, energy, and pixel size.
compound : Union[str, dict]
The compound for which we compute the linear attenuation coefficient
energy_keV : float
The energy of the photons
pixel_size_um : float
The pixel size in microns
density : Union[float, None], optional
The density of the compound (if different from the default value), by default None
The linear attenuation coefficient
if isinstance(compound, str):
compound = get_compound(compound)
if density is not None:
compound["density"] = density
cmp_cs = get_compound_cross_section(compound, energy_keV)
return pixel_size_um * CONVERT_UM_TO_CM * compound["density"] * cmp_cs
def plot_emission_line_attenuation(
compound: Union[str, dict],
thickness_um: float,
mean_energy_keV: float,
fwhm_keV: float,
line_shape: str = "lorentzian",
num_points: int = 201,
) -> None:
"""Plot spectral attenuation of a given line.
compound : Union[str, dict]
Compound to consider
thickness_um : float
Thickness of the compound (in microns)
mean_energy_keV : float
Average energy of the line
fwhm_keV : float
Full-width half-maximum of the line
line_shape : str, optional
Shape of the line, by default "lorentzian".
Options are: "gaussian" | "lorentzian" | "sech**2".
num_points : int, optional
number of discretization points, by default 201
When an unsupported line is chosen.
xc = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, num_points)
if line_shape.lower() == "gaussian":
xc *= fwhm_keV * 3
yg = np.exp(-4 * np.log(2) * (xc**2) / (fwhm_keV**2))
elif line_shape.lower() == "lorentzian":
xc *= fwhm_keV * 13
hwhm_keV = fwhm_keV / 2
yg = hwhm_keV / (xc**2 + hwhm_keV**2)
elif line_shape.lower() == "sech**2":
# doi: 10.1364/ol.20.001160
xc *= fwhm_keV * 4
tau = fwhm_keV / (2 * np.arccosh(np.sqrt(2)))
yg = 1 / np.cosh(xc / tau) ** 2
raise ValueError(f"Unknown beam shape: {line_shape.lower()}")
nrgs_keV = xc + mean_energy_keV
if isinstance(compound, str):
compound = get_compound(compound)
atts = np.empty_like(yg)
for ii, nrg in enumerate(nrgs_keV):
cmp_cs = get_compound_cross_section(compound, nrg)
atts[ii] = np.exp(-thickness_um * CONVERT_UM_TO_CM * compound["density"] * cmp_cs)
yg = yg / np.max(yg)
fig, axs_line = plt.subplots(1, 1)
pl_line = axs_line.plot(nrgs_keV, yg, label="$I_0$", color="C0")
axs_line.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="C0")
axs_atts = axs_line.twinx()
pl_atts = axs_atts.plot(nrgs_keV, atts, label="$\\mu (E)$", color="C1")
pl_line_att = axs_atts.plot(nrgs_keV, yg * atts, label="$I_m$", color="C2")
axs_atts.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="C1")
all_pls = pl_line + pl_atts + pl_line_att
axs_atts.legend(all_pls, [str(pl.get_label()) for pl in all_pls])
I_lin = np.sum(yg * atts[num_points // 2])
I_meas = yg.dot(atts)
print(f"Expected intensity: {I_lin}, measured: {I_meas} ({I_meas / I_lin:%})")
print(f"Mean energy {nrgs_keV.dot(yg / np.sum(yg) * (atts / atts[len(atts) // 2]))}, {nrgs_keV.dot(yg / np.sum(yg))}")
def plot_transmittance_decay(
compounds: Union[str, dict, Sequence[Union[str, dict]]],
mean_energy_keV: float,
thickness_range_um: tuple[float, float, int] = (0.0, 10.0, 101),
) -> None:
"""Plot transmittance decay curve(s) for the given compound(s) at a given energy and thickness range.
compounds : str | dict | Sequence[str | dict]
The compound(s) description
mean_energy_keV : float
The mean photon energy
thickness_range_um : tuple[float, float, int], optional
The thickness range as (start, end, num_points), by default (0.0, 10.0, 101)
if isinstance(compounds, (str, dict)):
compounds = [compounds]
compounds = [get_compound(c) if isinstance(c, str) else c for c in compounds]
thicknesses_um = np.linspace(*thickness_range_um)
atts = np.zeros((len(compounds), len(thicknesses_um)), dtype=np.float32)
for ii, cmp in enumerate(compounds):
cmp_cs = get_compound_cross_section(cmp, mean_energy_keV)
atts[ii] = np.exp(-thicknesses_um * CONVERT_UM_TO_CM * cmp["density"] * cmp_cs)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4))
for ii, cmp in enumerate(compounds):
axs.plot(thicknesses_um, atts[ii], label=cmp["name"])
axs.set_xlabel("Thickness [$\mu m$]", fontsize=14)
axs.set_xlim(thickness_range_um[0], thickness_range_um[1])
axs.set_ylabel("Transmittance", fontsize=14)
axs.set_ylim(0.0, 1.0)
axs.set_title(f"Transmittance curve at {mean_energy_keV:.2f} keV", fontsize=14)