Source code for corrct.param_tuning

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Aided regularization parameter estimation.

@author: Nicola VIGANĂ’, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands,
and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France

import concurrent.futures as cf
import inspect
import multiprocessing as mp
import time as tm
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union, Literal
from warnings import warn

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import Polynomial
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, DTypeLike, NDArray
from matplotlib.ticker import StrMethodFormatter
from import tqdm

from . import solvers

num_threads = round(np.log2(mp.cpu_count() + 1))

NDArrayFloat = NDArray[np.floating]

[docs] def create_random_test_mask( data_shape: Sequence[int], test_fraction: float = 0.05, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32 ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Create a random mask for cross-validation. Parameters ---------- data_shape : Sequence[int] The shape of the data. test_fraction : float, optional The fraction of pixels to mask. The default is 0.05. data_dtype : DTypeLike, optional The data type of the mask. The default is np.float32. Returns ------- data_test_mask : NDArrayFloat The pixel mask. """ data_test_mask = np.zeros(data_shape, dtype=dtype) num_test_pixels = int(np.ceil(data_test_mask.size * test_fraction)) test_pixels = np.random.permutation(data_test_mask.size) test_pixels = np.unravel_index(test_pixels[:num_test_pixels], data_shape) data_test_mask[test_pixels] = 1 return data_test_mask
[docs] def get_lambda_range(start: float, end: float, num_per_order: int = 4, aligned_order: bool = True) -> NDArrayFloat: """Compute hyper-parameter values within an interval. Parameters ---------- start : float First hyper-parameter value. end : float Last hyper-parameter value. num_per_order : int, optional Number of steps per order of magnitude. The default is 4. aligned_order : bool, optional Whether to align the 1 of each order of magnitude or to the given start value. The default is True. Returns ------- NDArrayFloat List of hyper-parameter values. """ step_size = 10 ** (1 / num_per_order) if aligned_order: order_start = 10 ** np.floor(np.log10(start)) order_end = 10 ** np.ceil(np.log10(end)) num_steps = np.ceil(num_per_order * np.log10(order_end / order_start) - 1e-3) tmp_steps = order_start * (step_size ** np.arange(num_steps + 1)) return tmp_steps[np.logical_and(tmp_steps >= start, (tmp_steps * (1 - 1e-3)) <= end)] else: num_steps = np.ceil(num_per_order * np.log10(end / start) - 1e-3) return start * (step_size ** np.arange(num_steps + 1))
[docs] def fit_func_min( hp_vals: Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat], f_vals: NDArrayFloat, f_stds: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, scale: Literal["linear", "log"] = "log", verbose: bool = False, plot_result: bool = False, ) -> tuple[float, float]: """Parabolic fit of objective function costs for the different hyper-parameter values. Parameters ---------- hp_vals : Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat] Hyper-parameter values. f_vals : NDArrayFloat Objective function costs of each hyper-parameter value. f_stds : NDArrayFloat, optional Objective function cost standard deviations of each hyper-parameter value. It is only used for plotting purposes. The default is None. scale : str, optional Scale of the fit. Options are: "log" | "linear". The default is "log". verbose : bool, optional Whether to produce verbose output, by default False plot_result : bool, optional Whether to plot the result, by default False Returns ------- min_hp_val : float Expected hyper-parameter value of the fitted minimum. min_f_val : float Expected objective function cost of the fitted minimum. """ hp_vals = np.array(hp_vals, ndmin=1) if len(hp_vals) < 3 or len(f_vals) < 3 or len(hp_vals) != len(f_vals): raise ValueError( "Lengths of the lambdas and function values should be identical and >= 3." f"Given: lams={len(hp_vals)}, vals={len(f_vals)}" ) if scale.lower() == "log": to_fit = np.log10 from_fit = lambda x: 10**x elif scale.lower() == "linear": to_fit = lambda x: x from_fit = to_fit else: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'scale' should be either 'log' or 'linear', given '{scale}' instead") min_pos = np.argmin(f_vals) if min_pos == 0: warn("Minimum value at the beginning of the lambda range.") hp_inds_fit = list(np.arange(3)) elif min_pos == (len(f_vals) - 1): warn("Minimum value at the end of the lambda range.") hp_inds_fit = list(np.mod(np.arange(-3, 0), hp_vals.size)) else: hp_inds_fit = list(np.arange(min_pos - 1, min_pos + 2)) lams_reg_fit = to_fit(hp_vals[hp_inds_fit]) f_vals_fit = f_vals[hp_inds_fit] counter = tm.perf_counter() if verbose: print( f"Fitting minimum within the interval [{hp_vals[hp_inds_fit[0]]:.3e}, {hp_vals[hp_inds_fit[-1]]:.3e}]" f" (indices: [{hp_inds_fit[0]}, {hp_inds_fit[-1]}]): ", end="", flush=True, ) # using, because it is supposed to be more numerically # stable than previous solutions (according to numpy). poly =, f_vals_fit, deg=2) coeffs = poly.convert().coef if coeffs[2] <= 0: warn("Fitted curve is concave. Returning minimum measured point.") return hp_vals[min_pos], f_vals[min_pos] # For a 1D parabola `f(x) = c + bx + ax^2`, the vertex position is: # x_v = -b / 2a. vertex_pos = -coeffs[1] / (2 * coeffs[2]) vertex_val = coeffs[0] + vertex_pos * coeffs[1] / 2 min_hp_val, min_f_val = from_fit(vertex_pos), vertex_val if min_hp_val < hp_vals[0] or min_hp_val > hp_vals[-1]: warn( f"Fitted lambda {min_hp_val:.3e} is outside the bounds of input lambdas [{hp_vals[0]:.3e}, {hp_vals[-1]:.3e}]." " Returning minimum measured point." ) res_hp_val, res_f_val = hp_vals[min_pos], f_vals[min_pos] else: res_hp_val, res_f_val = min_hp_val, min_f_val if verbose: print(f"Found at {min_hp_val:.3e}, in {tm.perf_counter() - counter:g} seconds.\n") if plot_result: fig, axs = plt.subplots() axs.set_xscale(scale, nonpositive="clip") if f_stds is None: axs.plot(hp_vals, f_vals) else: axs.errorbar(hp_vals, f_vals, yerr=f_stds, ecolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), elinewidth=1, capsize=2) x = np.linspace(lams_reg_fit[0], lams_reg_fit[2]) y = coeffs[0] + x * (coeffs[1] + x * coeffs[2]) axs.plot(from_fit(x), y) axs.scatter(min_hp_val, min_f_val) axs.grid() for tl in axs.get_xticklabels(): tl.set_fontsize(13) for tl in axs.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_fontsize(13) axs.set_xlabel(r"$\lambda$ values", fontsize=16) axs.set_ylabel("Cross-validation loss values", fontsize=16) axs.yaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter("{x:.2e}")) fig.tight_layout() return res_hp_val, res_f_val
[docs] class BaseParameterTuning(ABC): """Base class for parameter tuning classes.""" _solver_spawning_functionls: Optional[Callable] _solver_calling_function: Optional[Callable[[Any], tuple[NDArrayFloat, solvers.SolutionInfo]]] def __init__( self, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, parallel_eval: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, plot_result: bool = False ) -> None: """Initialize a base helper class. Parameters ---------- dtype : DTypeLike, optional Type of the data, by default np.float32 parallel_eval : bool, optional Whether to evaluate results in parallel, by default True verbose : bool, optional Whether to produce verbose output, by default False plot_result : bool, optional Whether to plot the results, by default False """ self.dtype = dtype self.parallel_eval = parallel_eval self.verbose = verbose self.plot_result = plot_result self._solver_spawning_function = None self._solver_calling_function = None @property def solver_spawning_function(self) -> Callable: """Return the locally stored solver spawning function.""" if self._solver_spawning_function is None: raise ValueError("Solver spawning function not initialized!") return self._solver_spawning_function @property def solver_calling_function(self) -> Callable[[Any, ...], tuple[NDArrayFloat, solvers.SolutionInfo]]: """Return the locally stored solver calling function.""" if self._solver_calling_function is None: raise ValueError("Solver spawning function not initialized!") return self._solver_calling_function @solver_spawning_function.setter def solver_spawning_function(self, solver_spawn: Callable) -> None: if not isinstance(solver_spawn, Callable): raise ValueError("Expected a solver spawning function (callable)") if len(inspect.signature(solver_spawn).parameters) != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected a solver spawning function (callable), whose only parameter is the regularization lambda" ) self._solver_spawning_function = solver_spawn @solver_calling_function.setter def solver_calling_function(self, solver_call: Callable[[Any, ...], tuple[NDArrayFloat, solvers.SolutionInfo]]) -> None: if not isinstance(solver_call, Callable): raise ValueError("Expected a solver calling function (callable)") if not len(inspect.signature(solver_call).parameters) >= 1: raise ValueError("Expected a solver calling function (callable), with at least one parameter (solver)") self._solver_calling_function = solver_call
[docs] @staticmethod def get_lambda_range(start: float, end: float, num_per_order: int = 4) -> NDArrayFloat: """Compute regularization weights within an interval. Parameters ---------- start : float First regularization weight. end : float Last regularization weight. num_per_order : int, optional Number of steps per order of magnitude. The default is 4. Returns ------- NDArrayFloat List of regularization weights. """ return get_lambda_range(start=start, end=end, num_per_order=num_per_order)
[docs] def compute_reconstruction_and_loss(self, hp_val: float, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> tuple[float, NDArrayFloat]: """Compute objective function cost for the given hyper-parameter value. Parameters ---------- hp_val : float hyper-parameter value. *args : Any Optional positional arguments for the reconstruction. **kwds : Any Optional keyword arguments for the reconstruction. Returns ------- cost : float Cost of the given regularization weight. rec : NDArray Reconstruction at the given weight. """ solver = self.solver_spawning_function(hp_val) rec, rec_info = self.solver_calling_function(solver, *args, **kwds) # Output will be: test objective function cost, and reconstruction return float(rec_info.residuals_cv_rel[-1]), rec
[docs] def compute_reconstruction_error( self, hp_vals: Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat], gnd_truth: NDArrayFloat ) -> tuple[NDArrayFloat, NDArrayFloat]: """Compute the reconstruction errors for each hyper-parameter values against the ground truth. Parameters ---------- hp_vals : Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat] List of hyper-parameter values. gnd_truth : NDArrayFloat Expected reconstruction. Returns ------- err_l1 : NDArrayFloat l1-norm errors for each reconstruction. err_l2 : NDArrayFloat l2-norm errors for each reconstruction. """ hp_vals = np.array(hp_vals, ndmin=1) if self.verbose: print("Computing reconstruction error:") print(f"- Hyper-parameter values range: [{hp_vals[0]:.3e}, {hp_vals[-1]:.3e}] in {len(hp_vals)} steps") print(f"Parallel evaluation: {self.parallel_eval} (n. threads: {num_threads})") if self.parallel_eval: with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor: future_to_lambda = { executor.submit(self.compute_reconstruction_and_loss, l): (ii, l) for ii, l in enumerate(hp_vals) } recs = [np.array([])] * len(hp_vals) try: for future in tqdm( cf.as_completed(future_to_lambda), desc="Hyper-parameter values", disable=not self.verbose, total=len(hp_vals), ): hp_ind, hp_val = future_to_lambda[future] try: recs[hp_ind] = future.result()[1] except ValueError as exc: print(f"Hyper-parameter value {hp_val} (#{hp_ind}) generated an exception: {exc}") raise except: print("Shutting down..", end="", flush=True) executor.shutdown(cancel_futures=True) print("\b\b: Done.") raise else: recs = [ self.compute_reconstruction_and_loss(l)[1] for l in tqdm(hp_vals, desc="Hyper-parameter values", disable=not self.verbose) ] err_l1 = np.zeros((len(hp_vals),), dtype=self.dtype) err_l2 = np.zeros((len(hp_vals),), dtype=self.dtype) for ii_l, rec in enumerate(recs): residual = np.abs(gnd_truth - rec) err_l1[ii_l] = np.linalg.norm(residual.ravel(), ord=1) err_l2[ii_l] = np.linalg.norm(residual.ravel(), ord=2) ** 2 if self.plot_result: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) axs[0].set_xscale("log", nonpositive="clip") # type: ignore axs[0].plot(hp_vals, err_l1, label="Error - l1-norm") # type: ignore axs[0].legend() # type: ignore axs[1].set_xscale("log", nonpositive="clip") # type: ignore axs[1].plot(hp_vals, err_l2, label="Error - l2-norm ^ 2") # type: ignore axs[1].legend() # type: ignore fig.tight_layout() return err_l1, err_l2
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_loss_values(self, hp_vals: Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat]) -> NDArrayFloat: """Compute the objective function costs for a list of hyper-parameter values. Parameters ---------- hp_vals : Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat] List of hyper-parameter values. Returns ------- NDArrayFloat Objective function cost for each hyper-parameter value. """
[docs] class LCurve(BaseParameterTuning): """L-curve regularization parameter estimation helper.""" def __init__( self, loss_function: Callable, data_dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, parallel_eval: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, plot_result: bool = False, ): """Create an L-curve regularization parameter estimation helper. Parameters ---------- loss_function : Callable The loss function for the computation of the L-curve values. data_dtype : DTypeLike, optional Type of the input data. The default is np.float32. parallel_eval : bool, optional Compute loss and error values in parallel. The default is False. verbose : bool, optional Print verbose output. The default is False. plot_result : bool, optional Plot results. The default is False. Raises ------ ValueError In case 'loss_function' is not callable or does not expose at least one argument. """ super().__init__(dtype=data_dtype, parallel_eval=parallel_eval, verbose=verbose, plot_result=plot_result) if not isinstance(loss_function, Callable): raise ValueError( "Expected a callable with one argument for the argument 'loss_function'," " whose parameters are: the solver and the data test mask" ) if len(inspect.signature(loss_function).parameters) != 1: raise ValueError("The callable 'loss_function', should have one parameter") self.loss_function = loss_function
[docs] def compute_loss_values(self, hp_vals: Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat]) -> NDArrayFloat: """Compute objective function values for all hyper-parameter values. Parameters ---------- hp_vals : Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat] Hyper-parameter values to use for computing the different objective function values. Returns ------- f_vals : NDArrayFloat Objective function cost for each hyper-parameter value. """ hp_vals = np.array(hp_vals, ndmin=1) counter = tm.perf_counter() if self.verbose: print("Computing L-curve loss values:") print(f"- Hyper-parameter values range: [{hp_vals[0]:.3e}, {hp_vals[-1]:.3e}] in {len(hp_vals)} steps") print(f"Parallel evaluation: {self.parallel_eval} (n. threads: {num_threads})") if self.parallel_eval: with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor: future_to_lambda = { executor.submit(self.compute_reconstruction_and_loss, l): (ii, l) for ii, l in enumerate(hp_vals) } recs = [np.array([])] * len(hp_vals) try: for future in tqdm( cf.as_completed(future_to_lambda), desc="Hyper-parameter values", disable=not self.verbose, total=len(hp_vals), ): hp_ind, hp_val = future_to_lambda[future] try: recs[hp_ind] = future.result()[1] except ValueError as exc: print(f"Hyper-parameter value {hp_val} (#{hp_ind}) generated an exception: {exc}") raise except: print("Shutting down..", end="", flush=True) executor.shutdown(cancel_futures=True) print("\b\b: Done.") raise else: recs = [ self.compute_reconstruction_and_loss(l)[1] for l in tqdm(hp_vals, desc="Hyper-parameter values", disable=not self.verbose) ] f_vals = np.array([self.loss_function(rec) for rec in recs], dtype=self.dtype) if self.verbose: print(f"Done in {tm.perf_counter() - counter} seconds.\n") if self.plot_result: fig, axs = plt.subplots() axs.set_title("L-Curve loss values") axs.set_xscale("log", nonpositive="clip") axs.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") axs.plot(hp_vals, f_vals) axs.grid() fig.tight_layout() return f_vals
[docs] class CrossValidation(BaseParameterTuning): """Cross-validation hyper-parameter estimation class.""" def __init__( self, data_shape: Sequence[int], dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, cv_fraction: float = 0.1, num_averages: int = 7, parallel_eval: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, plot_result: bool = False, ): """Create a cross-validation hyper-parameter estimation helper. Parameters ---------- data_shape : Sequence[int] Shape of the projection data. data_dtype : DTypeLike, optional Type of the input data. The default is np.float32. cv_fraction : float, optional Fraction of detector points to use for the leave-out set. The default is 0.1. num_averages : int, optional Number of averages random leave-out sets to use. The default is 7. parallel_eval : bool, optional Compute loss and error values in parallel. The default is False. verbose : bool, optional Print verbose output. The default is False. plot_result : bool, optional Plot results. The default is False. """ super().__init__(dtype=dtype, parallel_eval=parallel_eval, verbose=verbose, plot_result=plot_result) self.data_shape = data_shape self.cv_fraction = cv_fraction self.num_averages = num_averages self.data_test_masks = [self._create_random_test_mask() for _ in range(self.num_averages)] def _create_random_test_mask(self) -> NDArrayFloat: return create_random_test_mask(self.data_shape, self.cv_fraction, self.dtype)
[docs] def compute_loss_values(self, hp_vals: Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat]) -> tuple[NDArrayFloat, NDArrayFloat, NDArrayFloat]: """Compute objective function values for all requested hyper-parameter values.. Parameters ---------- params : Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat] Hyper-parameter values (e.g. regularization weight) to evaluate. Returns ------- f_avgs : NDArrayFloat Average objective function costs for each regularization weight. f_stds : NDArrayFloat Standard deviation of objective function costs for each regularization weight. f_vals : NDArrayFloat Objective function costs for each regularization weight. """ hp_vals = np.array(hp_vals, ndmin=1) counter = tm.perf_counter() if self.verbose: print("Computing cross-validation loss values:") print(f"- Hyper-parameter range: [{hp_vals[0]:.3e}, {hp_vals[-1]:.3e}] in {len(hp_vals)} steps") print(f"- Number of averages: {self.num_averages}") print(f"- Leave-out pixel fraction: {self.cv_fraction:%}") print(f"Parallel evaluation: {self.parallel_eval} (n. threads: {num_threads})") f_vals = np.empty((len(hp_vals), self.num_averages), dtype=self.dtype) for ii_avg in range(self.num_averages): if self.verbose: print(f"\nRound: {ii_avg + 1}/{self.num_averages}") if self.parallel_eval: with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor: future_to_lambda = { executor.submit(self.compute_reconstruction_and_loss, l, self.data_test_masks[ii_avg]): (ii, l) for ii, l in enumerate(hp_vals) } f_vals_ii = [0.0] * len(hp_vals) try: for future in tqdm( cf.as_completed(future_to_lambda), desc="Hyper-parameter values", disable=not self.verbose, total=len(hp_vals), ): hp_ind, hp_val = future_to_lambda[future] try: f_vals_ii[hp_ind] = future.result()[0] except ValueError as exc: print(f"Hyper-parameter value {hp_val} (#{hp_ind}) generated an exception: {exc}") raise except: print("Shutting down..", end="", flush=True) executor.shutdown(cancel_futures=True) print("\b\b: Done.") raise else: f_vals_ii = [ self.compute_reconstruction_and_loss(l, self.data_test_masks[ii_avg])[0] for l in tqdm(hp_vals, desc="Hyper-parameter values", disable=not self.verbose) ] f_vals[:, ii_avg] = np.array(f_vals_ii) f_avgs = np.mean(f_vals, axis=1) f_stds = np.std(f_vals, axis=1) if self.verbose: print(f"Done in {tm.perf_counter() - counter:g} seconds.\n") if self.plot_result: fig, axs = plt.subplots() axs.set_title(f"Cross-validation loss values (avgs: {self.num_averages})") axs.set_xscale("log", nonpositive="clip") axs.errorbar(hp_vals, f_avgs, yerr=f_stds, ecolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), elinewidth=1, capsize=2) axs.grid() fig.tight_layout() return f_avgs, f_stds, f_vals
[docs] def fit_loss_min( self, hp_vals: Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat], f_vals: NDArrayFloat, f_stds: Optional[NDArrayFloat] = None, scale: Literal["linear", "log"] = "log", ) -> tuple[float, float]: """Parabolic fit of objective function costs for the different hyper-parameter values. Parameters ---------- hp_vals : Union[ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat] Hyper-parameter values. f_vals : NDArrayFloat Objective function costs of each hyper-parameter value. f_stds : NDArrayFloat, optional Objective function cost standard deviations of each hyper-parameter value. It is only used for plotting purposes. The default is None. scale : str, optional Scale of the fit. Options are: "log" | "linear". The default is "log". Returns ------- min_hp_val : float Expected hyper-parameter value of the fitted minimum. min_f_val : float Expected objective function cost of the fitted minimum. """ return fit_func_min( hp_vals=hp_vals, f_vals=f_vals, f_stds=f_stds, scale=scale, verbose=self.verbose, plot_result=self.plot_result )