Source code for corrct.filters

Filtered back-projection filters.

@author: Nicola VIGANĂ’, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands,
and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Mapping, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, DTypeLike, NDArray
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from skimage.transform.radon_transform import _get_fourier_filter

from .operators import BaseTransform
from .processing import circular_mask

    import pywt

    has_pywt = True
except ImportError:
    print("WARNING: You need to install PyWavelets to benefit from wavelet bases.")

    has_pywt = False

[docs]class BasisOptions(ABC, Mapping): """Options for the different types of bases.""" def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of options. Returns ------- int The number of options. """ return self.__dict__.__len__() def __getitem__(self, k: Any) -> Any: """Return the selected option. Parameters ---------- k : Any The key of the selected option. Returns ------- Any The selected option. """ return self.__dict__.__getitem__(k) def __iter__(self) -> Any: """Iterate the options list. Returns ------- Any The following option. """ return iter(self.__dict__)
[docs]@dataclass class BasisOptionsBlocks(BasisOptions): """Options for the wavelet bases.""" binning_start: Optional[int] = 2 binning_type: str = "exponential" order: int = 1 normalized: bool = True
[docs]@dataclass class BasisOptionsWavelets(BasisOptions): """Options for the wavelet bases.""" wavelet: str = "bior2.2" level: int = 5 norm: float = 1.0
[docs]def create_basis( num_pixels: int, binning_start: Optional[int] = 2, binning_type: str = "exponential", normalized: bool = False, order: int = 1, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, ) -> NDArray: """Compute filter basis matrix. Parameters ---------- num_pixels : int Number of filter fixels. binning_start : Optional[int], optional Starting displacement of the binning, by default 2. binning_type : str, optional Type of pixel binning, by default "exponential". normalized : bool, optional Whether to normalize the bins by the window size, by default True. order : int, optional Order of the basis functions. Only 0 and 1 supported, by default 1. dtype : DTypeLike, optional Data type, by default np.float32. Returns ------- NDArray The filter basis. """ filter_positions = np.abs(np.fft.fftfreq(num_pixels, 1 / num_pixels)) window_size = 1 window_position = 0 basis_r = [] while window_position < filter_positions.max(): basis_tmp = np.zeros(filter_positions.shape, dtype=dtype) if order == 0: binning_positions = np.logical_and( window_position <= filter_positions, filter_positions < (window_position + window_size) ) basis_val = 1.0 if normalized: basis_val /= window_size basis_tmp[binning_positions] = basis_val else: basis_tmp = np.fmax(1.0 - filter_positions / (window_position + window_size), 0.0) basis_r.append(basis_tmp) window_position += window_size if binning_start is not None and window_position > binning_start: if binning_type == "exponential": window_size = 2 * window_size elif binning_type == "incremental": window_size += 1 elif binning_type == "custom": window_size += int(np.sqrt(window_position - binning_start)) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid 'binning_type' = {binning_type}.") basis_r = np.array(basis_r, dtype=dtype) if order > 0: for ii in range(1, basis_r.shape[0]): for jj in range(0, ii): other_vec = basis_r[jj, ...] other_vec_norm_2 = basis_r[ii, ...] -= other_vec *[ii, ...]) / other_vec_norm_2 if normalized: basis_r /= np.linalg.norm(basis_r, ord=1, axis=-1, keepdims=True) return basis_r
[docs]def create_basis_wavelet( num_pixels: int, wavelet: str = "bior2.2", level: int = 5, norm: float = 1.0, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, ) -> NDArray: """Compute filter basis matrix. Parameters ---------- num_pixels : int Number of wavelet filters. wavelet: str, optional The wavelet to use, by default "bior4.4". level : int, optional The decomposition level to reach, by default 5. norm : float, optional The norm to use, by default 1.0. dtype : DTypeLike, optional Data type, by default np.float32. Returns ------- NDArray The filter basis. """ if not has_pywt: print("WARNING: You need to install PyWavelets to benefit from wavelet bases.") raise ImportError("PyWavelets (pywt) module not found.") # max_level = pywt.swt_max_level(num_pixels) # if level > max_level: # print(f"WARNING: Requested level {level} is too high for {num_pixels} pixels. Max allowed is {max_level}.") # level = max_level w = pywt.Wavelet(wavelet) dec_lo = np.trim_zeros(w.dec_lo) dec_hi = np.trim_zeros(w.dec_hi) crop_size_l = num_pixels // 2 crop_size_u = num_pixels - crop_size_l pad_size_u = (num_pixels - len(dec_hi)) // 2 pad_size_l = num_pixels - len(dec_hi) - pad_size_u pad_width = (pad_size_l, pad_size_u) basis_hi_tmp = np.pad(dec_hi, pad_width=np.array(pad_width)) pad_size_u = (num_pixels - len(dec_lo)) // 2 pad_size_l = num_pixels - len(dec_lo) - pad_size_u pad_width = (pad_size_l, pad_size_u) basis_lo_tmp = np.pad(dec_lo, pad_width=np.array(pad_width)) coords = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(num_pixels, 1 / num_pixels)) basis_r = [] basis_r.append(basis_hi_tmp) for _ in range(level - 1): basis_lo_old = basis_lo_tmp.copy() int_obj = interp1d(coords, basis_hi_tmp, kind="linear") basis_hi_tmp = int_obj((coords + 1 - len(coords) % 2) / 2) basis_hi_tmp = np.convolve(basis_hi_tmp, basis_lo_old, mode="same") int_obj = interp1d(coords, basis_lo_tmp, kind="linear") basis_lo_tmp = int_obj((coords + 1 - len(coords) % 2) / 2) basis_lo_tmp = np.convolve(basis_lo_tmp, basis_lo_old, mode="same") basis_r.append(basis_hi_tmp) basis_r.append(basis_lo_tmp) basis_r = np.array(basis_r, dtype=dtype) basis_r /= np.linalg.norm(basis_r, axis=-1, ord=norm, keepdims=True) return np.fft.ifftshift(basis_r, axes=(-1,))
[docs]class Filter(ABC): """Base FBP filter.""" fbp_filter: NDArray[np.floating] pad_mode: str use_rfft: bool dtype: DTypeLike def __init__( self, fbp_filter: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray[np.floating], None], pad_mode: str, use_rfft: bool, dtype: DTypeLike, ) -> None: """Initialize Base FBP filter. Parameters ---------- fbp_filter : Union[ArrayLike, NDArray[np.floating], None] The filter. pad_mode : str The padding mode. use_rfft : bool Whethert to use the `rfft` or complex `fft`. dtype : DTypeLike The data type of the filter. """ self.dtype = dtype self.pad_mode = pad_mode.lower() self.use_rfft = use_rfft if fbp_filter is None: self.fbp_filter = np.array([1.0], dtype=dtype) else: self.fbp_filter = np.array(np.real(fbp_filter), dtype=dtype)
[docs] def get_padding_size(self, data_wu_shape: Sequence[int]) -> int: """Compute the projection padding size for a linear convolution. Parameters ---------- data_wu_shape : Sequence[int] The shape of the data Returns ------- int The padding size of the last dimension. """ return max(64, int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(2 * data_wu_shape[-1]))))
[docs] def to_fourier(self, data_wu: NDArray) -> NDArray: if self.use_rfft: return np.fft.rfft(data_wu, axis=-1) else: return np.fft.fft(data_wu, axis=-1)
[docs] def to_real(self, data_wu: NDArray) -> NDArray: if self.use_rfft: return np.fft.irfft(data_wu, axis=-1) else: return np.fft.ifft(data_wu, axis=-1).real
@property def filter_fourier(self) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Fourier representation of the filter. Returns ------- NDArray[np.floating] The filter in Fourier. """ return self.fbp_filter.copy() @property def filter_real(self) -> NDArray[np.floating]: """Real-space representation of the filter. Returns ------- NDArray[np.floating] The filter in real-space. """ fbp_filter_r = self.to_real(self.fbp_filter) return np.fft.fftshift(fbp_filter_r, axes=(-1,)) @filter_real.setter def filter_real(self, fbp_filter_r: NDArray[np.floating]) -> None: self.fbp_filter = self.to_fourier(fbp_filter_r) @filter_fourier.setter def filter_fourier(self, fbp_filter_f: NDArray[np.floating]) -> None: self.fbp_filter = fbp_filter_f.copy() @property def num_filters(self) -> int: return np.array(self.fbp_filter, ndmin=2).shape[-2]
[docs] def apply_filter(self, data_wu: NDArray, fbp_filter: Optional[NDArray] = None) -> NDArray: """Apply the filter to the data_wu. Parameters ---------- data_wu : NDArray The sinogram. fbp_filter : NDArray, optional The filter to use. The default is None Returns ------- NDArray The filtered sinogram. """ data_wu_shape = data_wu.shape if fbp_filter is None: local_filter = self.fbp_filter else: local_filter = fbp_filter prj_size_pad = self.get_padding_size(data_wu_shape) pad_edge_u = (prj_size_pad - data_wu_shape[-1]) / 2 pad_width = np.zeros((len(data_wu_shape), 2), dtype=int) pad_width[-1, :] = (int(np.ceil(pad_edge_u)), int(np.floor(pad_edge_u))) prj_pad = np.pad(data_wu, pad_width=tuple(pad_width), mode=self.pad_mode) # type: ignore prj_pad = np.roll(prj_pad, shift=-pad_width[-1][0], axis=-1) prj_f = self.to_fourier(prj_pad) local_filter = np.array(local_filter, ndmin=2) num_filters = local_filter.shape[-2] if num_filters > 1: prjs_f = [np.array([])] * num_filters for ii, f in enumerate(local_filter): prj_f_ii = prj_f * np.array(f, ndmin=len(data_wu_shape)) prj_f_ii = self.to_real(prj_f_ii) prjs_f[ii] = prj_f_ii[..., : data_wu_shape[-1]] return np.array(prjs_f) else: prj_f *= np.array(local_filter, ndmin=len(data_wu_shape)) return self.to_real(prj_f)[..., : data_wu_shape[-1]]
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_filter(self, data_wu: NDArray) -> None: """Compute the FBP filter for the given data. Parameters ---------- data_wu : NDArray The reference sinogram / projection data. """
def __call__(self, data_wu: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Filter the sinogram, by first computing the filter, and then applying it. Parameters ---------- data_wu : NDArray The unfiltered sinogram. Returns ------- NDArray The filtered sinogram. """ self.compute_filter(data_wu) return self.apply_filter(data_wu, self.fbp_filter)
[docs] def plot_filters(self, fourier_abs: bool = False): filters_r = np.array(self.filter_real, ndmin=2) filters_f = np.array(self.filter_fourier, ndmin=2) f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4)) for ii in range(self.num_filters): axes[0].plot(filters_r[ii, ...], label=f"Filter-{ii}") axes[0].set_title("Real-space") axes[0].set_xlabel("Pixel") for ii in range(self.num_filters): filt_f = filters_f[ii, ...] if fourier_abs: filt_f = np.abs(filt_f) axes[1].plot(filt_f, label=f"Filter-{ii}") axes[1].set_title("Fourier-space") axes[1].set_xlabel("Frequency") axes[0].grid() axes[1].grid() if self.num_filters > 1: axes[1].legend() f.tight_layout()
[docs]class FilterCustom(Filter): """Custom FBP filter.""" def __init__( self, fbp_filter: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray[np.floating], None], pad_mode: str = "constant", use_rfft: bool = True, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, ) -> None: """Initialize Custom FBP filter. Parameters ---------- fbp_filter : Union[ArrayLike, NDArray[np.floating], None] The filter. pad_mode : str, optional The padding mode, by default "constant". use_rfft : bool, optional Whethert to use the `rfft` or complex `fft`, by default True. dtype : DTypeLike, optional The data type of the filter, by default np.float32. """ super().__init__(fbp_filter, pad_mode, use_rfft, dtype)
[docs] def compute_filter(self, data_wu: NDArray) -> None: """Provide dummy implementation, because it is not required."""
[docs]class FilterFBP(Filter): """Traditional FBP filter.""" filter_name: str FILTERS = ("ramp", "shepp-logan", "cosine", "hamming", "hann") def __init__( self, filter_name: str = "ramp", pad_mode: str = "constant", use_rfft: bool = True, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32 ) -> None: """Initialize traditional FBP filter. Parameters ---------- filter_name : str The filter name use_rfft : bool, optional Whethert to use the `rfft` or complex `fft`, by default True dtype : DTypeLike, optional The type of the filter, by default np.float32 """ if filter_name.lower() not in self.FILTERS: raise ValueError(f"Unknown filter {filter_name}. Available filters: {self.FILTERS}") super().__init__(fbp_filter=None, pad_mode=pad_mode, use_rfft=use_rfft, dtype=dtype) self.filter_name = filter_name.lower()
[docs] def compute_filter(self, data_wu: NDArray) -> None: """Compute the traditional FBP filter for the given data. Parameters ---------- data_wu : NDArray The reference sinogram / projection data. """ prj_size_pad = self.get_padding_size(data_wu.shape) self.fbp_filter = _get_fourier_filter(prj_size_pad, self.filter_name) self.fbp_filter = np.squeeze(self.fbp_filter) * np.pi / (2 * data_wu.shape[-2]) if self.use_rfft: self.fbp_filter = self.fbp_filter[: (self.fbp_filter.shape[-1]) // 2 + 1]
[docs] def get_available_filters(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Provide available FBP filters. Returns ------- Sequence[str] The available filters. """ return self.FILTERS
[docs]class FilterMR(Filter): """Data dependent FBP filter. This is a simplified implementation from: [1] Pelt, D. M., & Batenburg, K. J. (2014). Improving filtered backprojection reconstruction by data-dependent filtering. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 23(11), 4750-4762. Code inspired by: """ projector: BaseTransform binning_type: str binning_start: Union[int, None] lambda_smooth: Union[float, None] is_initialized: bool def __init__( self, projector: BaseTransform, binning_type: str = "exponential", binning_start: Union[int, None] = 2, lambda_smooth: Optional[float] = None, pad_mode: str = "constant", use_rfft: bool = True, dtype: DTypeLike = np.float32, ) -> None: """Initialize data-driven FBP filter. Parameters ---------- projector : BaseTransform The projector to use for handling the data. start_exp_binning : int, optional From which distance to start exponentional binning. The default is 2. lambda_smooth : float, optional Smoothing parameter. The default is None. dtype : DTypeLike, optional Filter data type. The default is np.float32. """ super().__init__(fbp_filter=None, pad_mode=pad_mode, use_rfft=use_rfft, dtype=dtype) self.projector = projector self.binning_type = binning_type.lower() if self.binning_type not in ("exponential", "incremental"): raise ValueError("Binning type should be either 'exponential' or 'incremental'.") self.binning_start = binning_start self.lambda_smooth = lambda_smooth self.is_initialized = False
[docs] def initialize(self, data_wu_shape: Sequence[int]) -> None: """Initialize filter. Parameters ---------- data_wu_shape : Sequence[int] Shape of the data. """ num_pad_pixels = self.get_padding_size(data_wu_shape) self.basis_r = create_basis( num_pad_pixels, binning_type=self.binning_type, binning_start=self.binning_start, dtype=self.dtype ) self.basis_f = self.to_fourier(self.basis_r).real self.is_initialized = True
[docs] def compute_filter(self, data_wu: NDArray) -> None: """Compute the filter. Parameters ---------- data_wu : NDArray The sinogram. projector : ProjectorOperator The projector used in the FBP. """ if not self.is_initialized: self.initialize(data_wu.shape) num_sino_pixels = data_wu.shape[-1] sino_size = data_wu.shape[-2] * num_sino_pixels nrows = sino_size ncols = self.basis_f.shape[-2] if self.lambda_smooth: grad_vol_size = num_sino_pixels * (num_sino_pixels - 1) nrows += 2 * grad_vol_size A = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=self.dtype) vol_mask = circular_mask([num_sino_pixels] * 2) for ii, bas_f in enumerate(self.basis_f): data_wu_f = self.apply_filter(data_wu, bas_f) img = self.projector.T(data_wu_f) img *= vol_mask A[:sino_size, ii] = self.projector(img).flatten() if self.lambda_smooth: dx = np.diff(img, axis=-2) dy = np.diff(img, axis=-1) d = np.concatenate((dx.flatten(), dy.flatten())) A[sino_size:, ii] = self.lambda_smooth * d b = np.zeros((nrows,), dtype=self.dtype) b[:sino_size] = data_wu.flatten() fitted_components = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)[0].astype(self.dtype) self.fbp_filter =