Source code for corrct.alignment.fitting

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Fitting routines.

Created on Tue May 17 12:11:58 2022

@author: Nicola VIGANĂ’, Computational Imaging group, CWI, The Netherlands,
and ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France

from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial
import scipy.ndimage as spimg
import scipy.optimize as spopt
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
from skimage.transform import warp_polar
from skimage.filters import window
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

NDArrayFloat = NDArray[np.floating]

eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps

[docs] def fit_shifts_u_sad( data_wu: NDArrayFloat, proj_wu: NDArrayFloat, search_range: int = 16, pad_u: bool = False, error_norm: int = 1, decimals: int = 2, ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Find the U shifts between two sets of lines, by means of the sum-of-absolute-difference (SAD). Parameters ---------- data_wu : NDArrayFloat The reference data. proj_wu : NDArrayFloat The other data. search_rage : int, optional The range in pixels of the search, by default 16 error_norm : int, optional The error norm to use, by default 1 decimals : int, optional The precision of the result, by default 2 Returns ------- NDArrayFloat A list of one shift for each row. """ if pad_u: padding = np.zeros((len(data_wu.shape), 2), dtype=int) padding[-1, :] = (search_range, search_range) pad_data_wu = np.pad(data_wu, pad_width=padding, mode="edge") pad_proj_wu = np.pad(proj_wu, pad_width=padding, mode="constant") fft_proj_wu = np.fft.fft2(pad_proj_wu) num_shifts = search_range * 2 + 1 shift_coords = np.fft.fftfreq(num_shifts, 1 / num_shifts) diffs = np.empty((data_wu.shape[-2], len(shift_coords))) for ii, s in enumerate(shift_coords): shifted_proj_wu = np.fft.ifft2(spimg.fourier_shift(fft_proj_wu, (0, s))).real diffs[:, ii] = np.linalg.norm(pad_data_wu - shifted_proj_wu, axis=-1, ord=error_norm) f_vals, f_h = extract_peak_regions_1d(-diffs, axis=-1, cc_coords=shift_coords) shifts_vu = f_h[1, :] if decimals > 0: shifts_vu += refine_max_position_1d(f_vals, decimals=decimals) return shifts_vu
[docs] def fit_shifts_vu_xc( data_vwu: NDArrayFloat, proj_vwu: NDArrayFloat, pad_u: bool = False, normalize_fourier: bool = False, margin: int = 0, use_rfft: bool = True, stack_axis: int = -2, decimals: int = 2, ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Find the VU shifts of the projected data, through cross-correlation. Parameters ---------- data_vwu : NDArrayFloat The collected projection data. proj_vwu : NDArrayFloat The forward-projected images from the reconstruction. pad_u : bool, optional Pad the u coordinate. The default is False. normalize_fourier : bool, optional Whether to normalize the Fourier representation of the cross-correlation. The default is False. margin : int, optional The margin of the region to compare, the default is 0. use_rfft : bool, optional Whether to use the `rfft` transform in place of the complex `fft` transform. The default is True. stack_axis : int, optional The axis along which the VU images are stacked. The default is -2. decimals : int, optional Decimals for the truncation of the sub-pixel The default is 2. Returns ------- NDArrayFloat The VU shifts. """ num_angles = data_vwu.shape[stack_axis] if use_rfft: local_fftn = np.fft.rfftn local_ifftn = np.fft.irfftn else: local_fftn = np.fft.fftn local_ifftn = np.fft.ifftn fft_dims = np.delete(np.arange(-len(data_vwu.shape), 0), stack_axis) u_axis = fft_dims[-1] old_fft_shapes = np.array(np.array(data_vwu.shape)[fft_dims], ndmin=1, dtype=int) new_fft_shapes = old_fft_shapes.copy() if pad_u: new_fft_shapes[u_axis] *= 2 cc_coords = [np.fft.fftfreq(s, 1 / s) for s in new_fft_shapes] if margin > 0: mask = np.zeros([proj_vwu.shape[d] for d in fft_dims], dtype=proj_vwu.dtype) slices = [slice(margin, proj_vwu.shape[d] - margin) for d in fft_dims] mask[tuple(slices)] = 1.0 proj_vwu = proj_vwu * mask[..., None, :] if len(fft_dims) == 2: shifts_vu = np.empty((len(data_vwu.shape) - 1, num_angles)) slices = [slice(None)] * len(data_vwu.shape) for ii_a in range(num_angles): # For performance reasons, it is better to do the fft on each image slices[stack_axis] = slice(ii_a, ii_a + 1) data_vu = data_vwu[tuple(slices)].squeeze(axis=stack_axis) if proj_vwu.shape[stack_axis] == 1: proj_vu = proj_vwu.squeeze(axis=stack_axis) else: proj_vu = proj_vwu[tuple(slices)].squeeze(axis=stack_axis) data_vwu_f = local_fftn(data_vu, s=list(new_fft_shapes)) proj_vwu_f = local_fftn(proj_vu, s=list(new_fft_shapes)) cc_f = data_vwu_f * proj_vwu_f.conj() if normalize_fourier: cc_f /= np.fmax(np.abs(cc_f), eps) cc_r: NDArrayFloat = local_ifftn(cc_f).real f_vals, f_coords = extract_peak_region_nd(cc_r, cc_coords=cc_coords) shifts_vu[..., ii_a] = np.array([f_coords[0][1], f_coords[1][1]]) if decimals > 0: f_vals_v = f_vals[:, 1] f_vals_u = f_vals[1, :] sub_pixel_v = refine_max_position_1d(f_vals_v, decimals=decimals) sub_pixel_u = refine_max_position_1d(f_vals_u, decimals=decimals) shifts_vu[..., ii_a] += [sub_pixel_v, sub_pixel_u] else: data_vwu_f = local_fftn(data_vwu, s=list(new_fft_shapes), axes=list(fft_dims)) proj_vwu_f = local_fftn(proj_vwu, s=list(new_fft_shapes), axes=list(fft_dims)) ccs_f = data_vwu_f * proj_vwu_f.conj() if normalize_fourier: ccs_f /= np.fmax(np.abs(ccs_f).max(axis=u_axis, keepdims=True), eps) ccs = local_ifftn(ccs_f, axes=fft_dims).real f_vals, f_h = extract_peak_regions_1d(ccs, axis=u_axis, cc_coords=cc_coords[u_axis]) shifts_vu = f_h[1, :] if decimals > 0: shifts_vu += refine_max_position_1d(f_vals, decimals=decimals) # import skimage.registration as skr # upsample_factor = int(1 / 10 ** (-decimals)) # shifts_vu = np.empty((len(data_vwu.shape) - 1, num_angles)) # for ii in range(num_angles): # shifts_vu[..., ii] = skr.phase_cross_correlation( # data_vwu[..., ii, :], proj_vwu[..., ii, :], upsample_factor=upsample_factor, return_error=False # ) return shifts_vu
[docs] def fit_shifts_zyx_xc( ref_vol_zyx: NDArrayFloat, rec_vol_zyx: NDArrayFloat, pad_zyx: bool = False, normalize_fourier: bool = True, use_rfft: bool = True, decimals: int = 2, ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Find the ZYX shifts of the volume, through cross-correlation. Parameters ---------- ref_vol_zyx : NDArrayFloat The reference volume. rec_vol_zyx : NDArrayFloat The reconstructed volume to register. pad_zyx : bool, optional Pad the ZYX coordinates. The default is False. normalize_fourier : bool, optional Whether to normalize the Fourier representation of the cross-correlation. The default is True. use_rfft : bool, optional Whether to use the `rfft` transform in place of the complex `fft` transform. The default is True. decimals : int, optional Decimals for the truncation of the sub-pixel The default is 2. Returns ------- NDArrayFloat The ZYX shifts. """ if use_rfft: local_fftn = np.fft.rfftn local_ifftn = np.fft.irfftn else: local_fftn = np.fft.fftn local_ifftn = np.fft.ifftn fft_dims = np.arange(-np.fmin(ref_vol_zyx.ndim, 3), 0) old_fft_shapes = np.array(np.array(ref_vol_zyx.shape)[fft_dims], ndmin=1, dtype=int) new_fft_shapes = old_fft_shapes.copy() if pad_zyx: new_fft_shapes *= 2 cc_coords = [np.fft.fftfreq(s, 1 / s) for s in new_fft_shapes] ref_vol_zyx_f = local_fftn(ref_vol_zyx, s=list(new_fft_shapes), axes=fft_dims) rec_vol_zyx_f = local_fftn(rec_vol_zyx, s=list(new_fft_shapes), axes=fft_dims) cc_f = ref_vol_zyx_f * rec_vol_zyx_f.conj() if normalize_fourier: cc_f /= np.fmax(np.abs(cc_f), eps) cc: NDArrayFloat = local_ifftn(cc_f).real f_vals, f_coords = extract_peak_region_nd(cc, cc_coords=cc_coords) shifts_zyx = np.array([coords[1] for coords in f_coords]) if decimals > 0: for ii, dim in enumerate(fft_dims): slices = [slice(1, 2)] * ref_vol_zyx.ndim slices[dim] = slice(None) f_vals_slice = f_vals[tuple(slices)].flatten() sub_pixel_pos = refine_max_position_1d(f_vals_slice, decimals=decimals) shifts_zyx[ii] += sub_pixel_pos return shifts_zyx
[docs] def fit_image_rotation_and_scale( img_1_vu: NDArray, img_2_vu: NDArray, pad_mode: Union[str, None] = None, window_type: str = "hann", verbose: bool = False ) -> tuple[float, float]: """Fit the rotation and scaling of an image against a reference image. This works best for larger rotation angles. Parameters ---------- img_1_vu : NDArray Reference image img_2_vu : NDArray Rotated and scaled image pad_mode : Union[str, None], optional Padding mode, by default None window_type : str, optional Windowing type (to cud the high frequency aliasing), by default "hann" verbose : bool, optional Whether to give verbose output, by default False Returns ------- tuple[float, float] The rotation (in degrees) and scale of the second image with respect to the first Raises ------ ValueError In case of mismatching shape of the two images. """ if img_1_vu.ndim != img_2_vu.ndim or np.any(np.array(img_1_vu.shape) != np.array(img_2_vu.shape)): raise ValueError( f"Image shapes should be identical, but instead got image #1: {img_1_vu.shape}, and image #2: {img_2_vu.shape}" ) axes = (-2, -1) img_shape = img_2_vu.shape if pad_mode is not None: pad_widths = [(s // 2,) for s in img_shape] img_1_vu = np.pad(img_1_vu, pad_width=pad_widths, mode=pad_mode) img_2_vu = np.pad(img_2_vu, pad_width=pad_widths, mode=pad_mode) img_shape = img_2_vu.shape img_win = window(window_type=window_type, shape=img_shape) img_fft_1 = np.fft.fft2(img_1_vu * img_win, axes=axes) img_fft_2 = np.fft.fft2(img_2_vu * img_win, axes=axes) # abs removes the translation component img_fft_1 = np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(img_fft_1, axes=axes)) img_fft_2 = np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(img_fft_2, axes=axes)) # transform to polar coordinates img_center = [s - s // 2 for s in img_shape] radius = min([s // 2 for s in img_shape]) img_fft_1_p = warp_polar(img_fft_1, center=img_center, scaling="log", radius=radius) img_fft_2_p = warp_polar(img_fft_2, center=img_center, scaling="log", radius=radius) # only use half of FFT img_fft_1_p = img_fft_1_p[..., : img_fft_1_p.shape[0] // 2, :] img_fft_2_p = img_fft_2_p[..., : img_fft_2_p.shape[0] // 2, :] fft_polar_shifts_rs = fit_shifts_vu_xc(img_fft_1_p[:, None, 1:], img_fft_2_p[:, None, 1:], normalize_fourier=True) tilt_pix = np.squeeze(fft_polar_shifts_rs[0]) tilt_deg = (180 / img_fft_2_p.shape[0]) * tilt_pix klog = img_fft_2_p.shape[1] / np.log(radius) scale = np.exp(np.squeeze(fft_polar_shifts_rs[1]) / klog) if verbose: print(f"Fitted image rotation: {tilt_deg:.6} (degrees) or {tilt_pix} (pixels), with scale factor: {scale:.6}") return tilt_deg, scale
[docs] def fit_camera_tilt_angle(img_1: NDArray, img_2: NDArray, pad_u: bool = False, fit_l1: bool = True, verbose: bool = False): """ Estimate the camera tilt angle based on correlation peak values between two images. Parameters ---------- img_1: NDArray The first image. img_2: NDArray The second image. pad_u: bool, optional Enable zero padding. Default is False. fit_l1: bool, optional Perform L1 norm fitting if True. Default is True. verbose: bool, optional Enable verbose output. Default is False. Returns ------- tuple[float, float] Tuple containing the estimated center of rotation offset (pixels) and camera tilt angle (degrees). """ fitted_shifts_h = fit_shifts_vu_xc(img_1, img_2, pad_u=pad_u) fitted_cors = fitted_shifts_h / 2 # Computing tilt img_shape = img_2.shape half_img_size = (img_shape[-2] - 1) / 2 cc_v_coords = np.linspace(-half_img_size, half_img_size, img_shape[-2]) poly_slope =, fitted_cors, deg=1) b, a = poly_slope.convert().coef if fit_l1: def f(coeffs: NDArray) -> float: b, a = coeffs[0], coeffs[1] pred_line = cc_v_coords * a + b l1_diff = np.linalg.norm(pred_line - fitted_cors, ord=1) return float(l1_diff) coeffs_opt = minimize(f, np.array([b, a])) b, a = coeffs_opt.x tilt_deg = np.rad2deg(-a / 2) cor_offset_pix = b if verbose: cor_trend = Polynomial([b, a]) print(f"Fitted center of rotation (pixels): {cor_offset_pix}, and camera tilt (degrees): {tilt_deg}") fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1) axs.scatter(cc_v_coords, fitted_cors, label="Line CoRs") axs.plot(cc_v_coords, cor_trend(cc_v_coords), "-C1", label="Line CoRs trend") axs.axhline(cor_offset_pix, color="C2", linestyle="--", label=f"Image CoR ({cor_offset_pix:.3})") axs.set_title("Correlation peaks") axs.grid() axs.legend(fontsize=13) fig.tight_layout() return cor_offset_pix, tilt_deg
[docs] def sinusoid( x: Union[NDArrayFloat, float], a: Union[NDArrayFloat, float], p: Union[NDArrayFloat, float], b: Union[NDArrayFloat, float] ) -> NDArrayFloat: """Compute the values of a sine function. Parameters ---------- x : NDArrayFloat | float The independent variable. a : NDArrayFloat | float The amplitude of the sine. p : NDArrayFloat | float The phase of the sine. b : NDArrayFloat | float The bias of the sine. Returns ------- NDArrayFloat The computed values. """ return a * np.sin(x + p) + b
[docs] def fit_sinusoid(angles: NDArrayFloat, values: NDArrayFloat, fit_l1: bool = False) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Fits a sinusoid to the given values. Parameters ---------- angles : NDArrayFloat Angles where to evaluate the sinusoid. values : NDArrayFloat Values of the sinusoid. fit_l1 : bool, optional Whether to use l1 fit instead of the l2 fit, by default False Returns ------- Tuple[float, float, float] The amplitude, phase and bias of the sinusoid. """ a0 = (values.max() - values.min()) / 2 b0 = (values.max() + values.min()) / 2 (a, p, b), _ = spopt.curve_fit(sinusoid, angles, values, p0=[a0, 0, b0]) if fit_l1: def f(apb: NDArrayFloat) -> float: a, p, b = apb[0], apb[1], apb[2] pred_sinusoid = sinusoid(angles, a, p, b) l1_diff = np.linalg.norm(pred_sinusoid - values, ord=1) return float(l1_diff) apb = spopt.minimize(f, np.array([a, p, b])) (a, p, b) = apb.x return a, p, b
[docs] def extract_peak_regions_1d( cc: NDArrayFloat, axis: int = -1, peak_radius: int = 1, cc_coords: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray, None] = None ) -> tuple[NDArrayFloat, Optional[NDArray]]: """ Extract a region around the maximum value. Parameters ---------- cc: NDArrayFloat Correlation image. axis: int, optional Find the max values along the specified direction. The default is -1. peak_radius: int, optional The l_inf radius of the area to extract around the peak. The default is 1. cc_coords: ArrayLike, optional The coordinates of `cc` along the selected axis. The default is None. Returns ------- f_vals: NDArrayFloat The extracted function values. fc_ax: NDArrayFloat The coordinates of the extracted values, along the selected axis. """ if len(cc.shape) == 1: cc = cc[None, ...] img_shape = np.array(cc.shape) if len(img_shape) != 2: raise ValueError(f"The input image should be either a 1 or 2-dimensional array. Array of shape: {cc.shape} was given.") other_axis = (axis + 1) % 2 # get pixel having the maximum value of the correlation array pix_max = np.argmax(cc, axis=axis) # select a n neighborhood for the many 1D sub-pixel fittings (with wrapping) p_ax_range = np.arange(-peak_radius, peak_radius + 1) p_ax = (pix_max[None, :] + p_ax_range[:, None]) % img_shape[axis] p_ln = np.tile(np.arange(0, img_shape[other_axis])[None, :], [2 * peak_radius + 1, 1]) # extract the pixel coordinates along the axis if cc_coords is None: fc_ax = None else: cc_coords = np.array(cc_coords, ndmin=1) fc_ax = cc_coords[p_ax.flatten()].reshape(p_ax.shape) # extract the correlation values if other_axis == 0: f_vals = cc[p_ln, p_ax] else: f_vals = cc[p_ax, p_ln] return (f_vals, fc_ax)
[docs] def refine_max_position_1d( f_vals: NDArrayFloat, f_x: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray, None] = None, return_vertex_val: bool = False, decimals: int = 2 ) -> Union[NDArrayFloat, tuple[NDArrayFloat, NDArrayFloat]]: """Compute the sub-pixel max position of the given function sampling. Parameters ---------- f_vals: NDArrayFloat Function values of the sampled points fx: ArrayLike, optional Coordinates of the sampled points return_vertex_val: boolean, option Enables returning the vertex values. Defaults to False. Raises ------ ValueError In case position and values do not have the same size, or in case the fitted maximum is outside the fitting region. Returns ------- float Estimated function max, according to the coordinates in fx. """ if not len(f_vals.shape) in (1, 2): raise ValueError( f"The fitted values should be either one or a collection of 1-dimensional arrays." f" Array of shape: {f_vals.shape} was given." ) num_vals = f_vals.shape[0] if f_x is None: f_x_half_size = (num_vals - 1) / 2 f_x = np.linspace(-f_x_half_size, f_x_half_size, num_vals) else: f_x = np.squeeze(f_x) if not (len(f_x.shape) == 1 and np.all(f_x.size == num_vals)): raise ValueError( f"Base coordinates should have the same length as values array. Sizes of fx: {f_x.size}, f_vals: {num_vals}" ) if len(f_vals.shape) == 1: # using, because supposed to be more numerically # stable than previous solutions (according to numpy). poly =, f_vals, deg=2) coeffs = poly.convert().coef else: coords = np.array([np.ones(num_vals), f_x, f_x**2]) coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(coords.T, f_vals, rcond=None)[0] # For a 1D parabola `f(x) = c + bx + ax^2`, the vertex position is: # x_v = -b / 2a. vertex_x = -coeffs[1, ...] / (2 * coeffs[2, ...]) vertex_x = np.around(vertex_x, decimals=decimals) vertex_min_x = np.min(f_x) vertex_max_x = np.max(f_x) lower_bound_ok = vertex_min_x < vertex_x upper_bound_ok = vertex_x < vertex_max_x if not np.all(lower_bound_ok * upper_bound_ok): if len(f_vals.shape) == 1: message = ( f"Fitted position {vertex_x} is outside the input margins [{vertex_min_x}, {vertex_max_x}]." f" Input values: {f_vals}" ) else: message = ( f"Fitted positions outside the input margins [{vertex_min_x}, {vertex_max_x}]:" f" {np.sum(1 - lower_bound_ok)} below and {np.sum(1 - upper_bound_ok)} above" ) raise ValueError(message) if return_vertex_val: vertex_val = coeffs[0, ...] + vertex_x * coeffs[1, ...] / 2 vertex_val = np.around(vertex_val, decimals=decimals) return vertex_x, vertex_val else: return vertex_x
[docs] def extract_peak_region_nd( cc: NDArrayFloat, peak_radius: int = 1, cc_coords: Union[tuple[Union[Sequence, NDArray]], None] = None ) -> tuple[NDArray, Optional[Sequence[NDArray]]]: """ Extract a region around the maximum value. Parameters ---------- cc: NDArrayFloat Correlation image. peak_radius: int, optional The l_inf radius of the area to extract around the peak. The default is 1. cc_coords: ArrayLike, optional The coordinates of `cc`. The default is None. Returns ------- f_vals: NDArrayFloat The extracted function values. f_coords: Tuple[NDArrayFloat] The coordinates of the extracted values. """ img_shape = np.array(cc.shape) # get pixel having the maximum value of the correlation array pix_max_corr = np.argmax(cc) peak_pos = np.unravel_index(pix_max_corr, img_shape) # select a n x n neighborhood for the sub-pixel fitting (with wrapping) peak_ranges = [np.arange(p - peak_radius, p + peak_radius + 1) % img_shape[ii] for ii, p in enumerate(peak_pos)] # extract the (v, h) pixel coordinates if cc_coords is None: f_coords = None else: f_coords = [coords[pr] for coords, pr in zip(cc_coords, peak_ranges)] # extract the correlation values peak_ranges = np.meshgrid(*peak_ranges, indexing="ij") f_vals = cc[tuple(peak_ranges)] return f_vals, f_coords
[docs] def refine_max_position_2d( f_vals: NDArrayFloat, fy: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray, None] = None, fx: Union[ArrayLike, NDArray, None] = None ) -> NDArray: """Compute the sub-pixel max position of the given function sampling. Parameters ---------- f_vals: NDArrayFloat Function values of the sampled points fy: ArrayLike, optional Vertical coordinates of the sampled points fx: ArrayLike, optional Horizontal coordinates of the sampled points Raises ------ ValueError In case position and values do not have the same size, or in case the fitted maximum is outside the fitting region. Returns ------- tuple(float, float) Estimated (vertical, horizontal) function max, according to the coordinates in fy and fx. """ if not (len(f_vals.shape) == 2): raise ValueError(f"The fitted values should form a 2-dimensional array. Array of shape: {f_vals.shape} was given.") if fy is None: fy = np.linspace(-1, 1, f_vals.shape[0]) y_scaling = (f_vals.shape[0] - 1) / 2 else: fy = np.array(fy, ndmin=1) y_scaling = 1.0 if not (len(fy.shape) == 1 and np.all(fy.size == f_vals.shape[0])): raise ValueError( f"Vertical coordinates should have the same length as values matrix." f" Sizes of fy: {fy.size}, f_vals: {f_vals.shape}" ) if fx is None: fx = np.linspace(-1, 1, f_vals.shape[1]) x_scaling = (f_vals.shape[1] - 1) / 2 else: fx = np.array(fx, ndmin=1) x_scaling = 1.0 if not (len(fx.shape) == 1 and np.all(fx.size == f_vals.shape[1])): raise ValueError( f"Horizontal coordinates should have the same length as values matrix." f"Sizes of fx: {fx.size}, f_vals: {f_vals.shape}" ) fy, fx = np.meshgrid(fy, fx, indexing="ij") fy = fy.flatten() fx = fx.flatten() coords = np.array([np.ones(f_vals.size), fy, fx, fy * fx, fy**2, fx**2]) coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(coords.T, f_vals.flatten(), rcond=None)[0] coeffs *= [1, y_scaling, x_scaling, y_scaling * x_scaling, y_scaling**2, x_scaling**2] # For a 1D parabola `f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c`, the vertex position is: # x_v = -b / 2a. For a 2D parabola, the vertex position is: # (y, x)_v = - b / A, where: A = [[2 * coeffs[4], coeffs[3]], [coeffs[3], 2 * coeffs[5]]] b = coeffs[1:3] vertex_yx = np.linalg.lstsq(A, -b, rcond=None)[0] vertex_min_yx = [np.min(fy), np.min(fx)] vertex_max_yx = [np.max(fy), np.max(fx)] if np.any(vertex_yx < vertex_min_yx) or np.any(vertex_yx > vertex_max_yx): print(f_vals) raise ValueError( f"Fitted (yx: {vertex_yx}) positions are outside the input margins" + f" y: [{vertex_min_yx[0]}, {vertex_max_yx[0]}], and x: [{vertex_min_yx[1]}, {vertex_max_yx[1]}]." + f" Input values: {f_vals}" ) return vertex_yx