Source code for plenoptomos.data_format

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module implements the handling of the .vox data format.
It exposes routines that allow to create, calibrate and read vox files.

- arrays are understood in the C convention

Rationale behind version 0:
- Single light-field per file
- Contains all the necessary metadata for interpretation of the light-field
- Based on [HDF5]( and vaguely
inspired by [DataExchange](

The updated structure can be found at:

@author: Nicola Vigano, Charlotte Herzog, Pablo Martinez

Created on Tue Nov 21 23:50:47 2017

import os
import shutil

import configparser
import h5py

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as spinterp
import scipy.signal as spsig
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import imageio as iio
except ImportError as ex:
    print("WARNING: error importing Imageio, using matplotlib instead")
    print("Error message:\n", ex)
    import matplotlib.image as iio

from . import lightfield

def _load_raw_sensor_image(raw_file, file_ext):
    im = iio.imread(raw_file)
    if len(im.shape) == 3 and im.shape[2] > 1:
        im = im[..., 0]
    if file_ext[1:].lower() == "png":
        im *= 255
    return im

def _assign_optional_attr(obj, conf, label):
        val = conf[label]
    except KeyError:

    obj.attrs[label] = val

[docs]def create_vox_from_raw(raw_det_file, conf_file, out_file=None, raw_det_white=None, raw_det_dark=None, raw_det_mask=None): """ Creates a .vox light-field file, from a raw detector image and metadata. :param raw_det_file: the raw image file path (string) :param conf_file: the metadata file path (string) :param out_file: the uncalibrated light-field file path (string) :param raw_det_white: the flat-field image file path (string, default: None) :param raw_det_dark: the dark-field image file path (string, default: None) :param raw_det_mask: the light-field mask image file path (string, default: None) """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() (file_base, file_ext) = os.path.splitext(raw_det_file) if out_file is None: out_file = "%s.vox" % file_base data = _load_raw_sensor_image(raw_det_file, file_ext) white = dark = mask = None if raw_det_white is not None: (_, file_ext_w) = os.path.splitext(raw_det_white) white = _load_raw_sensor_image(raw_det_white, file_ext_w) if raw_det_dark is not None: (_, file_ext_d) = os.path.splitext(raw_det_dark) dark = _load_raw_sensor_image(raw_det_dark, file_ext_d) if raw_det_mask is not None: (_, file_ext_d) = os.path.splitext(raw_det_mask) mask = _load_raw_sensor_image(raw_det_mask, file_ext_d) create_vox_from_dict(data, config, out_file, white=white, dark=dark, mask=mask)
[docs]def create_vox_from_lf(lf: lightfield.Lightfield, out_file): """ Creates a .vox light-field file, from the light-field data class. :param lf: the light-field data class (lightfield.LightField) :param out_file: the uncalibrated light-field file path (string) """ conf_cam = dict(manufacturer="", conf_ml = dict([0],[1],[0],[1], micro_image_size_y=0.0, micro_image_size_x=0.0,,, ) if z_mla = + z_sensor = + + else: z_mla = z_sensor = + conf_mla = dict([0],[1], x=0.0, y=0.0, z=z_mla) conf_Ml = dict([0],[1],,, ) conf_s = dict([0] *[0],[1] *[1],[0],[1], x=0.0, y=0.0, z=z_sensor, ) config = dict(camera=conf_cam, micro_lens=conf_ml, micro_lenses_array=conf_mla, main_lens=conf_Ml, sensor=conf_s) data = lf.get_raw_detector_picture(image="data") if lf.flat is not None: flat = lf.get_raw_detector_picture(image="flat") else: flat = None if lf.mask is not None: mask = lf.get_raw_detector_picture(image="mask") else: mask = None create_vox_from_dict(data, config, out_file, white=flat, mask=mask)
[docs]def create_vox_from_dict(data, config, out_file, white=None, dark=None, mask=None): """ Creates a .vox light-field file, from a raw detector image and a dictionary containing metadata. :param data: the raw image (numpy.array_like) :param config: the dictionary containing metadata (numpy.array_like) :param out_file: the uncalibrated light-field file path (string) :param white: the flat-field image (numpy.array_like, default: None) :param dark: the dark-field image (numpy.array_like, default: None) :param mask: the light-field mask image (numpy.array_like, default: None) """ with h5py.File(out_file, "w") as f: f.attrs["description"] = "VoxelDataFormat" f.attrs["version"] = "v0" data_g = f.create_group("data") data_im = data_g.create_dataset("image", data=data, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) data_im.attrs["units"] = "counts" data_im.attrs["axes"] = "tau:sigma" data_im.attrs["mode"] = "raw" if white is not None: data_im = data_g.create_dataset("white", data=white, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) data_im.attrs["units"] = "counts" data_im.attrs["axes"] = "tau:sigma" data_im.attrs["mode"] = "raw" if dark is not None: data_im = data_g.create_dataset("dark", data=dark, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) data_im.attrs["units"] = "counts" data_im.attrs["axes"] = "tau:sigma" data_im.attrs["mode"] = "raw" if mask is not None: data_im = data_g.create_dataset("mask", data=mask, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9) data_im.attrs["units"] = "counts" data_im.attrs["axes"] = "tau:sigma" data_im.attrs["mode"] = "raw" # Creating INSTRUMENT group instrument = f.create_group("instrument") # Creating CAMERA group camera_g = instrument.create_group("camera") try: conf_cam = config["camera"] _assign_optional_attr(camera_g, conf_cam, "manufacturer") _assign_optional_attr(camera_g, conf_cam, "model") except KeyError: pass # Creating MICRO_LENS group conf_ml = config["micro_lens"] ml_g = camera_g.create_group("micro_lens") ml_size = ml_g.create_dataset("size", (2,), dtype="i") ml_size[:] = np.array((int(conf_ml["size_y"]), int(conf_ml["size_x"]))) ml_size.attrs["axes"] = "tau:sigma" ml_size.attrs["units"] = "pixels" ml_psize = ml_g.create_dataset("physical_size", (2,), dtype="f") ml_psize[:] = np.array((float(conf_ml["physical_size_t"]), float(conf_ml["physical_size_s"]))) ml_psize.attrs["axes"] = "t:s" ml_psize.attrs["units"] = "mm" ml_mi_size = ml_g.create_dataset("micro_image_size", (2,), dtype="f") ml_mi_size[:] = np.array((float(conf_ml["micro_image_size_y"]), float(conf_ml["micro_image_size_x"]))) ml_mi_size.attrs["axes"] = "tau:sigma" ml_mi_size.attrs["units"] = "mm" ml_f2 = ml_g.create_dataset("f2", data=float(conf_ml["f2"])) ml_f2.attrs["units"] = "mm" ml_a = ml_g.create_dataset("aperture", data=float(conf_ml["aperture"])) ml_a.attrs["units"] = "mm" # Creating MICRO_LENSES_ARRAY group conf_mla = config["micro_lenses_array"] mla_g = camera_g.create_group("micro_lenses_array") _assign_optional_attr(mla_g, conf_mla, "manufacturer") _assign_optional_attr(mla_g, conf_mla, "model") mla_size = mla_g.create_dataset("size", (2,), dtype="i") mla_size[:] = np.array((int(conf_mla["size_t"]), int(conf_mla["size_s"]))) mla_size.attrs["axes"] = "tau:sigma" mla_pos = mla_g.create_dataset("position", (3,), dtype="f") mla_pos[:] = np.array((float(conf_mla["x"]), float(conf_mla["y"]), float(conf_mla["z"]))) mla_pos.attrs["axes"] = "x:y:z" mla_pos.attrs["units"] = "mm" # Creating MAIN_LENS group conf_Ml = config["main_lens"] Ml_g = camera_g.create_group("main_lens") _assign_optional_attr(Ml_g, conf_Ml, "manufacturer") _assign_optional_attr(Ml_g, conf_Ml, "model") Ml_psize = Ml_g.create_dataset("pixel_size", (2,), dtype="f") Ml_psize[:] = np.array((float(conf_Ml["pixel_size_v"]), float(conf_Ml["pixel_size_u"]))) Ml_psize.attrs["axes"] = "v:u" Ml_psize.attrs["units"] = "mm" Ml_f1 = Ml_g.create_dataset("f1", data=float(conf_Ml["f1"])) Ml_f1.attrs["units"] = "mm" Ml_a = Ml_g.create_dataset("aperture", data=float(conf_Ml["aperture"])) Ml_a.attrs["units"] = "mm" # Creating SENSOR group conf_s = config["sensor"] s_g = camera_g.create_group("sensor") _assign_optional_attr(s_g, conf_s, "manufacturer") _assign_optional_attr(s_g, conf_s, "model") s_size = s_g.create_dataset("size", (2,), dtype="i") s_size[:] = np.array((int(conf_s["size_y"]), int(conf_s["size_x"]))) s_size.attrs["axes"] = "tau:sigma" s_size.attrs["units"] = "pixels" s_p_size = s_g.create_dataset("pixel_size", (2,), dtype="f") s_p_size[:] = np.array((float(conf_s["pixel_size_y"]), float(conf_s["pixel_size_x"]))) s_p_size.attrs["axes"] = "tau:sigma" s_p_size.attrs["units"] = "mm" s_pos = s_g.create_dataset("position", (3,), dtype="f") s_pos[:] = np.array((float(conf_s["x"]), float(conf_s["y"]), float(conf_s["z"]))) s_pos.attrs["axes"] = "x:y:z" s_pos.attrs["units"] = "mm" # And now we should check a couple of things to see if they are # consistent, like: the main lens pixel size -> (u, v) resolutions if np.any(Ml_psize[:] == 0): Ml_psize[:] = s_p_size[:] / (s_pos[2] - mla_pos[2]) * mla_pos[2]
############################################################################### def _find_offsets_and_pitch( w_im, peak_rm_front=(None, None), peak_rm_back=(None, None), peak_skip_front=(None, None), peak_skip_back=(None, None), verbose=False, interactive=False, cwt_size=np.arange(1, 25), ): win = spsig.general_gaussian(15, p=0.5, sig=2) win /= np.sum(win) if verbose or interactive: f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2) ax[0, 0].set_title("Peaks found (dim 0)") ax[1, 0].set_title("Peaks found (dim 1)") ax[0, 1].set_title("Fitted peaks (dim 0)") ax[1, 1].set_title("Fitted peaks(dim 1)") f.tight_layout() peak_rm_front = np.array(peak_rm_front) peak_rm_back = np.array(peak_rm_back) peak_skip_front = np.array(peak_skip_front) peak_skip_back = np.array(peak_skip_back) mean_dist = np.empty((2,)) offset = np.empty((2,)) for ii_d in (0, 1): summed_micro_imgs = np.sum(w_im, axis=(1 - ii_d)) summed_micro_imgs_filt = spsig.convolve(summed_micro_imgs, win, mode="same") peak_pos = spsig.find_peaks_cwt(summed_micro_imgs_filt, cwt_size) if verbose: print(peak_pos) max_peaks = np.max(summed_micro_imgs) if verbose or interactive: ax[ii_d, 0].plot(summed_micro_imgs) for ii in peak_pos: ax[ii_d, 0].plot((ii, ii), (0, max_peaks), "r-") f.tight_layout() plt.draw() if interactive: print("Dimension %d, please indicate the spurious peaks to remove in the front and back:" % ii_d) peak_rm_front[ii_d] = int(input(" - front? ")) peak_rm_back[ii_d] = int(input(" - back? ")) if peak_rm_front[ii_d] is not None: peak_pos = peak_pos[peak_rm_front[ii_d] :] if not (peak_rm_back[ii_d] is None or peak_rm_back[ii_d] == 0): peak_pos = peak_pos[: -peak_rm_back[ii_d]] if interactive: print("Dimension %d, " % ii_d, end="", flush=True) print("please indicate the misidentified peaks to not consider for averange and offset, in the front and back:") peak_skip_front[ii_d] = int(input(" - front? ")) peak_skip_back[ii_d] = int(input(" - back? ")) peak_pos_to_use = peak_pos if peak_skip_front[ii_d] is not None: peak_pos_to_use = peak_pos_to_use[peak_skip_front[ii_d] :] if not (peak_skip_back[ii_d] is None or peak_skip_back[ii_d] == 0): peak_pos_to_use = peak_pos_to_use[: -peak_skip_back[ii_d]] dists = np.diff(peak_pos_to_use) mean_dist[ii_d] = np.mean(dists) range_offset = (peak_skip_front[ii_d] or 0) + 0.5 peak_ind = np.arange(range_offset, len(peak_pos_to_use) + range_offset) peak_offsets = peak_pos_to_use - peak_ind * mean_dist[ii_d] offset[ii_d] = np.mean(peak_offsets) if verbose or interactive: print("Dimension %d: mean micro-image size: %g, mean array offset %g" % (ii_d, mean_dist[ii_d], offset[ii_d])) ax[ii_d, 1].plot(summed_micro_imgs) peak_ind = np.arange(0.5, len(peak_pos) + 0.5) for ii in peak_ind: peak_position = ii * mean_dist[ii_d] + offset[ii_d] ax[ii_d, 1].plot((peak_position, peak_position), (0, max_peaks), "r-") plt.draw() f.tight_layout() return (mean_dist, offset)
[docs]def calibrate_raw_image(vox_file_in, vox_file_out=None, pitch=None, offset=None): """ Calibrate the array offsets and lenslet pitch for a .vox light-field file :param vox_file_in: the uncalibrated light-field file path (string) :param vox_file_out: the calibrated light-field file path (string) :param pitch: OPTIONAL lenslet pitch, that would otherwise be calibrated (<2x1> list or tuple, default: None) :param offset: OPTIONAL MLA offset, that would otherwise be calibrated (<2x1> list or tuple, default: None) """ if vox_file_out is None: (out_file_base, out_file_ext) = os.path.splitext(vox_file_in) vox_file_out = "%s_calibrated%s" % (out_file_base, out_file_ext) if os.path.exists(vox_file_out): os.remove(vox_file_out) shutil.copy2(vox_file_in, vox_file_out) with h5py.File(vox_file_in, "r") as f_in: w_im = f_in["/data/white"][()] satisfied = pitch is not None and offset is not None while not satisfied: (pitch, offset) = _find_offsets_and_pitch(w_im, interactive=True) answer = input("Are you satisfied? (y/n [y]): ") satisfied = answer.lower() in ("y", "") with h5py.File(vox_file_out, "r+") as f_out: det_p_size = f_in["/instrument/camera/sensor/pixel_size"][()] f_out["/instrument/camera/micro_lens/physical_size"][:] = pitch * det_p_size mla_xy = f_out["/instrument/camera/micro_lenses_array/position"][0:2] f_out["/instrument/camera/sensor/position"][0:2] = mla_xy + offset * det_p_size return (pitch, offset)
############################################################################### def _has_fields_for_raw_to_microimage(vox_file): return not ( np.any(vox_file["/instrument/camera/main_lens/pixel_size"][()] == 0) or np.any(vox_file["/instrument/camera/micro_lens/physical_size"][()] == 0) )
[docs]def raw_to_microimage_exact(data, offsets, pitch): lenslets_last_inds_x = np.arange((offsets[1] + pitch[1]), data.shape[1] + 1, pitch[1]) lenslets_last_inds_y = np.arange((offsets[0] + pitch[0]), data.shape[0] + 1, pitch[0]) data = data[offsets[0] : lenslets_last_inds_y[-1], offsets[1] : lenslets_last_inds_x[-1]] array_size = np.array([len(lenslets_last_inds_y), len(lenslets_last_inds_x)]) out_shape_tsvu = np.concatenate((array_size, pitch)) return (data, out_shape_tsvu)
[docs]def raw_to_microimage_interp(data, offsets, pitch_in, pitch_out, array_size=None): pitch_out = pitch_out.astype(np.intp) # Let's first identify the lenslet interpolation grid: interp_points_x = np.linspace(0, pitch_in[1], pitch_out[1] + 1) interp_points_x = (interp_points_x[1:] + interp_points_x[:-1]) / 2 interp_points_y = np.linspace(0, pitch_in[0], pitch_out[0] + 1) interp_points_y = (interp_points_y[1:] + interp_points_y[:-1]) / 2 # And we now replicate it over all the lenslets to obtain the global interpolation grid: if array_size is None: array_size = np.floor((data.shape[0:2] - offsets) / pitch_in).astype(np.intp) offsets_x = pitch_in[1] * np.arange(0, array_size[1]) + offsets[1] + 0.5 offsets_x = np.tile(offsets_x, reps=(pitch_out[1], 1)) interp_points_x = np.reshape(interp_points_x, (-1, 1)) interp_points_x = np.tile(interp_points_x, reps=(1, array_size[1])) interp_points_x = interp_points_x + offsets_x interp_points_x = np.squeeze(np.reshape(interp_points_x.T, (-1, 1))) offsets_y = pitch_in[0] * np.arange(0, array_size[0]) + offsets[0] + 0.5 offsets_y = np.tile(offsets_y, reps=(pitch_out[0], 1)) interp_points_y = np.reshape(interp_points_y, (-1, 1)) interp_points_y = np.tile(interp_points_y, reps=(1, array_size[0])) interp_points_y = interp_points_y + offsets_y interp_points_y = np.squeeze(np.reshape(interp_points_y.T, (-1, 1))) # Apply interpolation (+ 1 is used to match exactly original Matlab code): samp_x = np.arange(1, data.shape[1] + 1) samp_y = np.arange(1, data.shape[0] + 1) out_grid = np.meshgrid(interp_points_y, interp_points_x, indexing="ij") out_grid = np.array(out_grid) out_grid = np.squeeze(np.transpose(out_grid, axes=(1, 2, 0))) out_shape_tsvu = np.concatenate((array_size, pitch_out)) out_data = spinterp.interpn((samp_y, samp_x), data, out_grid, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) return (out_data, out_shape_tsvu)
[docs]def transform_2D_to_4D(data, out_shape_tsvu): # Organize the lightfield as a 4-D structure: intermediate_sizes = (out_shape_tsvu[2], out_shape_tsvu[0], out_shape_tsvu[3], out_shape_tsvu[1]) data = np.reshape(data, intermediate_sizes, order="F") return np.transpose(data, axes=(1, 3, 0, 2))
def _load_raw_image(f): im = f["/data/image"] if not im.attrs["mode"] == "raw": raise ValueError("This function loads VOX data in raw detector format") if not _has_fields_for_raw_to_microimage(f): raise ValueError("You should calibrate your images first!") mla_xy = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lenses_array/position"][0:2] sensor_xy = f["/instrument/camera/sensor/position"][0:2] sensor_pixel_size = f["/instrument/camera/sensor/pixel_size"][()] offsets = (sensor_xy - mla_xy) / sensor_pixel_size pixel_size_ts = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lens/physical_size"][()] pitch_in = pixel_size_ts / sensor_pixel_size pitch_out = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lens/size"][()] offsets = np.array(offsets) pitch_in = np.array(pitch_in) pitch_out = np.array(pitch_out) if np.any(pitch_out == 0): pitch_out = np.ceil(pitch_in - 0.1) pitch_diff = np.abs(pitch_in - pitch_out) offset_diff = np.abs(offsets - np.round(offsets)) if np.all(pitch_diff < np.finfo(np.float16).eps) and np.all(offset_diff < np.finfo(np.float16).eps): pitch_in = np.round(pitch_in).astype(np.intp) offsets = np.round(offsets).astype(np.intp) extract = lambda x: raw_to_microimage_exact(x, offsets, pitch_in) else: extract = lambda x: raw_to_microimage_interp(x, offsets, pitch_in, pitch_out) (data, lf_shape) = extract(im[()]) data_out = [data] if "/data/white" in f: im_w = f["/data/white"] (white, _) = extract(im_w[()]) data_out.append(white) if "/data/dark" in f: im_d = f["/data/dark"] (dark, _) = extract(im_d[()]) data_out.append(dark) for ii in range(len(data_out)): data_out[ii] = transform_2D_to_4D(data_out[ii], lf_shape) return (data_out, lf_shape)
[docs]def load(vox_file): """ Loads a .vox light-field file :param vox_file: the light-field file path (string) :returns: the loaded light-field :rtype: light-field.Lightfield """ camera = lightfield.Camera() with h5py.File(vox_file, "r") as f: im = f["/data/image"] if im.attrs["mode"] == "raw": (data, lf_shape) = _load_raw_image(f) lf_data = data[0] camera.data_size_ts = lf_shape[0:2] camera.data_size_vu = lf_shape[2:4] lf_mode = "micro-image" if len(data) > 1: white = data[1] else: white = None else: lf_data = im[()] camera.data_size_ts = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lenses_array/size"][()] camera.data_size_vu = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lens/size"][()] lf_mode = im.attrs["mode"] if "/data/white" in f: white = f["/data/white"][()] else: white = None if "/data/dark" in f: dark = f["/data/dark"][()] lf_data -= dark lf_data = np.fmax(lf_data, 0) white -= dark white = np.fmax(white, 0) camera.aperture_f1 = f["/instrument/camera/main_lens/aperture"][()] camera.aperture_f2 = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lens/aperture"][()] camera.f1 = f["/instrument/camera/main_lens/f1"][()] camera.f2 = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lens/f2"][()] camera.z1 = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lenses_array/position"][2] camera.pixel_size_ts = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lens/physical_size"][()] camera.pixel_size_vu = f["/instrument/camera/main_lens/pixel_size"][()] camera.pixel_size_yx = f["/instrument/camera/sensor/pixel_size"][()] mla_z = f["/instrument/camera/micro_lenses_array/position"][2] sensor_z = f["/instrument/camera/sensor/position"][2] z2 = sensor_z - mla_z if (np.abs(z2 - camera.f2) / camera.f2) > 1e-2: print("Identified focused acquisition setup (z2: %g, f2 %g)... adapting parameters" % (z2, camera.f2)) camera.b = z2 camera.a = camera.f2 * z2 / (z2 - camera.f2) camera.z1 -= camera.a # We also have to adjust the uv resolution! camera.pixel_size_vu = (camera.a + camera.z1) / camera.b * camera.pixel_size_yx return lightfield.Lightfield(camera, data=lf_data, mode=lf_mode, flat=white)