#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains acquisition geometry classes: circular, linear, helical.
The circular class corresponds to the simplest case of circular orbit cone-beam CT with minimal number of parameters.
Additional parameters can be use to define a non-conventional geometry.
For instance: offsets and rotations ('det_roll', 'det_tan', 'det_ort', etc.), axis tilts ('axs_roll', 'axs_pitch'),
volume transformations ('vol_tra', 'vol_rot'), recostruction resolution and anisotropic sampling ('img_pixel', 'det_sample', 'vol_sample').
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Imports >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
import numpy
import scipy.spatial
from datetime import datetime
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Classes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
class basic():
Base geometry class. Needs only SDD, ODD and pixel size to initialize.
Use 'parameters' to store parameters and 'description' to store relevant metadata.
def __init__(self, src2obj = None, det2obj = None, det_pixel = None, img_pixel = None, unit = 'mm'):
Constructor for the base geometry class.
src2obj : source to detector distance
det2obj : object to detector distance
det_pixel: detector pixel size
img_pixel: reconstruction volume voxel size (optional)
unit : unit length (default = 'mm')
# Default voxel size:
if (not img_pixel) and (det_pixel): img_pixel = det_pixel / (src2obj + det2obj) * src2obj
# Parameters:
self.parameters = {'src2obj':src2obj,
'axs_tan':0, # rotation axis translation
'vol_rot':[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # volume rotations and translation vectors
'vol_tra':[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
'det_sample':[1,1], # detector and volume sampling (use to indicate that pixels were binned)
self.description = {
'flextoml_version': FLEXTOML_VERSION,
def __str__(self):
Show my description.
return 'Geometry class: ' + str(type(self)) + '\n Parameters: \n' + str(self.parameters)
def __repr__(self):
Show my description.
return 'Geometry class: ' + str(type(self)) + '\n Parameters: \n' + str(self.parameters)
def __getitem__(self, key):
Retrieve one of the geometry parameters.
val = self.parameters.get(key)
if val is None:
print('WARNING! A property with an unknown key is requested: ' + key)
return val
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
Set one of the geometry parameters.
if not key in self.parameters.keys():
print('WARNING! A property with an unknown key is added to geometry: ' + key)
self.parameters[key] = val
def copy(self):
Copy me.
geom = type(self)()
geom.parameters = self.parameters.copy()
geom.description = self.description.copy()
return geom
def to_dictionary(self):
Return a dictionary describing this geometry.
records = self.parameters.copy()
return records
def from_matrix(self, R, T):
Rotates and translates the reconstruction volume.
R (3x3 array): rotation matrix
T (1x3 array): translation vector
# Translate to flex geometry:
self.parameters['vol_rot'] = _mat2euler(R.T, axes='sxyz')
self.parameters['vol_tra'] = numpy.array(self.parameters['vol_tra']) - numpy.dot(T, R.T)[[0,2,1]] * self.voxel
def from_dictionary(self, dictionary):
Use dictionary records to initialize this geometry.
# Fill gaps if needed:
if not dictionary.get('src2obj'):
if (not dictionary.get('src2det')):
raise Exception('Filed missing in geometry record: src2det')
elif (not dictionary.get('det2obj')):
raise Exception('Filed missing in geometry record: det2obj')
dictionary['src2obj'] = dictionary['src2det'] - dictionary['det2obj']
if (not dictionary.get('det2obj')):
if (not dictionary.get('src2det')):
raise Exception('Filed missing in geometry record: src2det')
dictionary['det2obj'] = dictionary['src2det'] - dictionary['src2obj']
# Copy records:
for key in dictionary.keys():
value = dictionary[key]
if key in self.parameters.keys():
self.parameters[key] = value
self.description[key] = value
# After-check:
if not self.parameters.get('img_pixel'):
self.parameters['img_pixel'] = self.parameters['det_pixel'] / self.magnification
if not self.parameters.get('det_pixel'):
self.parameters['det_pixel'] = self.parameters['img_pixel'] * self.magnification
# Check if all necessary keys are there:
min_set = ['src2obj', 'det2obj', 'det_pixel']
for key in min_set:
if not key in self.parameters:
raise Exception('Geometry parameter missing after parcing: ' + key)
def log(self, message):
"""Add a message to the geometry changelog.
This changelog will be saved with the geometry in a toml file.
:param message: A message to log (single line).
:returns: None
:rtype: NoneType
changelog = self.description.get('changelog', '')
changelog += f"{datetime.now():%Y-%m-%d}: {message}\n"
self.description['changelog'] = changelog
def vol_sample(self):
Voxel shape.
return self.parameters.get('vol_sample')
def vol_sample(self, sample):
Voxel shape.
self.parameters['vol_sample'] = sample
def det_sample(self):
Pixel shape.
return self.parameters.get('det_sample')
def det_sample(self, sample):
Pixel shape.
self.parameters['det_sample'] = sample
def pixel(self):
Pixel size (mm).
return self.parameters.get('det_pixel') * numpy.array(self.parameters.get('det_sample'))
def voxel(self):
Voxel size (mm).
return self.parameters.get('img_pixel') * numpy.array(self.parameters.get('vol_sample'))
def src2obj(self):
Source-to-object distance.
return self.parameters.get('src2obj')
def det2obj(self):
Detector-to-object distance.
return self.parameters.get('det2obj')
def src2det(self):
Source-to-detector distance.
return self.parameters.get('src2obj') + self.parameters.get('det2obj')
def magnification(self):
return self.src2det / self.src2obj
def volume_xyz(self, shape, offset = [0.,0.,0.]):
Coordinate grid in units of the geometry.
shape : volume shape
offset: offset in length units
xx = (numpy.arange(0, shape[0]) - shape[0] / 2) * self.voxel[0] - offset[0]
yy = (numpy.arange(0, shape[1]) - shape[1] / 2) * self.voxel[1] - offset[1]
zz = (numpy.arange(0, shape[2]) - shape[2] / 2) * self.voxel[2] - offset[2]
return xx, yy, zz
def from_astra_cone_vec(self, vectors):
Take vectors from ASTRA 'cone_vec' geometry. This will override any other parameters.
self._vectors_ = vectors
def astra_projection_geom(self, data_shape, index = None):
Get ASTRA projection geometry.
data_shape: [detector_count_z, theta_count, detector_count_x]
index : if provided - sequence of the rotation angles
geometry : ASTRA cone-beam geometry.
import astra
# Get vectors:
if hasattr(self, '_vectors_'):
if index is None:
vectors = self._vectors_
vectors = self._vectors_[index]
vectors = self.get_vectors(data_shape[1], index)
# Get ASTRA geometry:
det_count_x = data_shape[2]
det_count_z = data_shape[0]
return astra.create_proj_geom('cone_vec', det_count_z, det_count_x, vectors)
def astra_volume_geom(self, vol_shape, slice_first = None, slice_last = None):
Initialize ASTRA volume geometry.
vol_shape : volume array shape
slice_first: first slice of an ROI to update
slice_last : last slice of an ROI to update
import astra
# Shape and size (mm) of the volume
vol_shape = numpy.array(vol_shape)
vol_size = vol_shape * self.voxel
if (slice_first is not None) & (slice_last is not None):
# Generate volume geometry for one chunk of data:
length = vol_shape[0]
# Compute offset from the centre:
centre = (length - 1) / 2
offset = (slice_first + slice_last) / 2 - centre
offset = offset * self.voxel[0]
shape = [slice_last - slice_first + 1, vol_shape[1], vol_shape[2]]
vol_size = numpy.array(shape) * self.voxel[0]
shape = vol_shape
offset = 0
#vol_geom = astra.creators.create_vol_geom(shape[1], shape[2], shape[0],
vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(shape[1], shape[2], shape[0],
-vol_size[2]/2, vol_size[2]/2, -vol_size[1]/2, vol_size[1]/2,
-vol_size[0]/2 + offset, vol_size[0]/2 + offset)
return vol_geom
def get_vectors(self, proj_count, index = None):
Get source, detector and detector orientation vectors.
angle_count : number of rotation angles
index : index of angles that should be used
# Create source orbit:
src_vect = self.get_source_orbit(proj_count, index)
# Create detector orbit (same as source but 180 degrees offset):
det_vect, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth = self.get_detector_orbit(proj_count, index)
# Apply global rotations and translations:
self._transform_vectors_(src_vect, det_vect, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth)
# Append all vectors together:
vectors = numpy.concatenate([src_vect, det_vect, det_tan * self.pixel[1], det_orth * self.pixel[0]], axis = 1)
return vectors
def get_source_orbit(self, proj_count = None, index = None):
Get the source orbit. In the base class it is a circular orbit.
proj_count: number of projections
index : index of the projection subset
src_pos : array of the source positions. Can be generated by circular_orbit(...), for instance.
raise Exception('Override this method in a geometry class derived from the base class!')
def get_detector_orbit(self, proj_count = None, index = None):
Get the detector orbit. In the base class it is a circular orbit.
proj_count: number of projections
index : index of the projection subset
src_pos : array of the source positions. Can be generated by circular_orbit(...), for instance.
raise Exception('Override this method in a geometry class derived from the base class!')
def _transform_vectors_(self, src_vect, det_vect, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth):
Rotate and translate vectors depending on the volume orientation.
vol_rot = self.parameters['vol_rot']
vol_tra = self.parameters['vol_tra']
# Rotate everything relative to the reconstruction volume:
R = _euler2mat_(vol_rot[0], vol_rot[1], vol_rot[2], 'rzyx')
det_tan[:] = numpy.dot(det_tan, R)
det_rad[:] = numpy.dot(det_rad, R)
det_orth[:] = numpy.dot(det_orth, R)
src_vect[:] = numpy.dot(src_vect,R)
det_vect[:] = numpy.dot(det_vect,R)
# Add translation:
T = numpy.array([vol_tra[1], vol_tra[2], vol_tra[0]])
src_vect -= numpy.dot(T, R)
det_vect -= numpy.dot(T, R)
def detector_size(self, proj_shape):
Get the size of detector in length units.
if len(proj_shape) == 3:
return numpy.array(proj_shape[::2]) * self.pixel
return numpy.array(proj_shape) * self.pixel
def detector_centre(self):
Get the centre coordinate of the first position of the detector.
det_pos, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth = self.get_detector_orbit(proj_count = 3)
return [det_pos[0][2], det_pos[0][0]]
def detector_bounds(self, proj_shape):
Get the boundaries of the detector at the start of the scan in length units.
det_pos, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth = self.get_detector_orbit(proj_count = 3)
sz = self.detector_size(proj_shape) / 2
cntr = self.detector_centre()
vrt = [-sz[0], sz[0]]
hrz = [-sz[1], sz[1]]
return numpy.array([vrt, hrz]) + numpy.array(cntr)[:, None]
def volume_size(self, vol_shape):
Return volume size in length units.
return numpy.array(vol_shape) * self.voxel
def volume_bounds(self, vol_shape):
Return volume bounds:
sz = self.volume_size(vol_shape) / 2
vrt = [-sz[0], sz[0]]
mag = [-sz[1], sz[1]]
hrz = [-sz[2], sz[2]]
return numpy.array([vrt, mag, hrz]) + numpy.array(self.parameters['vol_tra'])[:, None]
class circular(basic):
Circular orbit geometry class. Includes additional parameters such as detector and source shifts and rotations.
def __init__(self, src2obj = None, det2obj = None, det_pixel = None, img_pixel = None, ang_range = (0, 360), unit = 'mm'):
Constructor for the circular geometry class.
src2obj : source to detector distance
det2obj : object to detector distance
det_pixel: detector pixel size
img_pixel: reconstruction volume voxel size (optional)
ang_range: range of rotation (default = 0..360)
unit : unit length (default = 'mm')
# Parent init:
basic.__init__(self, src2obj, det2obj, det_pixel, img_pixel, unit)
# Additional parameters:
'ang_range': ang_range,
'src_ort':0, # source vertical, tangential shifts
'det_ort':0, # detector shifts and rotations (in degrees)
'axs_roll':0, # rotation axis roll and pitch (in degrees)
def get_thetas(self, proj_count = None, index = None):
Get rotation angles. Either returns an equidistant array or self.thetas if that is defined.
proj_count : number of angles in equidistant case. Not used if 'thetas' are defined explicitly in parameters.
thetas : angle array in degrees
thetas = self.parameters.get('thetas')
# Initialize thetas:
if thetas is None:
thetas = numpy.linspace(self['ang_range'][0], self['ang_range'][1], proj_count)
if not index is None: thetas = thetas[index]
return thetas
def get_source_orbit(self, proj_count = None, index = None):
Get the source orbit.
proj_count: number of projections
index : index of the projection subset
src_pos : array of the source positions.
src2obj = self.src2obj
src_ort = self.parameters['src_ort']
src_tan = self.parameters['src_tan']
axs_tan = self.parameters['axs_tan']
axs_roll = self.parameters['axs_roll']
axs_pitch = self.parameters['axs_pitch']
# Create source orbit:
thetas = self.get_thetas(proj_count)
# src_ort may be a vector or a scalar:
org = numpy.outer(src_ort, [0,0,1])
src_vect, src_tan, src_rad, serc_orth = circular_orbit(src2obj, thetas, roll = axs_roll, pitch = axs_pitch, yaw = 0,
origin = org, tan_shift = src_tan - axs_tan, index = index)
return src_vect
def get_detector_orbit(self, proj_count = None, index = None):
Get the detector orbit.
proj_count: number of projections
index : index of the projection subset
det_pos : array of the detector positions.
det_tan : array of detector tangential directional vector
det_rad : array of detector radial directional vector
det_orth: array of detector orthogonal directional vector
det2obj = self.det2obj
# Detector translations:
det_ort = self.parameters['det_ort']
det_tan = self.parameters['det_tan']
# Rotation axis translations and rotations:
axs_tan = self.parameters['axs_tan']
axs_roll = self.parameters['axs_roll']
axs_pitch = self.parameters['axs_pitch']
# Detector rotations:
det_roll = self.parameters['det_roll']
det_yaw = self.parameters['det_yaw']
det_pitch = self.parameters['det_pitch']
# Create detector orbit:
thetas = self.get_thetas(proj_count)
# det_ort may be a vector or a scalar:
org = numpy.outer(det_ort, [0,0,1])
det_pos, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth = circular_orbit(det2obj, thetas, roll = axs_roll, pitch = axs_pitch, yaw = 180,
origin = org, tan_shift = -det_tan + axs_tan, index = index)
# Invert vectors to keep them alligned with the source vectors:
det_tan, det_rad, det_orth = -det_tan, -det_rad, -det_orth
# Apply detector rotations:
for ii in range(det_pos.shape[0]):
T = _axangle2mat_(det_rad[ii, :], det_roll)
det_tan[ii, :] = T.dot(det_tan[ii, :])
det_orth[ii, :] = T.dot(det_orth[ii, :])
T = _axangle2mat_(det_orth[ii, :], det_yaw)
det_tan[ii, :] = T.dot(det_tan[ii, :])
det_rad[ii, :] = T.dot(det_rad[ii, :])
T = _axangle2mat_(det_tan[ii, :], det_pitch)
det_rad[ii, :] = T.dot(det_rad[ii, :])
det_orth[ii, :] = T.dot(det_orth[ii, :])
return det_pos, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth
class helical(circular):
Helical orbit geometry class. Similar to the 'circular' class with additional parameter of helix
def __init__(self, src2obj = None, det2obj = None, det_pixel = None, img_pixel = None, axis_range = (0, 100), ang_range = (0, 720), unit = 'mm'):
Constructor for the helical geometry class.
src2obj : source to detector distance
det2obj : object to detector distance
det_pixel: detector pixel size
img_pixel: reconstruction volume voxel size (optional)
axis_range: range of the movement along the axis of rotation
ang_range: range of angles (default = 0..360)
unit : unit length (default = 'mm')
# Parent init:
circular.__init__(self, src2obj, det2obj, det_pixel, img_pixel, ang_range, unit)
# Additional parameters:
self.parameters['axs_rng'] = axis_range
def get_source_orbit(self, proj_count = None, index = None):
Get the source orbit. In the base class it is a circular orbit.
src2obj = self.src2obj
src_ort = self.parameters['src_ort']
src_tan = self.parameters['src_tan']
axs_tan = self.parameters['axs_tan']
axs_roll = self.parameters['axs_roll']
axs_pitch = self.parameters['axs_pitch']
# Create source orbit:
thetas = self.get_thetas(proj_count)
# src_ort may be a vector or a scalar:
org = numpy.outer(src_ort, [0,0,1])
src_vect, src_tan, src_rad, src_orth = circular_orbit(src2obj, thetas, roll = axs_roll, pitch = axs_pitch, yaw = 0,
origin = org, tan_shift = src_tan - axs_tan, index = index)
# Add axial motion:
vrt = numpy.linspace(self.parameters['axs_rng'][0], self.parameters['axs_rng'][1], proj_count)
if index: vrt = vrt[index]
src_vect = src_vect + src_orth * vrt[:, None]
return src_vect
def get_detector_orbit(self, proj_count = None, index = None):
Get the detector orbit. In the base class it is a circular orbit.
det2obj = self.det2obj
# Detector translations:
det_ort = self.parameters['det_ort']
det_tan = self.parameters['det_tan']
# Rotation axis translations and rotations:
axs_tan = self.parameters['axs_tan']
axs_roll = self.parameters['axs_roll']
axs_pitch = self.parameters['axs_pitch']
# Detector rotations:
det_roll = self.parameters['det_roll']
det_yaw = self.parameters['det_yaw']
det_pitch = self.parameters['det_pitch']
# Create detector orbit:
thetas = self.get_thetas(proj_count)
# det_ort may be a vector or a scalar:
org = numpy.outer(det_ort, [0,0,1])
det_pos, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth = circular_orbit(det2obj, thetas, roll = axs_roll, pitch = axs_pitch, yaw = 180,
origin = org, tan_shift = -det_tan + axs_tan, index = index)
# Add axial motion:
vrt = numpy.linspace(self.parameters['axs_rng'][0], self.parameters['axs_rng'][1], proj_count)
if index: vrt = vrt[index]
det_pos = det_pos + det_orth * vrt[:, None]
# Invert vectors to keep them alligned with the source vectors:
det_tan, det_rad, det_orth = -det_tan, -det_rad, -det_orth
# Apply detector rotations:
for ii in range(det_pos.shape[0]):
T = _axangle2mat_(det_rad[ii, :], det_roll)
det_tan[ii, :] = T.dot(det_tan[ii, :])
det_orth[ii, :] = T.dot(det_orth[ii, :])
T = _axangle2mat_(det_orth[ii, :], det_yaw)
det_tan[ii, :] = T.dot(det_tan[ii, :])
det_rad[ii, :] = T.dot(det_rad[ii, :])
T = _axangle2mat_(det_tan[ii, :], det_pitch)
det_rad[ii, :] = T.dot(det_rad[ii, :])
det_orth[ii, :] = T.dot(det_orth[ii, :])
return det_pos, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth
class linear(basic):
A simple linear orbit geometry class.
def __init__(self, src2obj = None, det2obj = None, det_pixel = None, img_pixel = None,
src_hrz_rng = (0, 1), src_vrt_rng = (0, 1), det_hrz_rng = (1, 0), det_vrt_rng = (1, 0), unit = 'mm'):
Constructor for the linear geometry class.
src2obj : source to detector distance
det2obj : object to detector distance
det_pixel: detector pixel size
img_pixel: reconstruction volume voxel size (optional)
src_hrz_rng: source horizlontal movement range
src_vrt_rng: source vertical movement range
det_hrz_rng: detector horizlontal movement range
det_vrt_rng: detector vertical movement range
unit : unit length (default = 'mm')
# Parent init:
basic.__init__(self, src2obj, det2obj, det_pixel, img_pixel, unit)
# Additional parameters:
'src_hrz_rng':src_hrz_rng, # source vertical, horizlontal motion range
'det_hrz_rng':det_hrz_rng, # source vertical, horizlontal motion range
'det_roll':0, # detector rotations (in degrees)
def get_source_orbit(self, proj_count = None, index = None):
Get the source orbit. In the base class it is a circular orbit.
src2obj = self.src2obj
src_hrz_rng = self.parameters['src_hrz_rng']
src_vrt_rng = self.parameters['src_vrt_rng']
# Create source orbit:
src_vect, src_tan, src_rad, serc_ort = linear_orbit(src_hrz_rng, (-src2obj, -src2obj), src_vrt_rng, proj_count, index)
return src_vect
def get_detector_orbit(self, proj_count = None, index = None):
Get the detector orbit. In the base class it is a circular orbit.
det2obj = self.det2obj
det_hrz_rng = self.parameters['det_hrz_rng']
det_vrt_rng = self.parameters['det_vrt_rng']
# Detector rotations:
det_roll = self.parameters['det_roll']
det_yaw = self.parameters['det_yaw']
det_pitch = self.parameters['det_pitch']
# Create detector orbit:
det_pos, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth = linear_orbit(det_hrz_rng, (det2obj, det2obj), det_vrt_rng, proj_count, index)
# Apply detector rotations:
for ii in range(det_pos.shape[0]):
T = _axangle2mat_(det_rad[ii, :], det_roll)
det_tan[ii, :] = T.dot(det_tan[ii, :])
det_orth[ii, :] = T.dot(det_orth[ii, :])
T = _axangle2mat_(det_orth[ii, :], det_yaw)
det_tan[ii, :] = T.dot(det_tan[ii, :])
det_rad[ii, :] = T.dot(det_rad[ii, :])
T = _axangle2mat_(det_tan[ii, :], det_pitch)
det_rad[ii, :] = T.dot(det_rad[ii, :])
det_orth[ii, :] = T.dot(det_orth[ii, :])
return det_pos, det_tan, det_rad, det_orth
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Static methods >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
def tiles_shape(shape, geometry_list):
Compute the size of the stiched dataset.
shape: shape of a single projection stack.
geometry_list: list of geometries.
# Phisical detector size:
min_x, min_y = numpy.inf, numpy.inf
max_x, max_y = -numpy.inf, -numpy.inf
det_pixel = geometry_list[0].pixel
axs_hrz = 0
# Find out the size required for the final dataset
for geo in geometry_list:
bounds = geo.detector_bounds(shape)
min_x = min([min_x, bounds[1][0]])
min_y = min([min_y, bounds[0][0]])
max_x = max([max_x, bounds[1][1]])
max_y = max([max_y, bounds[0][1]])
axs_hrz += geo['axs_tan'] / len(geometry_list)
# Big slice:
new_shape = numpy.array([(max_y - min_y) / det_pixel[0], shape[1], (max_x - min_x) / det_pixel[1]])
new_shape = numpy.ceil(new_shape).astype('int') # safety margin..
# Copy one of the geometry records and sett the correct translation:
geometry = geometry_list[0].copy()
geometry['axs_tan'] = axs_hrz
geometry['det_tan'] = (max_x + min_x) / 2 + axs_hrz
geometry['det_ort'] = (max_y + min_y) / 2
# Update volume center:
geometry['vol_tra'][0] = (geometry['det_ort'] * geometry.src2obj + geometry['src_ort'] * geometry.det2obj) / geometry.src2det
geometry['vol_tra'][2] = axs_hrz
return new_shape, geometry
def astra_projection_geom(geom, data_shape, index = None):
Initialize ASTRA projection geometry.
geom : geometry class
data_shape: [detector_count_z, theta_count, detector_count_x]
index : if provided - sequence of the rotation angles
return geom.astra_projection_geom(data_shape, index)
def astra_volume_geom(geom, vol_shape, slice_first = None, slice_last = None):
Initialize ASTRA volume geometry.
return geom.astra_volume_geom(vol_shape, slice_first = None, slice_last = None)
def get_vectors(geom, angle_count, index = None):
Get source, detector and detector orientation vectors.
geom : geometry class
angle_count : number of rotation angles
index : index of angles that should be used
return geom.get_vectors(angle_count, index)
def detector_size(geom, proj_shape):
Get the size of detector in length units.
return geom.detector_size(proj_shape)
def detector_bounds(geom, proj_shape):
Get the boundaries of the detector in length units.
return geom.detector_bounds(proj_shape)
def volume_bounds(geom, proj_shape):
A very simplified version of volume bounds...
return geom.volume_bounds(proj_shape)
def volume_shape(geom, proj_shape):
Based on physical volume bnounds compute shape in pixels:
return geom.volume_shape(proj_shape)
def linear_orbit(hrz_rng, rad_rng, vrt_rng, proj_count, index = None):
Generate a linear orbit vector.
hrz_rng: horizontal range of motion
rad_rng: radial range of motion
vrt_rng: vertical range of motion
position : position vector
tangent : tangent direction
radius : radal direction
orthogonal : orthogonal direction
h = numpy.linspace(hrz_rng[0], hrz_rng[1], proj_count)
r = numpy.linspace(rad_rng[0], rad_rng[1], proj_count)
v = numpy.linspace(vrt_rng[0], vrt_rng[1], proj_count)
position = numpy.stack((h, r, v)).transpose((1,0))
radius = numpy.zeros([proj_count, 3])
radius[:, 1] = 1
tangent = numpy.zeros([proj_count, 3])
tangent[:, 0] = 1
# Orthogonal to tangent and radius:
orthogonal = numpy.cross(radius, tangent)
if index is not None:
return position[index], tangent[index], radius[index], orthogonal[index]
return position, tangent, radius, orthogonal
def circular_orbit(radius, thetas, roll = 0, pitch = 0, yaw = 0,
origin = [0, 0, 0], tan_shift = 0, index = None):
Generate a circular orbit vector.
radius : orbit radius
angle_count: number of rotation angles
roll, pitch: define orientation of the rotation axis
yaw : initial angular position
origin : xyz vector of the orbit centre
tan_shift : tangential shift from the default position (scalar or array)
index : index of the subset of total rotation angles
position : position vector
tangent : tangent direction
radius : radal direction
orthogonal : orthogonal direction
# Generate axis and orthogonals:
M = _euler2mat_(pitch, roll, 0)
axis = M.dot([0, 0, 1])
tan0 = M.dot([1, 0, 0])
rad0 = M.dot([0, 1, 0])
# Genertate initial circular orbit:
M = _axangle2mat_(axis, yaw)
v0 = M.dot([0, -radius, 0])
tan0 = M.dot(tan0)
rad0 = M.dot(rad0)
position = numpy.zeros([len(thetas), 3])
tangent = numpy.zeros([len(thetas), 3])
radius = numpy.zeros([len(thetas), 3])
for ii, theta in enumerate(thetas):
Rt = _axangle2mat_(axis, theta)
position[ii, :] = Rt.dot(v0)
tangent[ii, :] = Rt.dot(tan0)
radius[ii, :] = Rt.dot(rad0)
# Apply origin shift:
if numpy.ndim(origin) == 1:
position += numpy.array(origin)[None, :]
position += numpy.array(origin)
# Apply other shifts:
if numpy.size(tan_shift) == 1:
position += tangent * tan_shift
position += tangent * tan_shift[:, None]
# Orthogonal to tangent and radius:
orthogonal = numpy.cross(radius, tangent)
if index is not None:
return position[index], tangent[index], radius[index], orthogonal[index]
return position, tangent, radius, orthogonal
def _convertAxesToScipy(axes):
# convert from transforms3d convention to scipy convention
if axes[0] == 'r':
# 'rxyz', rotating/intrinsic axes -> XYZ
return axes[1:].upper()
elif axes[0] == 's':
# 'sxyz', static/extrinsic axes -> xyz
return axes[1:].lower()
# assumed to be already in scipy format
return axes
def _mat2euler(M, axes='sxyz'):
seq = _convertAxesToScipy(axes)
return scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_matrix(M).as_euler(seq=seq, degrees=True)
def _euler2mat_(a, b, c, axes='sxyz'):
seq = _convertAxesToScipy(axes)
return scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler(seq=seq, angles=[a,b,c], degrees=True).as_matrix()
def _axangle2mat_(ax, a):
a = numpy.deg2rad(a)
x,y,z = ax
n = numpy.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
x = a*x/n
y = a*y/n
z = a*z/n
return scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_rotvec([x,y,z]).as_matrix()