Source code for flexcalc.pipeline

# >>> Imports >>>

import numpy
import gc
import os
import re
import pickle
import time
from copy import deepcopy

#from glob import glob        

from flexdata import data as dt
from flexdata import geometry
from flexdata import display
from flexdata import correct

from flextomo import projector
from flexcalc import process
from flexcalc import analyze

from import logger

# >>> Classes >>>

[docs] class Buffer: """ Each node has an input and output buffer. It will be in read-only or write-only state. Buffer can store a memmap data and a metadata record. """ def __init__(self, path, writer_node, shape = (1, 1, 1), dtype = 'float32'): """ Initialize buffer. """ # Find an appropriate the directory: if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) # Don't assign a file before buffer is activated! self.filename = '' self.path = path # Init data and geometry: self._data_ = None self._geom_ = None self._misc_ = None # Data attributes: self._dshape_ = None self._dtype_ = None # Init links to the writer/reader nodes: self.writer_node = writer_node self.reader_node = None self.readonly = False #logger.print(writer_node.node_name + ' created a buffer!') def __copy__(self): logger.print('Attempt to copy a buffer!') return None def _get_filename_(self): """ Find an unused filename: """ if self.filename: if os.path.exists(self.filename): return None # Create a dir if needed: if not os.path.exists(self.path): os.mkdir(self.path) # Get all files to add one at the end of the list: files = dt.get_files_sorted(self.path, 'scratch') # Get the new index: if files == []: index = 0 else: exist = [int(re.findall('\d+', f)[-1]) for f in files] index = min([ii for ii in numpy.arange(9999) if ii not in exist]) # Add new file: self.filename = os.path.join(self.path, 'scratch_%04u' % index)
[docs] def switch_readonly(self): """ Switch the buffer into reading mode. """ # Get a new name if needed: self._get_filename_() # Make sure that file was written on disk: if self._data_ is not None: self._data_.flush() dtype = self._data_.dtype shape = self._data_.shape else: dtype = 'float32' shape = (1,1,1) self._data_ = None gc.collect() # Link with a file (array can be modified but the file stays read-only): # Previous option made a copy and ofter run out of memory. Now we use read-only. self._data_ = numpy.memmap(self.filename, dtype = dtype, mode = 'r', shape = shape) self.readonly = True
[docs] def switch_writeonly(self): """ Switch the buffer into writing mode. """ # Get a new name if needed: self._get_filename_() dshape = self.dshape dtype = self.dtype # Release memmap: self._data_ = None gc.collect() # Link with a file: self._data_ = numpy.memmap(self.filename, dtype = dtype, mode = 'w+', shape = dshape) self.readonly = False
[docs] def switch_offline(self): ''' Switch buffers to offline to be able to serialize node tree and save them on disk. ''' if self._data_ is None: return self._dtype_ = self._data_.dtype self._dshape_ = self._data_.shape self._data_ = None gc.collect()
[docs] def switch_online(self): ''' Switch buffers to online after loading the node tree from disk or after backing it up. ''' if not self.filename: return if self.readonly: self._data_ = numpy.memmap(self.filename, dtype = self._dtype_, mode = 'c', shape = self._dshape_) else: self._data_ = numpy.memmap(self.filename, dtype = self._dtype_, mode = 'w+', shape = self._dshape_)
[docs] def suicide(self): """ Remove file from disk and delete variables. """ self._data_ = None self._geom_ = None self._misc_ = None gc.collect() if os.path.exists(self.filename): os.remove(self.filename) logger.print('Deleted a memmap file @' + self.filename) self.filename = ''
@property def dshape(self): if not self._data_ is None: return self._data_.shape else: return (1, 1, 1) @dshape.setter def dshape(self, shape): """ Change the shape of the buffered data. """ if self.readonly: logger.error('Attempt to write into read-only block!') dtype = self.dtype self._data_ = None gc.collect() self._data_ = numpy.memmap(self.filename, dtype = dtype, mode = 'w+', shape = tuple(shape)) self._dshape_ = self._data_.shape @property def dtype(self): if not self._data_ is None: return self._data_.dtype else: return 'float32' @dtype.setter def dtype(self, shape): """ Change the type of the buffered data. """ if self.readonly: logger.error('Attempt to write into read-only block!') dtype = self.dtype self._data_ = None gc.collect() self._data_ = numpy.memmap(self.filename, dtype = dtype, mode = 'w+', shape = tuple(shape)) self._dtype_ = self._data_.dtype
[docs] def set_data(self, data): ''' Write the data array. ''' if self.readonly: logger.error('Attempt to write into read-only block!') # Check free space: buffer_gb = data.nbytes / 1e9 free_gb = dt.free_disk(self.filename) logger.print('Writing buffer of %1.1fGB (%u%% of current disk space).' % (buffer_gb, 100 * buffer_gb / free_gb)) # We will open data here again in case the shape or type changed: self._data_ = None gc.collect() self._data_ = numpy.memmap(self.filename, dtype = data.dtype, mode = 'w+', shape = data.shape) self._data_[:] = data self._data_.flush() self._dtype_ = self._data_.dtype self._dshape_ = self._data_.shape
[docs] def get_data(self): ''' Read the data array. ''' if self._data_ is None: logger.error('Attempt to read an empty buffer!') # Check free space: buffer_gb = self._data_.nbytes / 1e9 free_gb = dt.free_memory(False) logger.print('Retrieving buffer of %1.1fGB (%u%% of current RAM).' % (buffer_gb, 100 * buffer_gb / free_gb)) return self._data_
[docs] def get_geom(self): ''' Read the meta record. ''' if self.readonly: return deepcopy(self._geom_) else: return self._geom_
[docs] def set_geom(self, geom): ''' Write the meta record. ''' if self.readonly: logger.error('Attempt to write into read-only block!') self._geom_ = geom
[docs] def get_misc(self): ''' Read the meta record. ''' if self.readonly: return deepcopy(self._misc_) else: return self._misc_
[docs] def set_misc(self, misc): ''' Write the misc record. ''' if self.readonly: logger.error('Attempt to write into read-only block!') self._misc_ = misc
def __del__(self): # This can be a copy of an original buffer. Suicide only on request! #self.suicide() pass
# States: _NSTATE_PENDING_ = 0 _NSTATE_ACTIVE_ = 1 _NSTATE_DEACTIVATED_ = 2 # Types of nodes: _NTYPE_BATCH_ = 0 _NTYPE_GROUP_ = 1
[docs] class Node: """ Class responsible for processing of a single block of data. It has two buffers: input and output. Three states: waiting, active, ready Three methods: start, action, finish """ # Default node type: node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_ node_name = 'Default node' def __init__(self, scheduler, arguments, inputs): """ Initialize ... """ # Buffers: self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = [] # Parent: self.scheduler = scheduler # Initial state and type: self.state = _NSTATE_PENDING_ # Arguments: self.arguments = arguments logger.print('Initializing node: ' + self.node_name) # Call the initialize method defined in the sub-class: self.initialize()
[docs] def state2str(self): """ Report my state. """ if self.state == _NSTATE_PENDING_: return 'PENDING' elif self.state == _NSTATE_ACTIVE_: return 'ACTIVE' elif self.state == _NSTATE_DEACTIVATED_: return 'DEACTIVATED' else: return 'UNKNOWN'
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initializtion callback. Override this in sub-classes """ self.init_outputs(1)
[docs] def runtime(self): """ Runtime callback. Override this in sub-classes """ # Pass data from the input buffer to output without change: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] def init_outputs(self, count): """ Create output buffers. """ for ii in range(count): buffer = Buffer(self.scheduler._scratch_path_, self) # By default, buffer meta record is passed from parent to child: if len(self.inputs) > 0: geom = self.inputs[0].get_geom() misc = self.inputs[0].get_misc() buffer.set_geom(geom) buffer.set_misc(misc) self.outputs.append(buffer)
[docs] def get_outputs(self, index): """ Get data, geom and misc from a buffer using index """ buf = self.outputs[index] return buf.get_data(), buf.get_geom(), buf.get_misc()
[docs] def get_inputs(self, index): """ Get data, geom and misc from a buffer using index """ buf = self.inputs[index] # We will make a copy of a read-only memmap buffer to allow some operations to perform computations on this variable. return buf.get_data().copy(), buf.get_geom().copy(), buf.get_misc().copy()
[docs] def set_outputs(self, index, data, geom = None, misc = None): """ Set data, geom and misc from a buffer using index """ if not data is None: self.outputs[index].set_data(data) if not geom is None: self.outputs[index].set_geom(geom) if not misc is None: self.outputs[index].set_misc(misc)
[docs] def offline(self): """ Switch node to offline (switch its buffers to offline). This is needed for backing up nodes. """ for buf in self.outputs: buf.switch_offline()
[docs] def online(self): """ Switch node to online (switch its buffers to online). This is needed for backing up nodes. """ for buf in self.outputs: buf.switch_online()
[docs] def get_parents(self): """ Get parent nodes. """ nodes = [] for buffer in self.inputs: node = buffer.writer_node nodes.append(node) return nodes
[docs] def isready(self): """ Check if the node is ready. """ # Check if parent nodes are deactivated: for node in self.get_parents(): if node.state != _NSTATE_DEACTIVATED_: return False if self.state != _NSTATE_PENDING_: return False return True
[docs] def activate(self): """ Switch input buffers to read-only mode and output buffers to write-only. """ logger.title('Activating node: ' + self.node_name) # Check if parent nodes are deactivated: if not self.isready(): logger.error('Attempt to activate a wrong node. Check node state and parent nodes states.') # Switch buffers to read/write: for buffer in self.inputs: buffer.switch_readonly() for buffer in self.outputs: buffer.switch_writeonly() # Change state and run: self.state = _NSTATE_ACTIVE_ self.runtime() # If success, change state: self.deactivate()
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ Kill all inputs. Switch all outputs to read-only mode. """ # Check if the node is in correct state: if self.state != _NSTATE_ACTIVE_: logger.error('Attempt to deactivate node that is not on an active state!') # Clean up memory! gc.collect() self.state = _NSTATE_DEACTIVATED_ # Check if the output buffer is if[0].dshape) < 1000: logger.warning('Node output buffer is too small!') # Switch states of the buffers: for buffer in self.outputs: buffer.switch_readonly() for buffer in self.inputs: buffer.suicide()
[docs] def get_children(self): """ Get children nodes. """ nodes = [] if self.outputs != []: for buffer in self.outputs: node = buffer.reader_node if node is not None: if node.node_type == _NTYPE_GROUP_: # If nodes is a group node, all buffers end up in a single node: return [node, ] else: nodes.append(node) return nodes else: return []
[docs] def cleanup(self): ''' Remove files: ''' # Delete files: for buffer in self.outputs: buffer.suicide() for buffer in self.inputs: buffer.suicide()
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Node classes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[docs] class batch_node(Node): """ A standard batch node based on a given callback function. Callback function is saved as the first argument in the argument list. """ node_name = 'batch' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) callback = self.arguments[0] args = self.arguments[1] if data != []: #out = callback(data, geom, **args) out = callback(data, **args) # If there is output pass it further down the pipeline: if out is None: out = data self.set_outputs(0, out, geom, misc) data = None gc.collect()
[docs] class info_node(Node): """ Print data info. """ node_name = 'Buffer Info' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): logger.title('Found %u buffers.' % len(self.inputs)) for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(ii) logger.print('Data shape: ' + str(data.shape)) logger.print('Data range: ' + str([data.min(), data.max()])) logger.print('Geometry:') logger.print(geom) self.set_outputs(ii, data, geom, misc) data = None gc.collect()
[docs] class adjust_geometry_node(Node): """ Adjust geometry using a user-specified callback. NB: Geometries may get reset or adjusted further by certain types of nodes later in the pipeline. """ node_name = 'Adjust Geometry' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): callback = self.arguments[0] geoms = [] shapes = [] for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(ii) geoms.append(geom) shapes.append(data.shape) data = None gc.collect() geoms = callback(geoms, shapes) for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(ii) self.set_outputs(ii, data, geoms[ii], misc) data = None gc.collect()
[docs] class fdk_node(Node): """ Feldkamp reconstruction. """ node_name = 'FDK' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) (vol_shape, sirt) = self.arguments if vol_shape: vol = numpy.zeros(vol_shape, dtype = 'float32') else: vol = projector.init_volume(data) projector.settings.subsets = 10 projector.FDK(data, vol, geom) if sirt: projector.settings.bounds = [0, 9999] projector.SIRT(data, vol, geom, iterations = sirt) self.set_outputs(0, vol, geom, misc)
[docs] class crop_node(Node): """ Apply crop. """ node_name = 'Crop' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) (dim, width) = self.arguments data = dt.crop(data, dim, width, geom) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class bin_node(Node): """ Apply binning. """ node_name = 'Bin' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) dim = self.arguments[0] data = dt.bin(data, dim, geom) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class pad_node(Node): """ Apply autocrop. """ node_name = 'Pad' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) (width, dim, mode) = self.arguments data = dt.pad(data, dim, width, mode, geom) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class beamhardening_node(Node): """ Apply beam hardening based on a single material approximation and an estimated spectrum. """ node_name = 'Beam-hardening correction' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) (file, compound, density) = self.arguments # Use toml files: if os.path.exists(file): spec = dt.read_toml(file) else: raise Exception('File not found:' + file) data = process.equivalent_density(data, geom, spec['energy'], spec['spectrum'], compound = compound, density = density) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class display_node(Node): """ Display data. """ node_name = 'Display' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) display_type = self.arguments[0] args = self.arguments[1] # Find callback: dictionary = {'slice': display.slice, 'max_projection': display.max_projection,'min_projection':display.min_projection,'pyqt_graph':display.pyqt_graph} if display_type not in dictionary.keys(): logger.error('Unknown display type!') callback = dictionary[display_type] callback(data, **args) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class autocrop_node(Node): """ Apply autocrop. """ node_name = 'Autocrop' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) data = process.autocrop(data) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class markernorm_node(Node): """ Find marker and normalize data using its intensity. """ node_name = 'Marker normalization' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) norm, size = self.arguments # Find the marker: a,b,c = analyze.find_marker(data, geom, size) rho = data[a-1:a+1, b-1:b+1, c-1:c+1].mean() logger.print('Marker density is: %2.2f' % rho) if abs(rho - norm) / rho > 0.2: logger.warning('Suspicious marker density: %0.2f. Will not apply correction!' % rho) else: data *= (norm / rho) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class threshold_node(Node): """ Apply a soft threshold. """ node_name = 'Soft threshold' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) (mode, threshold) = self.arguments process.soft_threshold(data, mode, threshold) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class cast2type_node(Node): """ Apply autocrop. """ node_name = 'Cast to type' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) (dtype, bounds) = self.arguments logger.print('Casting data to ' + str(dtype)) data = dt.cast2type(data, dtype, bounds) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class flatlog_node(Node): """ Apply flat-field and dark-field correction. Take -log(x). """ node_name = 'Flatlog' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) (usemax, flats, darks, sample, transpose, updown) = self.arguments if usemax: # Use data-driven flat field correction: data = process.flatfield(data) else: path = misc.get('path') if path == []: logger.error('Path to data not found in the metadata.') # Read darks and flats: if darks: dark = dt.read_stack(path, darks, sample, sample, dtype = 'float32', transpose = transpose, updown = updown) if dark.ndim > 2: dark = dark.mean(1) data -= dark[:, None, :] else: dark = 0 if flats: flat = dt.read_stack(path, flats, sample, sample, dtype = 'float32', transpose = transpose, updown = updown) if flat.ndim > 2: flat = flat.mean(1) data /= (flat - dark)[:, None, :] numpy.log(data, out = data) data *= -1 # Fix nans and infs after log: data[~numpy.isfinite(data)] = 10 # TODO: make sure that all functions return data! self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class vol_merge_node(Node): """ Merge volumes node. """ node_name = 'Merge volumes' node_type = _NTYPE_GROUP_
[docs] def initialize(self): self.init_outputs(1)
[docs] def runtime(self): # Determine Total Bounds: tot_bounds = numpy.zeros((3, 2)) # Find bounds of the volumes: for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(ii) bounds = geom.volume_bounds(data.shape) tot_bounds[:, 0] = numpy.min([bounds[:, 0], tot_bounds[:, 0]], axis = 0) tot_bounds[:, 1] = numpy.max([bounds[:, 1], tot_bounds[:, 1]], axis = 0) geom = self.inputs[ii].get_geom() tot_geom = deepcopy(geom) tot_geom['vol_tra'] = (tot_bounds[:, 1] + tot_bounds[:, 0]) / 2 tot_bounds = tot_bounds[:, 1] - tot_bounds[:, 0] tot_shape = (numpy.ceil(tot_bounds / tot_geom['img_pixel'])).astype('int') # Update buffer shape and get a link to it: self.outputs[0].dshape = tot_shape self.outputs[0].set_geom(tot_geom) tot_data = self.outputs[0].get_data() # Append volumes: for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(ii) process.append_volume(data, geom, tot_data, tot_geom, ramp = data.shape[0]//10)
[docs] class derotate_node(Node): """ Derotate projections by geom['det_roll']. """ node_name = 'Derotate projections' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) angle = self.arguments if angle is None: angle = geom['det_roll'] if angle != 0: logger.print('Derotating the detector image!') angle = numpy.rad2deg(angle) process.rotate(data, -angle, axis = 1) geom['det_roll'] = 0 self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class proj_merge_node(Node): """ Merge projections node. """ node_name = 'Merge projections' node_type = _NTYPE_GROUP_
[docs] def initialize(self): # The assumption is that all datasets are of the same size and resolution! # List of geometries and unique source positions: geoms_list = [] src_list = [] # First, we need to check how many unique source positions there are. # Create a separate sub-group of geometries for each source position. for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): geom = self.inputs[ii].get_geom() if geom is None: logger.error('geometry record not found!') src = [geom['src_ort'], geom['src_tan']] if src_list is []: src_list.append(src) geoms_list.append([geom,]) elif src not in src_list: src_list.append(src) geoms_list.append([geom,]) else: index = src_list.index(src) geoms_list[index].append(geom) # Save geoms_list for runtime: self._geoms_list_ = geoms_list # Number of outputs = number of unique source positions: self.init_outputs(len(self._geoms_list_))
[docs] def runtime(self): data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) shape = data.shape # Compute a total geometry for each source position: for ii, geoms in enumerate(self._geoms_list_): # Total geometry and shape for a single unique source position: tot_shape, tot_geom = geometry.tiles_shape(shape, geoms) # Create outputs: self.outputs[ii].dshape = tot_shape self.outputs[ii].set_geom(tot_geom) # Retrieve a list of unique sources: sources = [] for ii in range(len(self.outputs)): geom = self.outputs[ii].get_geom() sources.append([geom['src_ort'], geom['src_tan']]) # Add tiles one by one: for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): # Find a unique source position: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(ii) src = [geom['src_ort'], geom['src_tan']] index = sources.index(src) # Get the corresponding output tot_data, tot_geom, tot_misc = self.get_outputs(index) # Derotate tile if needed: if geom['det_roll'] != 0: logger.print('Derotating the detector image!') angle = numpy.rad2deg(geom['det_roll']) process.rotate(data, -angle, axis = 1) geom['det_roll'] = 0 # Append tile: process.append_tile(data, geom, tot_data, tot_geom)
[docs] class optimize_node(Node): """ Use auto-focusing to optimize geometry parameters. Its a group node - it will wait untill all previous nodes are ready before activating. """ node_name = 'Optimize' node_type = _NTYPE_GROUP_
[docs] def initialize(self): # Initialize as many outputs as there are inputs: self.init_outputs(len(self.inputs))
[docs] def runtime(self): (values, key, tile_index, sampling, metric) = self.arguments # Either optimize based on one tile or run all of them. if tile_index is None: for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(ii) process.optimize_modifier(values + geom[key], data, geom, samp = sampling, key = key, metric = metric) self.set_outputs(ii, data, geom, misc) data = None gc.collect() else: # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(tile_index) val = process.optimize_modifier(values + geom[key], data, geom, samp = sampling, key = key, metric = metric) for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(ii) geom[key] = val self.set_outputs(ii, data, geom, misc) data = None gc.collect()
[docs] class registration_node(Node): """ Register volumes. """ node_name = 'Registration' node_type = _NTYPE_GROUP_
[docs] def initialize(self): # Initialize as many outputs as there are inputs: self.init_outputs(len(self.inputs))
[docs] def runtime(self): (subsamp, use_moments) = self.arguments # Either optimize based on one tile or run all of them. for ii in range(len(self.inputs)): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(ii) if ii == 0: data0 = data else: R, T = process.register_volumes(data0, data, subsamp = subsamp, use_moments = use_moments, use_CG = True) display.projection(data - data0, dim = 2, title = 'DIFF PRE') data = process.affine(data, R, T) display.projection(data - data0, dim = 2, title = 'DIFF POST') data0 = data self.set_outputs(ii, data, geom, misc) data = None gc.collect()
[docs] class writer_node(Node): """ Write data on disk. """ node_name = 'Writer' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def runtime(self): # Read data form a single buffer: data, geom, misc = self.get_inputs(0) (folder, name, dim, skip, compress) = self.arguments path = misc['path'] print('Writing data at:', os.path.join(path, folder)) dt.write_stack(os.path.join(path, folder), name, data, dim = dim, skip = skip, zip = compress) print('Writing meta to:', os.path.join(path, folder, 'geometry.toml')) dt.write_toml(os.path.join(path, folder, 'geometry.toml'), geom) self.set_outputs(0, data, geom, misc)
[docs] class reader_node(Node): node_name = 'Reader' node_type = _NTYPE_BATCH_
[docs] def initialize(self): ''' Initiallization callback of read_data. ''' # Get arguments: paths, name, sampling, shape, dtype, format, transpose, updown, proj_number, correction_profile, correct_vol_center = self.arguments paths = dt.get_folders_sorted(paths) # Create as many output buffers as there are paths: self.init_outputs(len(paths)) for ii, path in enumerate(paths): logger.print('Found data @ ' + path) # If present, read meta. # Warn if no correction profile set when reading metadata, and # also warn if correction profile *is* set when reading pre-parsed # geometry.toml file if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'metadata.toml')): if correction_profile is None: logger.warning("Not applying correction profile after reading metadata.toml.") geom = dt.parse_flexray_metadatatoml(path, sampling) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'scan settings.txt')): if correction_profile is None: logger.warning("Not applying correction profile after reading 'scan settings.txt'.") geom = dt.parse_flexray_scansettings(path, sampling) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'data settings XRE.txt')): if correction_profile is None: logger.warning("Not applying correction profile after reading 'data settings XRE.txt'.") geom = dt.parse_flexray_datasettings(path, sampling) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'geometry.toml')): if correction_profile is not None: logger.warning("Applying correction profile after reading geometry.toml.") geom = dt.read_geometrytoml(path, sampling) else: logger.warning('No meta data found.') geom = None if geom is not None and correction_profile is not None: geom = correct.correct(geom, profile=correction_profile) if geom is not None and correct_vol_center: geom = correct.correct_vol_center(geom) # Remember the path to the data using meta: misc = {'path':path} self.set_outputs(ii, None, geom, misc)
[docs] def runtime(self): # Get arguments: paths, name, sampling, shape, dtype, format, transpose, updown, proj_number, correction_profile, correct_vol_center = self.arguments paths = dt.get_folders_sorted(paths) # Read! for ii, path in enumerate(paths): logger.print('Reading data @ ' + path) array = dt.read_stack(path, name, sampling, sampling, shape = shape, dtype = dtype, format = format, transpose= transpose, updown = updown) self.set_outputs(ii, array) array = None gc.collect()
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SCHEDULER CLASS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[docs] class scheduler: ''' Class responsible for scheduling tasks by creating tree of processing nodes connected via buffers. Scheduler links to the root_node that provides an entry point to the node tree. ''' def __init__(self, _scratch_path_, clean_scratch = True): self.root_node = None if not _scratch_path_: logger.error('Scratch path is missing!') self._scratch_path_ = _scratch_path_ if clean_scratch: self._clean_scratch_dir_()
[docs] def draw_nodes(self): """ Draw the node tree. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx G = self._get_nodesgraph_() # Compute nodes positions: pos=networkx.drawing.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(G, prog='dot') plt.figure(figsize=(7,10)) plt.title('Node Tree', fontsize=15, fontweight = 'bold') # Draw edges: edge_color = [G.edges[key]['edgecolor'] for key in G.edges.keys()] networkx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edge_color = edge_color, width = 4, node_size = 500, alpha=0.3) # Draw nodes: node_color = [G.nodes[key]['fillcolor'] for key in G.nodes.keys()] networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_color = node_color, node_size = 500, alpha=0.3) networkx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, node_size = 500, with_labels=True, font_size = 12, font_weight = 'bold') plt.axis('off')
def _clean_scratch_dir_(self): """ Remove all scratch files in a directory. """ if os.path.exists(self._scratch_path_): # Find old scratch files: files = os.listdir(self._scratch_path_) for file in files: file_ = os.path.join(self._scratch_path_, file) if os.path.isfile(file_): logger.print('Removing scratch file @ ' + file_) os.remove(file_) def _free_buffers_(self): """ Get buffers that are at the end of the node tree. """ # Get nodes at the bottom of the tree: nodes = self._get_free_nodes_(self.root_node) # Get the buffers at the bottom: buffers = [] for node in nodes: buffers.extend(node.outputs) return buffers def _get_free_nodes_(self, node): """ Recursively go down the node tree and return the nodes at the bottom. """ # Nodes below the current one: nodes = node.get_children() if nodes == []: return [node,] else: subnodes = [] for node_ in nodes: free_nodes = self._get_free_nodes_(node_) # Check uniqness: for node in free_nodes: if node not in subnodes: subnodes.append(node) return subnodes def _count_nodes_(self, nodes, state): """ Count how many nodes of a particular state there are. """ count = 0 for node in nodes: if node.state == state: count += 1 return count def _state2color_(self, state): """ Small routine converting states to colors for drawing the node tree. """ if state == _NSTATE_PENDING_: return 'red' elif state == _NSTATE_ACTIVE_: return 'yellow' elif state == _NSTATE_DEACTIVATED_: return 'green' def _get_nodesgraph_(self): """ Returns networkx.MultiDiGraph object for the given node. """ import networkx # Directional multi-graph: G = networkx.Graph() level_no = 0 paren_level = [self.root_node,] name = ('[%u.%u]' % (0, 0)) + self.root_node.node_name G.add_node(name, fillcolor = self._state2color_(self.root_node.state)) #G.add_node(old_name) while paren_level: # Loop over nodes in old level: sub_no = 0 level = [] for ii, node in enumerate(paren_level): parent_name = ('[%u.%u]' % (level_no, ii)) + node.node_name # Make a new level making sure every node is unique: children = node.get_children() for child in children: # Add a unique link: if child not in level: level.append(child) sub_no += 1 child_name = ('[%u.%u]' % (level_no+1, sub_no - 1)) + child.node_name G.add_node(child_name, fillcolor = self._state2color_(child.state)) G.add_edge(parent_name, child_name, edgecolor = self._state2color_(child.state)) paren_level = level level_no += 1 return G def _get_nodes_(self, node, state = None): """ Returns nodes with the given status. """ if (state is None) or (node.state == state): out = [node,] else: out = [] children = node.get_children() for child in children: # get descendent nodes but only unique ones: nodes = self._get_nodes_(child, state) for node in nodes: if node not in out: out.append(node) return out def _get_nodeready_(self, node): """ Returns a single node that is ready for activation. """ if node is None: return None if node.state == _NSTATE_PENDING_: if node.isready(): return node else: # Node may be PENDING but waiting for a group output - in that case need to switch to another branch. return None # Return which ever is ready node: nodes = node.get_children() for node in nodes: out = self._get_nodeready_(node) if out is not None: return out return None
[docs] def backup(self): """ Save the node tree on disk. """ logger.print('Backing up the tree of nodes.') nodes = self._get_nodes_(self.root_node) # Count pending nodes: pend = self._count_nodes_(nodes, _NSTATE_PENDING_) deactive = self._count_nodes_(nodes, _NSTATE_DEACTIVATED_) active = self._count_nodes_(nodes, _NSTATE_ACTIVE_) logger.print('%u pending | %u active | %u deactivated' % (pend, active, deactive)) # Switch nodes to offline: for node in nodes: node.offline() # Serialize using pickle: file = os.path.join(self._scratch_path_, 'nodes.pickle') pickle_out = open(file, "wb") pickle.dump(nodes, pickle_out) pickle_out.close() # Put nodes back online: for node in nodes:
[docs] def restore_nodes(self): """ Load the node tree from disk. """ logger.print('Loading nodes tree.') file = os.path.join(self._scratch_path_, 'nodes.pickle') if not os.path.exists(file): logger.error('Backup file cannot be found!') pickle_in = open(file,"rb") nodes = pickle.load(pickle_in) # Get nodes to online state (link to memmaps): for node in nodes: # Clear outputbuffers, in case there is some garbage: if node.state == _NSTATE_ACTIVE_: for ii in range(len(self.outputs)): data = self.outputs[ii].get_data() data *= 0 self.root_node = nodes[0]
[docs] def schedule(self, node_class, arguments = []): """ Schedule nodes. """ # Create the first node if needed: if self.root_node is None: self.root_node = node_class(self, arguments, []) else: # Get free buffers: buffers = self._free_buffers_() # Create one node per buffer or one node for all buffers: if node_class.node_type == _NTYPE_BATCH_: for buffer in buffers: # Create an instance of a node: buffer.reader_node = node_class(self, arguments, [buffer,]) elif node_class.node_type == _NTYPE_GROUP_: node = node_class(self, arguments, buffers) for buffer in buffers: # Link all buffers with the same node: buffer.reader_node = node else: logger.error('Unknown node type:' + str(node_class.node_type))
[docs] def generic(self, callback, **arguments): """ Schedule a generic batch node with one input and one output using any given callback function. """ # Pass the callback as the first argument for batch_node: self.schedule(batch_node, (callback, arguments))
[docs] def FDK(self, vol_shape = None, sirt = 0): """ Schedule FDK reconstruction. Args: vol_shape : force reconstruction volume shape sirt : run a few iterations of SIRT with non-negativity constraint """ arguments = (vol_shape, sirt) self.schedule(fdk_node, arguments)
[docs] def soft_threshold(self, mode, threshold = None): """ Removes values smaller than the threshold value. Args: mode (str) : 'histogram', 'otsu' or 'constant' threshold (float): threshold value if mode = 'constant' """ arguments = (mode, threshold) self.schedule(threshold_node, arguments)
[docs] def beamhardening(self, file, compound, density): """ Single material beamhardening based on a file with an effective spectrum record. Args: file : filepath of the spectrum record compound: chemical formula of the specimen material density : density in g / cm3 """ arguments = (file, compound, density) self.schedule(beamhardening_node, arguments)
[docs] def markernorm(self, norm, size = 5): """ Find a marker and normalize density of that marker to match the given value Args: norm : value used for normalization size : size of the marker (diametre in mm) """ arguments = (norm, size) self.schedule(markernorm_node, arguments)
[docs] def pad(self, width, dim, mode = 'linear'): """ Schedule padding operation. """ arguments = (width, dim, mode) self.schedule(pad_node, arguments)
[docs] def bin(self, dim): """ Schedule a bin operation. """ arguments = (dim,) self.schedule(bin_node, arguments)
[docs] def crop(self, dim, width): """ Schedule a crop operation. """ arguments = (dim, width) self.schedule(crop_node, arguments)
[docs] def autocrop(self): """ Schedule autocrop operation. """ self.schedule(autocrop_node)
[docs] def cast2type(self, dtype, bounds = None): """ Schedule a cast to type operation. Args: """ arguments = (dtype, bounds) self.schedule(cast2type_node, arguments)
[docs] def buffer_info(self): """ Print data and meta info. """ self.schedule(info_node)
[docs] def adjust_geometry(self, callback): """ Adjust geometry. Args: callback (callable): user-provided function that takes a list of geometry and a list of shapes, and returns a list of new geometries """ arguments = (callback, ) self.schedule(adjust_geometry_node, arguments)
[docs] def read_data(self, paths, name, *, sampling = 1, shape = None, dtype = 'float32', format = None, transpose = [1, 0, 2], updown = True, proj_number = None, correct, correct_vol_center = True): """ Schedule an image stack reader. Often will be the first node in the queue. Args: """ arguments = (paths, name, sampling, shape, dtype, format, transpose, updown, proj_number, correct, correct_vol_center) self.schedule(reader_node, arguments)
[docs] def write_data(self, path, name, dim = 0, skip = 1, compress = True): """ Schedule an image stack writer. Args: """ arguments = (path, name, dim, skip, compress) self.schedule(writer_node, arguments)
[docs] def display(self, display_type, **argin): self.schedule(display_node, [display_type, argin])
[docs] def derotate(self, ang = None): """ Schedule a to derotate the detector. Args: ang: angle to derotate with, if None - get it from geom['det_roll']. """ self.schedule(derotate_node, ang)
[docs] def merge(self, mode = 'projections'): """ Schedule a data merge operation. Args: mode(str): use 'projections' or 'volume', depending on the type of the input. """ if mode == 'projections': self.schedule(proj_merge_node) elif mode == 'volume': self.schedule(vol_merge_node) else: logger.error('Unknown mode!')
[docs] def flatlog(self, usemax = False, flats = '', darks = '', sample = 1, transpose = [1, 0, 2], updown = True): """ Read flats and darks and apply them to projection data or use 'usemax' mode to perform a data-driven correction. """ arguments = (usemax, flats, darks, sample, transpose, updown) self.schedule(flatlog_node, arguments)
[docs] def optimize(self, values, key = 'axs_hrz', tile_index = None, sampling = [5, 1, 1], metric = 'highpass'): """ Optimize a parameter using parameter range, geometry key, tile number and sub-sampling. """ arguments = (values, key, tile_index, sampling, metric) self.schedule(optimize_node, arguments)
[docs] def registration(self, subsamp = 1, use_moments = False): """ Register volumes. """ arguments = (subsamp, use_moments) self.schedule(registration_node, arguments)
[docs] def report(self): """ Print the node tree. """ time.sleep(0.3) logger.title('Reporting nodes:') nodes = self._get_nodes_(self.root_node, state = None) for node in nodes: print(node.node_name + ' : ' + node.state2str())
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Remove files after a succesfull run. """ logger.title('Cleaning up.') gc.collect() # Find ready nodes: nodes = self._get_nodes_(self.root_node, _NSTATE_DEACTIVATED_) # Cleanup nodes: for node in nodes: node.cleanup()
[docs] def run(self): """ Run scheduled nodes. """ logger.title('*** Runtime ***') # Save a checkpoint: self.backup() # Find a pending node: node = self._get_nodeready_(self.root_node) # Run nodes until they are finished: while node: # Activate next node: logger.print('____________________________________') node.activate() # Save a checkpoint: self.backup() # Next node ready: node = self._get_nodeready_(self.root_node) logger.title('*** End Runtime ***')