Source code for flexcalc.analyze

@author: Alex Kostenko
This module contains data analysis routines.

# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Imports >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
import os
import numpy

from scipy import ndimage
from scipy import signal

from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from flexdata import display
from flexdata import data

from flextomo import phantom
from flextomo import projector
from flextomo import model

from import logger

# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Methods >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

[docs] def get_background(array, mode = 'histogram'): ''' Get the background intensity. ''' # Compute air if needed: if mode == 'histogram': x, y = histogram(array[::2,::2,::2], log = True, plot = False) # Make sure there are no 0s: y = numpy.log(y + 1) y = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(y, sigma=1) # Find air maximum: air_index = numpy.argmax(y) flat = x[air_index] elif mode == 'sides': # Get the intensity of the sides: left = array[:, :, 0:10].mean(2) right = array[:, :, 0:10].mean(2) left = left.max(1) right = left.max(1) linfit = interp1d([0,1], numpy.vstack([left, right]).T, axis=1) flat = linfit(numpy.linspace(0, 1, array.shape[2])) flat = flat.astype(array.dtype) else: logger.error('Unknown mode: ' + mode) return flat
[docs] def histogram(data, nbin = 256, rng = [], plot = True, log = False): """ Compute histogram of the data. """ #print('Calculating histogram...') data2 = data[::2, ::2, ::2] if rng == []: mi = min(data2.min(), 0) ma = numpy.percentile(data2, 99.99) else: mi = rng[0] ma = rng[1] y, x = numpy.histogram(data2, bins = nbin, range = [mi, ma]) # Set bin values to the middle of the bin: x = (x[0:-1] + x[1:]) / 2 if plot: display.plot(x, y, semilogy = log, title = 'Histogram') return x, y
[docs] def intensity_range(data): """ Compute intensity range based on the histogram. Returns: a: position of the highest spike (typically air) b: 99.99th percentile c: center of mass of the histogram """ # 256 bins should be sufficient for our dynamic range: x, y = histogram(data, nbin = 256, plot = False) # Smooth and find the first and the third maximum: y = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(numpy.log(y + 0.1), sigma = 1) # Air: a = x[numpy.argmax(y)] # Most of the other stuff: b = numpy.percentile(data, 99.99) # Compute the center of mass excluding the high air spike +10% and outlayers: y = y[(x > a + (b-a)/10) & (x < b)] x = x[(x > a + (b-a)/10) & (x < b)] c = numpy.sum(y * x) / numpy.sum(y) return [a, b, c]
[docs] def centre(array): """ Compute the centre of the square of mass. """ data2 = array[::2, ::2, ::2].copy().astype('float32')**2 M00 = data2.sum() return [moment2(data2, 1, 0) / M00 * 2, moment2(data2, 1, 1) / M00 * 2, moment2(data2, 1, 2) / M00 * 2]
[docs] def moment3(array, order, center = numpy.zeros(3), subsample = 1): ''' Compute 3D image moments $mu_{ijk}$. Args: data(array): 3D dataset order(int): order of the moment center(array): coordinates of the center subsample: subsampling factor - 1,2,4... Returns: float: image moment ''' # Create central indexes: shape = array.shape array_ = array[::subsample, ::subsample, ::subsample].copy() for dim in range(3): if order[dim] > 0: # Define moment: m = numpy.arange(0, shape[dim], dtype = numpy.float32) m -= center[dim] data.mult_dim(array_, m[::subsample] ** order[dim], dim) return numpy.sum(array_) * (subsample**3)
[docs] def moment2(array, power, dim, centered = True): """ Compute 2D image moments (weighed averages) of the data. sum( (x - x0) ** power * data ) Args: power (float): power of the image moment dim (uint): dimension along which to compute the moment centered (bool): if centered, center of coordinates is in the middle of array. """ # Create central indexes: shape = array.shape # Index: x = numpy.arange(0, shape[dim]) if centered: x -= shape[dim] // 2 x **= power if dim == 0: return numpy.sum(x[:, None, None] * array) elif dim == 1: return numpy.sum(x[None, :, None] * array) else: return numpy.sum(x[None, None, :] * array)
[docs] def bounding_box(array): """ Find a bounding box for the volume based on intensity (use for auto_crop). """ # Avoid memory overflow! #data = data.copy() data2 = array[::2, ::2, ::2].copy().astype('float32') data2 = data.bin(data2) data2[data2 < binary_threshold(data2, mode = 'otsu')] = 0 integral = numpy.float32(data2).sum(0) # Filter noise: integral = ndimage.gaussian_filter(integral, 3) mean = numpy.mean(integral[integral > 0]) integral[integral < mean / 10] = 0 # Compute bounding box: rows = numpy.any(integral, axis=1) cols = numpy.any(integral, axis=0) b = numpy.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]] c = numpy.where(cols)[0][[0, -1]] integral = numpy.float32(data2).sum(1) # Filter noise: integral = ndimage.gaussian_filter(integral, 3) mean = numpy.mean(integral[integral > 0]) integral[integral < mean / 10] = 0 # Compute bounding box: rows = numpy.any(integral, axis=1) a = numpy.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]] # Add a safe margin: a_int = (a[1] - a[0]) // 20 b_int = (b[1] - b[0]) // 20 c_int = (c[1] - c[0]) // 20 a[0] = a[0] - a_int a[1] = a[1] + a_int b[0] = b[0] - b_int b[1] = b[1] + b_int c[0] = c[0] - c_int c[1] = c[1] + c_int a[0] = max(0, a[0] * 4) a[1] = min(array.shape[0], a[1] * 4) b[0] = max(0, b[0] * 4) b[1] = min(array.shape[1], b[1] * 4) c[0] = max(0, c[0] * 4) c[1] = min(array.shape[2], c[1] * 4) return a, b, c
[docs] def binary_threshold(data, mode = 'histogram', threshold = 0): ''' Compute binary threshold. Use 'histogram, 'otsu', or 'constant' mode. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print('Applying binary threshold...') if mode == 'otsu': threshold = threshold_otsu(data[::2,::2,::2]) elif mode == 'histogram': x, y = histogram(data[::2,::2,::2], log = True, plot = False) # Make sure there are no 0s: y = numpy.log(y + 1) y = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(y, sigma=1) plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y) # Find air maximum: air_index = numpy.argmax(y) print('Air found at %0.3f' % x[air_index]) # Find the first shoulder after air peak in the histogram spectrum: x = x[air_index:] yd = abs(numpy.diff(y)) yd = yd[air_index:] y = y[air_index:] # Minimum derivative = Saddle point or extremum: ind = signal.argrelextrema(yd, numpy.less)[0][0] min_ind = signal.argrelextrema(y, numpy.less)[0][0] plt.plot(x[ind], y[ind], '+') plt.plot(x[min_ind], y[min_ind], '*') # Is it a Saddle point or extremum? if abs(ind - min_ind) < 2: threshold = x[ind] print('Minimum found next to the air peak at: %0.3f' % x[ind]) else: # Move closer to the air peak since we are looking at some other material threshold = x[ind] - abs(x[ind] - x[0]) / 4 print('Saddle point found next to the air peak at: %0.3f' % x[ind]) elif mode == 'constant': pass else: raise ValueError('Wrong mode parameter. Can be histogram or otsu.') print('Threshold value is %0.3f' % threshold) return threshold
[docs] def find_marker(array, geometry, d = 5): """ Find a marker in 3D volume by applying a circular kernel with an inner diameter d [mm]. """ # TODO: it fail sometimes when the marker is adjuscent to something... #data = data.copy() # First subsample data to avoid memory overflow: data2 = array[::4, ::4, ::4] data2[data2 < 0] = 0 r = d / 4 # Get areas with significant density: t = binary_threshold(data2, mode = 'otsu') threshold = numpy.float32(data2 > t) # Create a circular kernel (take into account subsampling of data2): kernel = -0.5 * phantom.sphere(data2.shape, geometry, r * 2, [0,0,0]) kernel += phantom.sphere(data2.shape, geometry, r, [0,0,0]) kernel[kernel > 0] *= (2**3 - 1) print('Computing feature sizes...') # Map showing the relative size of feature data.convolve_kernel(threshold, kernel) A = threshold A[A < 0] = 0 A /= A.max() display.max_projection(A, dim = 0, title = 'Feature size.') print('Estimating local variance...') # Now estimate the local variance: B = ndimage.filters.laplace(data2) ** 2 B /= (numpy.abs(data2) + data2.max()/100) # Make sure that boundaries don't affect variance estimation: threshold = threshold == 0 threshold = ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(threshold) B[threshold] = 0 B = numpy.sqrt(B) B = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(B, 4) B /= B.max() display.max_projection(B, dim = 0, title = 'Variance.') # Compute final weight: A -= B # Make it dependent on absolote intensity: (could be dependent on distance from some value....) A *= numpy.sqrt(data2) #A -= numpy.sqrt((data2 - density)**2 + density / 10) print('A.max', A.max()) print('A.mean', A[A > 0].mean()) index = numpy.argmax(A) # Display: display.max_projection(A, dim = 0, title = 'Marker map') # Coordinates: a, b, c = numpy.unravel_index(index, A.shape) # Upsample: a *= 4 b *= 4 c *= 4 print('Found the marker at:', a, b, c) return a, b, c
[docs] def moments_orientation(data, subsample = 1): ''' Find the center of mass and the intensity axes of the image. Args: data(array): 3D input subsample: subsampling factor to to make it faster Returns: T, R: translation vector to the center of mass and rotation matrix to intensity axes ''' # find centroid: m000 = moment3(data, [0, 0, 0], subsample = subsample) m100 = moment3(data, [1, 0, 0], subsample = subsample) m010 = moment3(data, [0, 1, 0], subsample = subsample) m001 = moment3(data, [0, 0, 1], subsample = subsample) # Somehow this system of coordinates and the system of ndimage.interpolate require negation of j: T = [m100 / m000, m010 / m000, m001 / m000] # find central moments: mu200 = moment3(data, [2, 0, 0], T, subsample = subsample) / m000 mu020 = moment3(data, [0, 2, 0], T, subsample = subsample) / m000 mu002 = moment3(data, [0, 0, 2], T, subsample = subsample) / m000 mu110 = moment3(data, [1, 1, 0], T, subsample = subsample) / m000 mu101 = moment3(data, [1, 0, 1], T, subsample = subsample) / m000 mu011 = moment3(data, [0, 1, 1], T, subsample = subsample) / m000 # construct covariance matrix and compute rotation matrix: M = numpy.array([[mu200, mu110, mu101], [mu110, mu020, mu011], [mu101, mu011, mu002]]) #Compute eigen vecors of the covariance matrix and sort by eigen values: vec = numpy.linalg.eig(M)[1].T lam = numpy.linalg.eig(M)[0] # Here we sort the eigen values: ind = numpy.argsort(lam) # Matrix R is composed of basis vectors: R = numpy.array(vec[ind[::-1]]) # Makes sure our basis always winds the same way: R[2, :] = numpy.cross(R[0, :], R[1, :]) # Centroid: T = numpy.array(T) - numpy.array(data.shape) // 2 return T, R
[docs] def calibrate_spectrum(projections, volume, geometry, compound = 'Al', density = 2.7, threshold = None, iterations = 1000, n_bin = 10): ''' Use the projection stack of a homogeneous object to estimate system's effective spectrum. Can be used by process.equivalent_thickness to produce an equivalent thickness projection stack. Please, use conventional geometry. ''' #import random # Find the shape of the object: if threshold is not None: t = binary_threshold(volume, mode = 'constant', threshold = threshold) else: t = binary_threshold(volume, mode = 'otsu') segmentation = numpy.float32(volume > t) display.slice(segmentation, dim=0,title = 'Segmentation') # Crop: #height = segmentation.shape[0] #w = 15 #length = length[height//2-w:height//2 + w, : ,:] # Forward project the shape: print('Calculating the attenuation length.') length = numpy.zeros_like(projections) length = numpy.ascontiguousarray(length) projector.forwardproject(length, segmentation, geometry) projections[projections < 0] = 0 intensity = numpy.exp(-projections) # Crop to avoid cone artefacts: height = intensity.shape[0]//2 window = 10 intensity = intensity[height-window:height+window,:,:] length = length[height-window:height+window,:,:] # Make 1D: intensity = intensity[length > 0].ravel() length = length[length > 0].ravel() lmax = length.max() lmin = length.min() print('Maximum reprojected length:', lmax) print('Minimum reprojected length:', lmin) print('Selecting a random subset of points.') # Rare the sample to avoid slow times: #index = random.sample(range(length.size), 1000000) #length = length[index] #intensity = intensity[index] print('Computing the intensity-length transfer function.') # Bin number for lengthes: bin_n = 128 bins = numpy.linspace(lmin, lmax, bin_n) # Sample the midslice: #segmentation = segmentation[height//2-w:height//2 + w, : ,:] #projections_ = projections[height//2-w:height//2 + w, : ,:] #import flexModel #ctf = flexModel.get_ctf(length.shape[::2], 'gaussian', [1, 1]) #length = flexModel.apply_ctf(length, ctf) # TODO: Some cropping might be needed to avoid artefacts at the edges #flexUtil.slice(length, title = 'length sinogram') #flexUtil.slice(projections_, title = 'apparent sinogram') # Rebin: idx = numpy.digitize(length, bins) # Rebin length and intensity: length_0 = bins + (bins[1] - bins[0]) / 2 intensity_0 = [numpy.median(intensity[idx==k]) for k in range(bin_n)] # In case some bins are empty: intensity_0 = numpy.array(intensity_0) length_0 = numpy.array(length_0) length_0 = length_0[numpy.isfinite(intensity_0)] intensity_0 = intensity_0[numpy.isfinite(intensity_0)] # Get rid of tales: rim = len(length_0) // 20 length_0 = length_0[rim:-rim] intensity_0 = intensity_0[rim:-rim] # Dn't trust low counts! length_0 = length_0[intensity_0 > 0.05] intensity_0 = intensity_0[intensity_0 > 0.05] # Get rid of long rays (they are typically wrong...) #intensity_0 = intensity_0[length_0 < 35] #length_0 = length_0[length_0 < 35] # Enforce zero-one values: length_0 = numpy.insert(length_0, 0, 0) intensity_0 = numpy.insert(intensity_0, 0, 1) #flexUtil.plot(length_0, intensity_0, title = 'Length v.s. Intensity') print('Intensity-length curve rebinned.') print('Computing the spectrum by Expectation Maximization.') volts = geometry.description.get('voltage') if not volts: volts = 100 energy = numpy.linspace(5, max(100, volts), n_bin) mu = model.linear_attenuation(energy, compound, density) exp_matrix = numpy.exp(-numpy.outer(length_0, mu)) # Initial guess of the spectrum: spec = model.bremsstrahlung(energy, volts) spec *= model.scintillator_efficiency(energy, 'Si', rho = 5, thickness = 0.5) spec *= model.total_transmission(energy, 'H2O', 1, 1) spec *= energy spec /= spec.sum() #spec = numpy.ones_like(energy) #spec[0] = 0 #spec[-1] = 0 norm_sum = exp_matrix.sum(0) spec0 = spec.copy() #spec *= 0 # exp_matrix at length == 0 is == 1. Sum of that is n_bin # EM type: for ii in range(iterations): frw = epsilon = frw.max() / 100 frw[frw < epsilon] = epsilon spec = spec * / frw) / norm_sum # Make sure that the total count of spec is 1 - that means intensity at length = 0 is equal to 1 spec = spec / spec.sum() print('Spectrum computed.') #flexUtil.plot(length_0, title = 'thickness') #flexUtil.plot(mu, title = 'mu') #flexUtil.plot(_intensity, title = 'synth_counts') # synthetic intensity for a check: _intensity = import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Display: plt.figure() plt.semilogy(length[::200], intensity[::200], 'b.', lw=4, alpha=.8) plt.semilogy(length_0, intensity_0, 'g--') plt.semilogy(length_0, _intensity, 'r-', lw=3, alpha=.6) #plt.scatter(length[::100], -numpy.log(intensity[::100]), color='b', alpha=.2, s=4) plt.axis('tight') plt.title('Log intensity v.s. absorption length.') plt.legend(['raw','binned','solution']) # Display: plt.figure() plt.plot(energy, spec, 'b') plt.plot(energy, spec0, 'r:') plt.axis('tight') plt.title('Calculated spectrum') plt.legend(['computed','initial guess']) return energy, spec