# PyRMLSeg Relaxed multi-levelset segmentation package, with tomographically consistent refinement. This package provides the following functionalities: * Linear relaxation of multi-levelset based segmentation * Total Variation (TV) and Laplacian (smoothness) based denoising * Estimation of the segmentation gray values * Refinement of the segmentation, based on the local reconstructed residual error (RRE) It contains the code used for the following paper, which also provides a mathematical description of the concepts and algorithms used here: * H. Der Sarkissian, N. Viganò, and K. J. Batenburg, “A Data Consistent Variational Segmentation Approach Suitable for Real-time Tomography,” Fundam. Informaticae, vol. 163, pp. 1–20, 2018. Further information: * Free software: MIT License * Documentation: [https://cicwi.github.io/PyRMLSeg](https://cicwi.github.io/PyRMLSeg) ## Getting Started It takes a few steps to setup PyRMLSeg on your machine. We recommend installing [Anaconda package manager](https://www.anaconda.com/download/) for Python 3. ### Installing with conda Simply install with: ``` conda install -c cicwi rmlseg ``` ### Installing from source To install PyRMLSeg, simply clone this GitHub project. Go to the cloned directory and run PIP installer: ``` git clone https://github.com/cicwi/rmlseg.git cd rmlseg pip install -e . ``` ### Running the examples To learn more about the functionality of the package check out our examples folder. ## Authors and contributors * **Nicola VIGANÒ** - *Initial work* * **Henri DER SARKISSIAN** - *Initial work* See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/cicwi/rmlseg/contributors) who participated in this project. ## How to contribute Contributions are always welcome. Please submit pull requests against the `master` branch. If you have any issues, questions, or remarks, then please open an issue on GitHub. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [license](LICENSE.md) file for details.