# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Main module, where all the main functions can be found.
@author: Henri DER SARKISSIAN, Nicola VIGANĂ’
import numpy as np
def _close_to_0(x, tol=np.finfo(np.float32).eps):
return np.abs(x) < tol
def _gradientN(x):
num_dims = len(x.shape)
d = np.empty(np.concatenate(([num_dims], x.shape)), dtype=x.dtype)
for ii in range(num_dims):
pad_widths = [(0, 0)] * num_dims
pad_widths[ii] = (0, 1)
x_tmp = np.pad(x, pad_widths, mode='constant')
d[ii, ...] = np.diff(x_tmp, n=1, axis=ii)
return d
def _divergenceN(x):
num_dims = x.shape[0]
d = np.empty(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype)
for ii in range(num_dims):
pad_widths = [(0, 0)] * num_dims
pad_widths[ii] = (1, 0)
x_tmp = np.pad(x[ii, ...], pad_widths, mode='constant')
d[ii, ...] = np.diff(x_tmp, n=1, axis=ii)
return np.sum(d, axis=0)
def _laplacianN(x):
num_dims = len(x.shape)
d = np.empty(np.concatenate(([num_dims], x.shape)), dtype=x.dtype)
for ii in range(num_dims):
pad_widths = [(0, 0)] * num_dims
pad_widths[ii] = (1, 1)
x_tmp = np.pad(x, pad_widths, mode='edge')
d[ii, ...] = np.diff(x_tmp, n=2, axis=ii)
return np.sum(d, axis=0)
[docs]def denoise(
img, iterations=50, lambda_tv=1e-2, lambda_smooth=1e-2, img_max=255.0,
data_type = np.float32):
"""This function denoises the input image, based on the given TV and
smoothnes constraint weights.
It returns a denoised image.
:param img: The image (np.array_like)
:param iterations: Number of iterations (int)
:param lambda_tv: Weight of the TV regularization (float, default: 1e-2)
:param lambda_smooth: Weight of the smoothing regularization (float, default: 1e-2)
:param img_max: renormalization value (float, default: 255.0)
:param data_type: Expected data type (np.dtype, default: np.float32)
:returns: a denoised image
:rtype: np.array_like
img = np.array(img, dtype=data_type) / img_max
sigma_tv = 0.5
sigma_smooth = 1.0 / (4.0 * len(img.shape))
tau = 1 / (1 + (2 * lambda_tv + 4 * lambda_smooth) * len(img.shape))
x = img
xe = x
qimg = np.zeros_like(img)
qtv = np.zeros(np.concatenate(([len(img.shape)], img.shape)))
ql = np.zeros_like(img)
for ii in range(iterations):
qimg += img - xe
qimg /= np.fmax(1, np.abs(qimg))
qtv += _gradientN(xe) * sigma_tv
qtv /= np.fmax(1, np.sqrt(np.sum(qtv ** 2, axis=0)))
ql += _laplacianN(xe) * sigma_smooth
ql /= np.fmax(1, np.abs(ql))
xn = x + tau * (qimg + lambda_tv * _divergenceN(qtv) - lambda_smooth * _laplacianN(ql))
xe = xn + (xn - x)
x = xn
x *= img_max
return x
[docs]def regularize_levelsets(
img, rhos, iterations=50, lambda_tv=1e-1, lambda_smooth=None,
weight_norm_p=2, dataterm_norm_p=1, lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None,
"""This function computes the regularization of the input image, based on
the given expected level values and regularization weights.
It returns the regularized image.
:param img: The image (np.array_like)
:param rhos: Expected levels (np.array_like)
:param iterations: Number of iterations (int)
:param lambda_tv: Weight of the TV regularization (float, default: 1e-1)
:param lambda_smooth: Weight of the smoothing regularization (float, default: None)
:param weight_norm_p: l_p norm of the weights (int, default: 2)
:param dataterm_norm_p: l_p norm of the data term (int, default: 1)
:param lower_limit: Lower limit of the image, used for clipping (float, default: None)
:param upper_limit: Upper limit of the image, used for clipping (float, default: None)
:param data_type: Expected data type (np.dtype, default: np.float32)
:returns: a regularized image
:rtype: np.array_like
rhos = np.array(rhos, dtype=data_type)
img = np.array(img, dtype=data_type)
rhos_shape = np.concatenate((rhos.shape, [1] * len(img.shape)))
rhos_exp = np.reshape(rhos, rhos_shape)
W_prime = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) - rhos_exp
W_prime = np.abs(W_prime) ** weight_norm_p
W_second = 1 / (W_prime + _close_to_0(W_prime))
W_rhos = W_second / np.sum(W_second, axis=0)
sigma_rhos = 1 / (W_rhos + _close_to_0(W_rhos))
sigma1_rhos = 1 / (1 + sigma_rhos)
x = np.zeros_like(img)
x[:] = rhos[np.argmax(W_rhos, axis=0)]
xe = x
tau = np.sum(W_rhos + (W_rhos == 0), axis=0)
if lambda_tv is not None:
sigma_tv = 0.5
tau += 2 * lambda_tv * len(img.shape)
qtv = np.zeros(np.concatenate(([len(img.shape)], img.shape)), dtype=data_type)
if lambda_smooth is not None:
sigma_smooth = 1.0 / (4.0 * len(img.shape))
tau += 4 * lambda_smooth * len(img.shape)
ql = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=data_type)
tau = 1 / tau
q_rhos = np.zeros(np.concatenate(([rhos.size], img.shape)), dtype=data_type)
for ii in range(iterations):
q_rhos += rhos_exp - xe
if dataterm_norm_p == 1:
q_rhos /= np.fmax(1, np.abs(q_rhos))
elif dataterm_norm_p == 12:
q_rhos /= np.fmax(1, np.sqrt(np.sum(q_rhos ** 2, axis=0)))
elif dataterm_norm_p == 2:
q_rhos *= sigma1_rhos
x_upd = np.sum(W_rhos * q_rhos, axis=0)
if lambda_tv is not None:
qtv += _gradientN(xe) * sigma_tv
qtv /= np.fmax(1, np.sqrt(np.sum(qtv ** 2, axis=0)))
x_upd += lambda_tv * _divergenceN(qtv)
if lambda_smooth is not None:
ql += _laplacianN(xe) * sigma_smooth
ql /= np.fmax(1, np.abs(ql))
x_upd -= lambda_smooth * _laplacianN(ql)
xn = x + tau * x_upd
if lower_limit is not None:
xn = np.fmax(xn, lower_limit)
if upper_limit is not None:
xn = np.fmin(xn, upper_limit)
xe = xn + (xn - x)
x = xn
return x
[docs]def refine_rre(
img, rhos, local_rre, iterations=50, lambda_tv=1.0, weight_norm_p=1,
dataterm_norm_p=1, data_type=np.float32):
"""This function computes the refinement of the segmented image, based on
the given locally reconstructed residual.
It returns the refined image.
:param img: The image (np.array_like)
:param rhos: Expected levels (np.array_like)
:param local_rre: Locally reconstructed residual error (np.array_like)
:param iterations: Number of iterations (int)
:param lambda_tv: Weight of the TV regularization (float, default: 1.0)
:param weight_norm_p: l_p norm of the weights (int, default: 1)
:param dataterm_norm_p: l_p norm of the data term (int, default: 1)
:param data_type: Expected data type (np.dtype, default: np.float32)
:returns: a refined regularized image
:rtype: np.array_like
sigma_tv = 0.5
local_rre_norm = np.fmax(local_rre.copy().astype(data_type), 0) / rhos.max()
local_confidence = np.fmax(1 - local_rre_norm, 0) ** weight_norm_p
sigma = local_confidence.copy()
sigma = 1 / (sigma + _close_to_0(sigma))
sigma1 = 1 / (1 + sigma)
tau = local_confidence + _close_to_0(local_confidence)
tau = 1 / (tau + (2 * lambda_tv) * len(img.shape))
x = np.array(img, dtype=data_type)
xe = x
qa = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=data_type)
qtv = np.zeros(np.concatenate(([len(img.shape)], img.shape)), dtype=data_type)
for ii in range(iterations):
qa += img - xe
if (dataterm_norm_p == 1):
qa /= np.fmax(1, np.abs(qa))
elif (dataterm_norm_p == 2):
qa *= sigma1
qtv += _gradientN(xe) * sigma_tv
qtv /= np.fmax(1, np.sqrt(np.sum(qtv ** 2, axis=0)))
xn = x + tau * (local_confidence * qa + lambda_tv * _divergenceN(qtv))
xe = xn + (xn - x)
x = xn
return x
[docs]def estimate_rhos(p, projs, img, rhos0=None, iterations=100, dataterm_norm_p=1):
"""This function estimates the levelset values from the current
segmentation and the available projections.
It returns the etimated rhos.
:param p: Projector from tomo module
:param projs: The object projections (np.array_like)
:param img: The segmented image (np.array_like)
:param rhos0: Initial estimation of the rhos (np.array_like, default: None)
:param iterations: Number of iterations (int)
:param dataterm_norm_p: l_p norm of the data term (int, default: 1)
:returns: estimated rhos
:rtype: np.array_like
num_rhos = len(rhos0 or np.unique(img))
p_x = np.empty(np.concatenate(([num_rhos], projs.shape)), dtype=projs.dtype)
for ii in range(num_rhos):
p_x[ii, ...] = p.fp(img == ii)
sigma = np.sum(p_x, axis=0)
sigma = 1 / (sigma + _close_to_0(sigma))
sigma1 = 1 / (1 + sigma)
tau = 1 / np.sum(np.reshape(p_x, (num_rhos, -1)), axis=1)
rhos = np.array(rhos0 or np.sum(projs * sigma * p_x) * tau)
rhos_e = rhos
q = np.zeros_like(projs)
rhos_e_shape = np.concatenate((rhos_e.shape, np.ones((len(img.shape)), dtype=np.intp)))
for ii in range(iterations):
res = projs - np.sum(p_x * np.reshape(rhos_e, rhos_e_shape), axis=0)
q += res * sigma
if dataterm_norm_p == 1:
q /= np.fmax(1, np.abs(q))
elif dataterm_norm_p == 2:
q *= sigma1
upd = np.sum(np.reshape(q * p_x, (num_rhos, -1)), axis=1) * tau
rhos_n = rhos + upd
rhos_e = rhos_n + (rhos_n - rhos)
rhos = rhos_n
return rhos
[docs]def segment_simple(img, rhos):
"""This function computes the simple segmentation of the input image, based
on the given expected level values.
It returns the regularized image.
:param img: The image (np.array_like)
:param rhos: Expected levels (np.array_like)
:returns: The segmented image
:rtype: np.array_like
rhos = np.array(rhos)
pos = np.argsort(rhos)
rhos = rhos[pos]
thr = rhos[0:-1] + np.diff(rhos) / 2
x = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=np.int)
for ii, t in enumerate(thr):
x[img > t] = pos[ii+1]
return x
[docs]def segment_levelset(img, rhos, *args, **kwds):
"""This function computes the simple segmentation of the input image, based
on the given expected level values and regularization weights.
It returns the segmented image.
:param img: The image (np.array_like)
:param rhos: Expected levels (np.array_like)
:param iterations: Number of iterations (int)
:param lambda_tv: Weight of the TV regularization (float, default: 1e-2)
:param lambda_smooth: Weight of the smoothing regularization (float, default: None)
:param weight_norm_p: l_p norm of the weights (int, default: 2)
:param dataterm_norm_p: l_p norm of the data term (int, default: 1)
:param lower_limit: Lower limit of the image, used for clipping (float, default: None)
:param upper_limit: Upper limit of the image, used for clipping (float, default: None)
:returns: a segmented image
:rtype: np.array_like
img_ls = regularize_levelsets(img, rhos, *args, **kwds)
return segment_simple(img_ls, rhos)